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The self proclaimed true Captain America (2)

New Rada


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Demonstrator Jim Griffin, the self proclaimed true Captain America, walks with a giant American Flag outside the US District Court in Washington, DC, December 18, 2018, as Former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn attends a sentencing hearing. - President Donald Trump's former national security chief Michael Flynn received a postponement of his sentencing after an angry judge threatened to give him a stiff sentence. Russia collusion investigation head Robert Mueller had proposed Flynn receive no jail time for lying to investigators about his Moscow ties. But Judge Emmet Sullivan said Flynn had behaved in a "traitorous" manner and gave the former three-star general the option of receiving a potentially tough prison sentence now -- or wait until Mueller's investigation was closer to being completed to better demonstrate his cooperation with investigators. (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP)


Demonstrator Jim Griffin, the self proclaimed true Captain America, walks with a giant American Flag outside the US District Court in Washington, DC, December 18, 2018, as Former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn attends a sentencing hearing. - President Donald Trump's former national security chief Michael Flynn received a postponement of his sentencing after an angry judge threatened to give him a stiff sentence. Russia collusion investigation head Robert Mueller had proposed Flynn receive no jail time for lying to investigators about his Moscow ties. But Judge Emmet Sullivan said Flynn had behaved in a "traitorous" manner and gave the former three-star general the option of receiving a potentially tough prison sentence now -- or wait until Mueller's investigation was closer to being completed to better demonstrate his cooperation with investigators. (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP)
