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Iran - Bishapur (13)

New Rada


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Iran - rock relief in the valley Tang e chogan, one of six rock reliefs from the Sassanidian era (about 3rd century CE), which mainly Shapur I (founder of the city of Bishapur), but also celebrate other rulers. The relief is from the Persian grand king Bahram I (273-276) and shows Arab prisoners. Bishapur (city of Shapur) was a Sasanian residence city. It is located in the province of Fars. Taken on 18.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - Bishapur (city of Shapur) was a Sasanian residence city. It is located in the province of Fars. It was built by captured Roman legionaries. Taken on 18.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - tourist group on the grounds of Bishapur (city of Shapur). Bishapur was a Sassanid residence city. It is located in the province of Fars. It was built by captured Roman legionaries. The columns were once in the center of the city. An inscription on one of the pillars is considered an official document of foundation. Taken on 18.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - tourist group on the grounds of Bishapur (city of Shapur). Bishapur was a Sassanid residence city. It is located in the province of Fars. It was built by captured Roman legionaries. Taken on 18.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - columns and building remains in Bishapur (city of Shapur) - was a Sassanidische residence city. It is located in the province of Fars. It was built by captured Roman legionaries. Taken on 18.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - Bishapur (city of Shapur) was a Sasanian residence city. It is located in the province of Fars. It was built by captured Roman legionaries. Taken on 18.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - Bishapur (city of Shapur) was a Sasanian residence city. It is located in the province of Fars. It was built by captured Roman legionaries. Taken on 18.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - Bishapur (city of Shapur) was a Sasanian residence city. It is located in the province of Fars. It was built by captured Roman legionaries. Taken on 18.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - Bishapur (city of Shapur) was a Sasanian residence city. It is located in the province of Fars. It was built by captured Roman legionaries. In the background the Zagros Mountains. Taken on 18.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - Bishapur (city of Shapur) was a Sasanian residence city. It is located in the province of Fars. It was built by captured Roman legionaries. Ruins of the cross-shaped throne room Shapur I. Taken on 18.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - rock relief in the valley Tang e chogan (detail), one of six rock reliefs from the Sassanidian era (about 3rd century CE), which mainly Shapur I (founder of the city of Bishapur), but also celebrate other rulers. Early 20th century damaged by laying a water pipe. Bishapur (city of Shapur) was a Sasanian residence city. It is located in the province of Fars. The relief shows Shapur's victory over Valerian in 260 AD. Taken on 18.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - rock relief in the valley Tang e chogan, one of four rock reliefs from the Sassanidian era (about 3rd century CE), which mainly Shapur I (founder of the city of Bishapur), but also celebrate other rulers. The relief celebrates the victory of Shapur I over the Romans. The Roman Emperor Valerian kneels before the ruler. Gordian III. is dead under the horse of the ruler. The scene is flanked by high Sassanid officials. Bishapur (city of Shapur) was a Sasanian residence city. It is located in the province of Fars. Taken on 18.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide


Iran - Tourists group on a rock relief in the valley Tang e chogan, one of four rock reliefs from the Sassanidian era (about 3.Jh.ZZ), which mainly Shapur I (founder of the city Bishapur), but also celebrate other rulers. Early 20th century damaged by laying a water pipe. Bishapur (city of Shapur) was a Sasanian residence city. It is located in the province of Fars. The relief shows Bahrams II. Victory over the Arabs 277 AD. Taken on 16.10.2018. Photo: Rolf Zimmermann | usage worldwide
