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Daily Life around Lake Atitlan in Guatemala (44)

New Rada


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LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: The rising sun illuminates the mountain ridge across the lake while Santiago Atitlan remains in the shadows in the early morning on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. The lake sits among the Sierra Madre mountain range at an elevation of 5,125 feet, 155 feet short of a mile above sea level. Santiago Atitlan is the largest of multiple small towns that dot the shores around the lake where the population is predominantly descendants of the Mayan people and still wear traditional clothing on a daily basis. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: Agricultural workers pile into the back of a pickup truck on their way to the fields around Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. Pickup trucks are another one of the main forms of mass transportation in the rural areas of Guatemala which lack traditional mass transportation systems such as busses. People will wait along side the road or certain pick up locations and flag down passing trucks. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: Pickup trucks filled with locals ferry workers to and from the fields and smaller villages in and out of the larger towns throughout the day around Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. Pickup trucks are another one of the main forms of mass transportation in the rural areas of Guatemala which lack traditional mass transportation systems such as busses. People will wait along side the road or certain pick up locations and flag down passing trucks similar to taxis. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 24: Workers toss algae and other debris from the shore into the back of a pickup truck near the docks of Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 24, 2018. Over the past decade the locals have been dealing with a growing amount of algae growth and pollution in the lake from agricultural and urban runoff which if not dealt with will eventually make the lake unsafe for human use. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: A fisherman paddles his "cayuco" in the early morning on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. Cayuco's are a type of dugout canoe unique to Lake Atitlan where the log is cut in half and carved out from the outside which gives the boat and flat bottom that allows for much greater stability while out on the water. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: A fisherman pulls in a net into his cayuco in the early morning on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. In 1958 the government introduced black bass to the lake which quickly changed the ecosystem and caused a dramatic reduction and even extinction of some local species. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: A man carries long wooden shafts as he passes a brightly colored building in the heart of Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. Many of the buildings in the towns and villages around the lake are painted in vibrant colors which hide the age of the buildings which can date back to colonial times when the Spanish controlled much of the region. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 20: A man and boy ride on the front of a transport boat on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 20, 2018. Boats are the best way to get from town to town on the lake since there isn't a road that encircles the entire lake. Locals pay about 7 Quetzales (approximately 1 USD) for a trip while tourists pay higher prices. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 24: A woman carries laundry in a bucket on her head after washing it in the lake in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 24, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: A man walks past the shadow of a cross in the center of the town square outside of the Iglesia Cat??"lica Santiago Apostal, known as Saint James the Apostle Church in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. The Catholic Church is prominent in the lake region and in 1981 an American born Priest, Stanley Rother, was murdered in the Iglesia Cat??"lica Santiago Apostal by right-wing extremists during the height of the Guatemalan civil war. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 24: The sun sets over Volcan San Pedro and the docks of Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 24, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 21: A woman pulls algae and other debris from the shore into her cayuco on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 21, 2018. Over the past decade the locals have been dealing with a growing amount of algae growth and pollution in the lake from agricultural and urban runoff which if not dealt with will eventually make the lake unsafe for human use. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: Young boys hang out in the main town square at the center of Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: Two women take photographs with their cell phones on a dock in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. While the older generations hold onto older ways, many of the younger generations are quickly embracing modern technologies and cultural influences. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: A man walks down a narrow side street in the early morning light in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. Many small side streets and alleyways run through the towns around the lake in an almost organic way. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 22: A group of cayucos sit in the mouth of a small bay as the sun set streams through the clouds over Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 22, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 24: The sun sets over a public park as people play basketball and soccer on courts built by the town as Volcan San Pedro looms in the distance in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 24, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 24: Two teenagers look watch people play basketball and soccer on courts built by the town as the sun sets over Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 24, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 24: A group of teenagers play basketball on courts built by the town as Volcan San Pedro looms in the distance in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 24, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 21: Boys bathe and swim among the docks and partially flooded buildings along the shores of Lake Atitlan in San Pedro, Guatemala on January 21, 2018. Many locals will use the lake to bathe and wash clothes despite pressure from leaders to stop. