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Yay Veeeeeeegas. Topmodel Adriana Lima ist zwar fuer Fotoaufnahmen in der Spielerstadt Las Vegas, aber gewiss hat sie auch ein bisschen die Sau rausgelassen. Bestimmt! // Yay Veeeeeeegas. Topmodel Adriana Lima is for a shoot in the fabulous city Las Vegas, but we are sure that she also has a lot of fun there. Definitely! Supplied by to face


Glamour time- nennt It-Girl Paris Hilton das. Okay Paris, Glamour heisst Eleganz. Brueste zeigen ist einfach nur billig. // Glamour time- says It-girl Paris Hilton to this. Okay Paris, glamour is elegance. To show boobs is just brummagern. Supplied by to face


Ja er wuerde dir auch sein Hemd geben - schreibt Reality-Star Kris Jenner. Igitt, mal ganz ehrlich. Hat die 59 Jaehrige denn etwa so noetig, dass sie sich schon an den 20jaehrigen Justin Bieber ranschmeisst? // Yep, he would give you the shirt - writes Reality-star Kris Jenner. Yugh, honestly, is the 59 years old Kris so desperate that she has to flirt with the 20 years old Justin Bieber? Supplied by to face


Kendall Jenner on Cara Delevingne. Ob das auch im privaten Leben so ist? Denn laut Modezar Karl Lagerfeld sollen die beiden ja ein Paar sein. Ein huebsches Paerchen auf jeden Fall. // Kendall Jenner on Cara Delevingne. If this is also in the real life? Then due to fashion-icon Karl Lagerfeld are they two a couple. A beautiful couple for sure. Supplied by to face


Los, gib mir einen Kuss. Nein, ich will nicht! Ja was ist denn da los? Ist die Romantik bei dem "No Country For Old Men"-Schauspieler Javier Bardem und der "Volver"-Darstellerin Penelope Cruz etwa schon raus? // Come on, give me a kiss. No, I don't want. What happens? Is the romantic gone away by the "No Country For Old Men"-actor Javier Bardem and "Volver"-actress Penelope Cruz? Supplied by to face


Familienausflug bei den Kardashians. Kim und Ehemann Kanye West vergnuegen sich mit Toechterchen North im Zoo. Aber warum ist Kanye so im Tarnlook unterwegs? Will er sich etwa hinter den Straeuchern verstecken und so der ganzen Kardashian-Familie entwischen? // Family time at the Kardashians. Kim and her husband Kanye West are in the zoo with daughter North. But why is Kanye wearing this camouflage look? Does he want to dodge behind the trees and so escape the whole Kardashian-family? Supplied by to face


Neben der Koenigin Joan Collins sehe ich noch aus wie ein kleines Haeschen- dachte sich wohl Kelly Osbourne. Ja, um so eine Ikone zu werden wie Joan, hat sie noch einen weiten Weg vor sich. // On the side of Queen Joan Collins I'm like a little, fresh bunny - seems to think Kelly Osbourne. Well, to be such a icon like Joan it's a long, long way. Supplied by to face


Da ist aber jemand gelenkig. Das duerfte den "Twilight"- Star Robert Pattinson aber besonders freuen. Denn schliesslich ist die britische R&B- Saengerin FKA Twigs seine Freundin. // Wow, there is somebody very flexible. That's good for the "Twilight"-star Robert Pattinson. Then this is his girlfriend R&B-singer FKA Twigs. Supplied by to face


Stolz praesentiert Hilaria Baldwin ihr wachsendes Babybaeuchlein. Unglaublich! Die Frau von Alec Baldwin duerfte jetzt ungefaehr Anfang des 5. Monats sein und noch immer sieht man bei ihr die Bauchmuskeln. // Proudly presents Hilara Baldwin her growing baby bump. Unbelievable. The wife from Alec Baldwin is round about in the 5th month and you still can see her abdominals. Supplied by to face


Ja Leute, dieses Jahr nehme ich mindestens wieder einen Oscar mit heim. Ihr werdet sehen. Siegessicher gibt sich Reese Witherspoon, die fuer den Film "Wild" mit dem Oscar fuer die Beste Hauptdarstellerin nominiert ist. Wir druecken die Daeumchen! // Yep, you will see. I'll take one at home. The "Wild"- actress Reese Withespoon is sure, that she'll get the Oscar as the Best Actress. Supplied by to face


Aw, wie suess. Ob die traurigen Blicke des Affens die Mamagefuehle bei Model Hayden Pannetiere geweckt haben? Der Affe scheint sie jedenfalls nicht mehr loslassen zu wollen. Haw..// Haw, so cute. If the sad eyes from the monkey promt the mommy-feelings from model Hayden Pannetiere? The monkey doesn't seem to let her go. Supplied by to face


Das Schneehaeschen Gwyneth Paltrow entspannt beim Skifahren. Naja, vielleicht entspannt sie auch nicht. Denn schliesslich ist ihr Sportprogramm knallhart. Und Skifahren verbraucht mal locker 400 kcal die Stunde. // The snow bunny Gwenyth Paltrow relaxes at skiing. Well, maybe she doesn't relaxe. At all her fitness plan is one of the hardest. And at skiing you burn around 400 calories per hour. Supplied by to face


Dieses Jahr will die Katze in Form kommen und deswegen tritt der Reallity-Star Daniela Katzenberger kraeftig in die Pedale. Aber ergibt das ueberhaupt Sinn? Denn angeblich ist Daniela schwanger und dann waechst auch trotz Sport das Babybaeuchlein. // The Reality-star Daniela Katzenberger want's to be fit this year and so she pedals. But does it makes sense? There is the rumor that she is pregnant and then her baby bump will grow nevertheless. Supplied by to face


Wenn es schneit, dann freut sich die australische Saengerin Kylie Minogue aber richtig. Auch wenn fuer sie die Minusgrade eher gewoehnungsbeduerftig sind. // When the snow falls, then is the Australian singer Kylie Minogue really happy. Even when she isn't used to the freezy cold. Supplied by to face


Wie um alles in der Welt schafft Topmodel Sara Sampaio bei dieser Pose so sexy und gelassen rueber zu kommen? Wenn wir dazu im Fitness-Studio gezwungen werden, machen wir eher ein gequaeltes Gesicht. // How on earth does topmmodel Sara Sampaio make thise pose and can be so sexy and relaxed at the same time? When we do this at the gym we make more a wry face. Supplied by to face


Ja was haben wir denn da? John Mayer wartet nach dem Super Bowl auf seine Ex-Freundin, "Roar"-Saengerin Katy Perry. Sind die beiden damit doch wieder offiziell zusammen? // What's that? John Mayer waits after the Super Bowl of his ex, "Roar"-singer Katy Perry. Does it mean that they are again a couple? Supplied by to face


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Cara Delevingne NON-EXCLUSIVE Tuesday 3rd February 2015 Job: 150203UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Reese Witherspoon NON-EXCLUSIVE Tuesday 3rd February 2015 Job: 150203UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Tallulah Willis NON-EXCLUSIVE Tuesday 3rd February 2015 Job: 150203UT5 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Pink NON-EXCLUSIVE Tuesday 3rd February 2015 Job: 150203UT4 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Gary Barlow, Mark Owen & Howard Donald NON-EXCLUSIVE Tuesday 3rd February 2015 Job: 150203UT2 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Georgia May Foote NON-EXCLUSIVE Tuesday 3rd February 2015 Job: 150203UT2 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Katy Perry NON-EXCLUSIVE Tuesday 3rd February 2015 Job: 150203UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Cara Santana NON-EXCLUSIVE Tuesday 3rd February 2015 Job: 150203UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


Wow, so ein Glueck muss man haben. Nicht nur, dass das Lieblingsteam der "Toxic"- Saengerin Britney Spears den Super Bowl gewonnen hat. Nein, da trifft sie sogar noch ihre Lieblings-Rocklegende Steven Tyler. Kein Wunder, dass Britney voellig aus dem Haeuschen war. // Wow, she's so lucky! Not only that Britney Spears' favourite team won the Super Bowl XLIX, she also meets her favourite rock legend Steven Tyler from Aerosmith. No wonder that she was thrilled. Supplied by to face


Lenny Kravitz praesentiert vor seinem Halbzeitauftritt mit Katy Perry beim Super Bowl ganz stolz seine Gibson-Gitarre. Hach, aber der Mann hinter der Gitarre ist einfach viel geiler fuer uns Frauen. // Before his performance together with Katy Perry in the Super Bowl XLIX Halftime Show Lenny Kravitz proudly presents his Gibson guitar. Well, the man holding it is much hotter to us girls. Supplied by to face