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 21: Boys dive into the water from a dock near partially flooded buildings along the shores of Lake Atitlan in San Pedro, Guatemala on January 21, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 21: Boys go over the rules before seeing who can swim under the dock first near partially flooded buildings along the shores of Lake Atitlan in San Pedro, Guatemala on January 21, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 18: A group of men, some wearing traditional pants, chat in the main square during the evening shade in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 18, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 17: Women wearing traditional Mayan dress wait for a boat at the docks in San Pedro on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 17, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: School children run around a basketball court outside of a public school for morning exercises in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 17: A damaged boat sits among partially flooded buildings along the shores of Lake Atitlan in San Pedro, Guatemala on January 17, 2018. The water levels have been rising faster over the past few years overtaking many buildings built along the old waterlines. Despite multiple studies being conduct the reason for the quickened rise hasn't been identified. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: A shopkeeper is seen in his stall in the main market in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. Many shopkeepers stock their small spaces to the bring with product creating walls of color. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: Meats are seen hanged in a butchers shop in the main market of Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 24: Young men hangout in front of a colorful building on a corner in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 24, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 20: A woman weaves textiles using a back strap loom in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 20, 2018. Many of the local women still make their own cloths for themselves and their families using traditional methods that date back hundreds of years. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 20: A woman carries goods on her head as she walks through Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 20, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 20: A craftsman holds up a sandal in his shoe and leather shop in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 20, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 20: A young girl sits next to her tortilla stand outside of her house in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 20, 2018. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 20: Shelves filled with bundles of vibrant thread are seen in a shop in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 20, 2018. Many of the local women still make their own cloths for themselves and their families using traditional methods that date back hundreds of years. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: Women wash cloths in the lake as the sun rises over Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. Women continue to wash cloths in the lake even though the town built brand new wash stations only a dozen feet away in hopes to improve sanitary conditions in the lake. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: A decal of Jesus Christ adorns a Tuk Tuk in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. Many drivers personalize their Tuk Tuks by decorating them with decals, lights and sound systems. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: A Tuk Tuk zips past on the streets of Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. Tuk Tuk's are the main taxis around the lake with a ride costing only a few Quetzales, the currency of Guatemala. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: A boy sits on the base of a cross erected in the square outside of the Iglesia Cat??"lica Santiago Apostal, or Saint James the Apostle Church in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. The Catholic Church is prominent in the lake region and in 1981 an American born Priest, Stanley Rother, was murdered in the Iglesia Cat??"lica Santiago Apostal by right-wing extremists during the height of the Guatemalan civil war. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: A rooster struts around the upper patio of a home in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. Many families keep smaller livestock in their homes to help provide food. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: An elderly man wearing traditional Mayan pants walks along a street in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. Traditional Mayan clothing still mostly worn by women in the Guatemalan highlands but men still wear the traditional pants and shirts for special occasions. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 25: A man crosses the street with his bike in front of a Tuk Tuk in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 25, 2018. Locals get around the towns mostly on foot, bikes, motorcycles, and Tuk Tuks used as taxis. Personal vehicle ownership is limited due to the high costs and limited infrastructure. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 22: Volcan San Pedro looms in the distance as the sun rises over the exterior of the main market in Santiago Atitlan, Guatemala on January 22, 2018. While there are many small shops throughout the town, most food shopping is done in an open market where locals bring in produce and other products. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 20: Power lines crisscross in the air over an intersection in Santiago Atitlan on Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on January 20, 2018. Local infrastructure such as water, electricity, and roads can be rudimentary with power lines strung up with no apparent plans and most locals still having to obtain drinking water in 5 gallon jugs because tap water is unsafe to drink. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency


LAKE ATITLAN, GUATEMALA - JANUARY 24: A feature known as the Indian Nose or Mayan Face along the Sierra Madre mountain range surrounding Lake Atitlan from San Juan, Guatemala on January 24, 2018. The region saw multiple tragic human rights violations during the Guatemalan civil war from 1960 to 1994. During that time the Guatemalan government accused the indigenous Mayan population of supporting the rebel groups and conducted reprisals against the people. Samuel Corum / Anadolu Agency