Was macht denn der "Wolverine"-Star Hugh Jackman da fuer eine komische Verrenkung? Filmt er sich etwa dabei, wie er zu Katy Perrys Auftritt beim Super Bowl tanzt? Also das Video haetten wir doch nur zu gern. // What is Wolverine-star Hugh Jackman doing there? Is he filming himself while dancing during Katy Perry's performance at the Super Bowl? Oh, we would want to see that video! Supplied by to face


Go,Pats, Go! Natuerlich feuert Topmodel Gisele Buendchen ihren Ehemann Tom Brady, Quarterback bei den New England Patriots, richtig an. Und es hat geholfen - die Patriots haben gewonnen. // Go, Pats, Go! Of course, topmodel Gisele Buendchen cheers for her husband Tom Brady who is Quarterback for the New England Patriots. And it worked - the Patriots won the Super Bowl XLIX. Supplied by to face


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel announce that they are expecting their first child together over social media with a sweet snap of Jessica's growing baby bump, a pic shared on Justin's birthday on January 31st, 2015, one of just a few rare candid and personal pics that the often private pop star and those close to him-like pal Taylor Swift- have shared about his life on social media. Picture shows: Justin Timberlake having fun spending time with one of his childhood heroes, country legend Garth Brooks, while backstage after a show, in this fun pic he recently shared on social media on December 4th, 2014. Justin says: ??sOne of my IDOLS. Garth... You are a MASTER of your craft. I am in awe of you, still.??? NON-EXCLUSIVE February 2, 2015 Job: 150202B1 Hollywood, CA USA


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel announce that they are expecting their first child together over social media with a sweet snap of Jessica's growing baby bump, a pic shared on Justin's birthday on January 31st, 2015, one of just a few rare candid and personal pics that the often private pop star and those close to him-like pal Taylor Swift- have shared about his life on social media. Picture shows: Justin Timberlake showing off his domestic side and his gold wedding band as he wears an apron and a black beanie hat while working the electric mixer and baking in the kitchen over the recent Christmas holidays, in this fun and humorous pic he recently shared on social media on December 25th, 2014. Justin says: ??sJust so y'all know who was doing the baking today... Yeah, buddy! Your boy got it in! Merry Christmas and stuff??S??? NON-EXCLUSIVE February 2, 2015 Job: 150202B1 Hollywood, CA USA


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel announce that they are expecting their first child together over social media with a sweet snap of Jessica's growing baby bump, a pic shared on Justin's birthday on January 31st, 2015, one of just a few rare candid and personal pics that the often private pop star and those close to him-like pal Taylor Swift- have shared about his life on social media. Picture shows: Justin Timberlake as an adorable little boy playing a tiny toy guitar or banjo while surrounded by other musicians, in this super cute Throwback pic he shared on social media on July 10th, 2014. Justin says: ??s#TBT No Flex Zone??S??? NON-EXCLUSIVE February 2, 2015 Job: 150202B1 Hollywood, CA USA


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel announce that they are expecting their first child together over social media with a sweet snap of Jessica's growing baby bump, a pic shared on Justin's birthday on January 31st, 2015, one of just a few rare candid and personal pics that the often private pop star and those close to him-like pal Taylor Swift- have shared about his life on social media. Picture shows: Justin Timberlake as an adorable little boy celebrating Christmas and showing off some of his presents (including a toy sword and shield) in this adorable Throwback pic he shared of himself on social media on July 17th, 2014. Justin says: ??s#TBT We Made It??S??? NON-EXCLUSIVE February 2, 2015 Job: 150202B1 Hollywood, CA USA


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel announce that they are expecting their first child together over social media with a sweet snap of Jessica's growing baby bump, a pic shared on Justin's birthday on January 31st, 2015, one of just a few rare candid and personal pics that the often private pop star and those close to him-like pal Taylor Swift- have shared about his life on social media. Picture shows: Justin Timberlake as an adorable little boy picking a flower for his beloved mother Lynn, in this sweet Throwback pic and Mother???s Day message he shared on social media on May 11th, 2014. Justin says: ??sFlowers for ALL Moms!! I love you so much, Janet Lynn. #HappyMothersDay??? NON-EXCLUSIVE February 2, 2015 Job: 150202B1 Hollywood, CA USA


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel announce that they are expecting their first child together over social media with a sweet snap of Jessica's growing baby bump, a pic shared on Justin's birthday on January 31st, 2015, one of just a few rare candid and personal pics that the often private pop star and those close to him-like pal Taylor Swift- have shared about his life on social media. Picture shows: Justin Timberlake adjusting his suit and tie in front of a mirror backstage before going out to perform on one of the last dates on his 20/20 tour, in a behind the scenes snap he recently shared on social media on January 2nd, 2015. Justin says: ??sSuited up. Let's do this. #JT2020Tour #Finale??? NON-EXCLUSIVE February 2, 2015 Job: 150202B1 Hollywood, CA USA


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel announce that they are expecting their first child together over social media with a sweet snap of Jessica's growing baby bump, a pic shared on Justin's birthday on January 31st, 2015, one of just a few rare candid and personal pics that the often private pop star and those close to him-like pal Taylor Swift- have shared about his life on social media. Picture shows: Justin Timberlake spending time with wife Jessica Biel as the two relax on a bench together overlooking the ocean in New Zealand, in a rare couples pic Justin shared of the two on social media on October 13th, 2014. Justin says: ??s"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." --Ferris??? NON-EXCLUSIVE February 2, 2015 Job: 150202B1 Hollywood, CA USA


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel announce that they are expecting their first child together over social media with a sweet snap of Jessica's growing baby bump, a pic shared on Justin's birthday on January 31st, 2015, one of just a few rare candid and personal pics that the often private pop star and those close to him-like pal Taylor Swift- have shared about his life on social media. Picture shows: Justin Timberlake???s pregnant wife Jessica Biel looking happy as she wears minimal makeup and smiles behind a pretty floral wreath over the holidays while encouraging fans to shop and buy food locally and support local famers, in this sweet pic and message she recently shared on social media on December 8th, 2014. Jessica says: ??sSupport local Farmers this holiday and every other day of the year. Check out @goodeggsla??? NON-EXCLUSIVE February 2, 2015 Job: 150202B1 Hollywood, CA USA


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel announce that they are expecting their first child together over social media with a sweet snap of Jessica's growing baby bump, a pic shared on Justin's birthday on January 31st, 2015, one of just a few rare candid and personal pics that the often private pop star and those close to him-like pal Taylor Swift- have shared about his life on social media. Picture shows: Justin Timberlake showing off his love for his family as he smiles while taking in a Memphis Grizzlies basketball game with his beloved grandmother Sadie Bomar, in this sweet selfie he recently shared on social media on December 7th, 2014. Justin says: ??sNBD. Just flexin' real hard at this @memgrizz game with my Granny. She must be good luck... We won by 16. #GoGrizz #GoGranny??? NON-EXCLUSIVE February 2, 2015 Job: 150202B1 Hollywood, CA USA


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel announce that they are expecting their first child together over social media with a sweet snap of Jessica's growing baby bump, a pic shared on Justin's birthday on January 31st, 2015, one of just a few rare candid and personal pics that the often private pop star and those close to him-like pal Taylor Swift- have shared about his life on social media. Picture shows: Justin Timberlake as a young baseball playing boy, in this adorable Throwback pic and message he shared on social media on July 24th, 2014. Justin says: ??s#TBT "Flexin'... I'm just flexin???.??? NON-EXCLUSIVE February 2, 2015 Job: 150202B1 Hollywood, CA USA


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel announce that they are expecting their first child together over social media with a sweet snap of Jessica's growing baby bump, a pic shared on Justin's birthday on January 31st, 2015, one of just a few rare candid and personal pics that the often private pop star and those close to him-like pal Taylor Swift- have shared about his life on social media. Picture shows: Justin Timberlake already showing off his paternal side as he cuddles with his Goddaughter Sophia, in a sweet pic he shared on social media on September 4th, 2014. Justin says: ??s#TBT to hanging out with one of my favorite humans, my goddaughter Sophia??? NON-EXCLUSIVE February 2, 2015 Job: 150202B1 Hollywood, CA USA


??BAUER-GRIFFIN.COM Justin Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel announce that they are expecting their first child together over social media with a sweet snap of Jessica's growing baby bump, a pic shared on Justin's birthday on January 31st, 2015, one of just a few rare candid and personal pics that the often private pop star and those close to him-like pal Taylor Swift- have shared about his life on social media. Picture shows: Justin Timberlake already showing off his paternal side as he wishes his adorable Goddaughter, Sophia, a happy 3rd birthday, in this sweet pic and message he shared on social media on September 27th, 2014. Justin says: ??sMy Goddaughter, Princess Sophia. Currently TURNT SO FAR UP... #Happy3rdBdaySophia??? NON-EXCLUSIVE February 2, 2015 Job: 150202B1 Hollywood, CA USA


Topmodel Alessandra Ambrosio zeigt Makeup-Artist Christy Coleman ihre Lieblingsmaske. Die scheint noch nicht so ganz ueberzeugt zu sein. Ja sieht jetzt nicht sexy aus, aber was zaehlt ist doch das Ergebnis, Christy. // Topmodel Alessandra Ambrosio shows makeup artist Christy Coleman her beloved face mask. She doesn't seem very convinced. Well, it doesn't look sexy, but the result is the important thing, Christy. Supplied by to face


Welche Frau kann das schon? Kim Kardashian kann sich gleichzeitig schminken, ein Selfie machen und Bauch einziehen. Multitasking der hoechsten Stufe. // Which woman can do this? Kim Kardashian can at the same time do her make up, make a selfie and suck in her stomach. Multitasking at a high rate. Supplied by to face


Katy Perry war von ihrem Super Bowl - Auftritt so begeistert, dass sie danach sofort zum Taetowierer ging und die roemische Zahl fuer den 49. Super Bowl stechen liess. Ihre Performance ging ja auch einigen Zuschauern unter die Haut. // Katy Perry is so excited about her Super Bowl show that she let tattoo the Roman number for the 49th Super Bowl.Well, her show get also a lot of spectators under the skin. Supplied by to face


Selbst Tennisprofis entkommen nicht den amerikanischen Super Bowl. So laesst sich Steffi Graf vom Fieber ihres amerikanischen Ehemanns Andre Agassi mitreissen. So ganz kennt sie sich noch nicht damit aus, gesteht sie, aber Andre erklaert ihr alles geduldig.Na dann. // Even tennisprofessionals have to watch the Super Bowl. And so Steffi Graf let herself get carried away by the fever from her american husband Andre Agassi. She doesn't know all the rules, she explains, but Andre explains her very patiently. Supplied by to face


Mama, lass uns doch rein. Wir haben Hunger und hier draussen ist es eisig kalt. Ui, die armen Huendchen von Lady Gaga winseln um Einlass. Hoffentlich hatte die "Bad Romance"-Saengerin Erbarmen. // Mommy, let us in the house. We are so hungry and it's so cold outside. Haw, the poor dogs from Lady Gaga whimper to be let in. We hope the "Bad Romance"-singer had mercy on they. Supplied by to face


Samstagabend, alle gedresst und in Partylaune. Jetzt wird gefeiert und der Maennerwelt den Kopf verdreht. Wenn Kendall Jenner, Cara Delevingne und Kelly Osbourne auf die Piste gehen, ist fuer eine Menge Spass und Action gesorgt. // Saturday evening, everbody is dressed and in party mood. Now we celebrate and turn the men's head. When Kendall Jenner, Cara Delevingne and Kelly Osbourne are going out there will be a lot of fun and action. Supplied by to face


Auch wenn es draussen eiskalt ist, macht das "Cats"-Darstellerin Nicole Scherzinger gerade gar nichts aus. Denn sie kuschelt sich voller Freude an ihre Mama und Oma, die extra aus Hawaii eingeflogen sind, um sie einmal beim Musical spielen zu sehen. Hach, das ist Familie. // Even if it's cold outside, it's not a problem for the "Cats"- performer Nicole Scherzinger. Then she cuddles with mommy and granny, who cames from Hawaii just to see once Nicole in the musical. Haw, that's family. Supplied by to face


Kennen Sie den Film "Fear- Wenn Liebe Angst macht"? Vor 20 Jahren standen die noch unglaublich jungen und suessen Schaupielerinnen Reese Witherspoon und Alyssa Milano gemeinsam vor der Kamera. Inklusive Sonnyboy Mark Wahlberg. Also den muessen wir uns jetzt mal anschauen. // Do you know the movie "Fear"? 20 years ago the incredible young and sweet actresses Reese Witherspoon and Alyssa Milano was on camera together. Inclusive sonnyboy Mark Wahlberg. Time to watch this movie. Supplied by to face


Knuddeln, Kichern, Knutschen. Der Reality-Star Kim Kardashian wird, wenn es um Toechterchen North geht, zum echten Softi. Bei der gemeinsamen Schmusezeit vergisst sie alles um sich rum. // Cuddels, Kisses, Giggles. The Reality-star Kim Kardashian becomes a softie if she spends time with her daughter North. Then she forgets everything around her. Supplied by to face


Knutsch! Endlich sind die drei wieder vereint. Bei der Geburtstagsparty von "One Direction"- Saenger Harry Styles trafen sich die drei Topmodels Cara Delevingne, Gigi Hadid und Kendall Jenner endlich wieder. Und das wurde mit Gruppenkuscheln und knutschen gefeiert. // Kissssssss! At least the tree are back together. At the birthday party from "One Direction"-singer Harry Styles the tree topmodels Cara Delevingne, Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner met again. And they celebrat this with cuddles and kisses. Supplied by to face


Was fuer ein Blick. Was fuer ein Mann. Hach, der "Save Haven"-Darsteller Josh Duhamel sieht auch im Anzug einfach nur rrrrrrrrrrrrh aus. Ob uns den "Black Eyed Peas"-Frontfrau Fergie mal leihen wuerde? // What a look. What a man. The "Save Haven"-actor Josh Duhamel looks even in a suit like rrrrrrrroar. If the "Black Eyed Peas"-singer Fergie would loan us he just once? Supplied by to face


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Britney Spears NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Cody Simpson, Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner & Justin Bieber NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Crystal Hefner NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Crystal Hefner NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Daphne Joy NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Laura Whitmore NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT3 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Drew Barrymore NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Drew Barrymore NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Drew Barrymore & Jimmy Fallon NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Zayn Malik and One Direction with Katy Perry NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT5 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Mark-Francis Vandelli NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT5 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Chrissy Teigen & John Legend NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT5 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Carly Rae Jepsen NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT5 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Candice Swanepoel NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT4 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Gwyneth Paltrow NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT4 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Adriana Lima NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT5 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Nicole Richie NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT4 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Kris Jenner & Justin Bieber NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT4 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Austin Mahone NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT4 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Neymar Jr NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT3 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Tom Fletcher NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT2 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Hugh Jackman NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT2 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Imogen Thomas NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT2 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Bar Refaeli NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT2 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Ariana Grande NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT2 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Izabel Goulart NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT2 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Kim Kardashian NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Lenny Kravitz & John Legend NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Macklemore NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Neymar Jr NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Tara Reid NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Tara Reid NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Steven Tyler & Britney Spears NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Tallulah Willis NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Sam Smith NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Kim Kardashian NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Kim Kardashian NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Kelly Brook NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Justin Bieber NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Kate Hudson NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Justin Bieber NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: James Lock & Danielle Armstrong last Summer NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT3 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Katy Perry NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: John Legend NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Jordin Sparks NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Ireland Baldwin NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Gisele Bundchen NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Gordon Ramsey NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Hugh Jackman NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Gisele Bundchen's son's at the Superbowl NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Chrissy Teigen NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Ariana Grande NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Arnold Schwarzenegger NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


MUST BYLINE: EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Alicia Keys NON-EXCLUSIVE Monday 2nd February 2015 Job: 150202UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd: Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Coco NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Emily Ratajkowski NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Emily Ratajkowski NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Enrique Iglesias NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Freddie Prinze Jr NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Sam Smith NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT4 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Rihanna NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT4 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Peter Crouch NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT4 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Hulk Hogan NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT4 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Vin Diesel NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT3 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Nicole Scherzinger NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT3 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Naomi Campbell NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT3 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Tom Daley NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Taylor Swift NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Petra Nemcova NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Miley Cyrus NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Miley Cyrus NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Lily Allen NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Kim Kardashian NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Kim Kardashian NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Kesha NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Kanye West, Ellen Degeneres, Justin Bieber and Sam smith NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


EROTEME.CO.UK FOR UK SALES: Contact Caroline 44 207 431 1598 Celebrity social network pictures. Picture shows: Justin Bieber NON-EXCLUSIVE: Sunday 1st February 2015 Job: 150201UT1 London, UK EROTEME.CO.UK 44 207 431 1598 Disclaimer note of Eroteme Ltd does not claim copyright for this image. This image is merely a supply image and payment will be on supply/usage fee only.


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