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Equal Pay Day rally (48)

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18 March 2019, Berlin: Professional couples show the wage differences at a photo action on the occasion of a rally of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" on Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Members of the SPD party leadership, including (l-r) Svenja Schulze (SPD), Federal Environment Minister, Lars Klingbeil, SPD Secretary General, Andrea Nahles, Chairwoman of the SPD, Michael Muller (SPD), Governing Mayor of Berlin, Katarina Barley (SPD), Federal Minister of Justice, Olaf Scholz (SPD), Federal Minister of Finance, Malu Dreyer (SPD), Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, and Franziska Giffey (SPD), Federal Minister of Family Affairs, are standing behind a poster with the inscription "Come together for equal pay" at a rally of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" on Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


Equal Pay Day DEU, Deutschland, Germany, Berlin, 18.03.2019 Mitglieder der SPD und der Regierung auf der Kundgebung Equal Pay Day vom Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbund DGB, Deutscher Frauenrat, Sozialverband Deutschland und der SPD unter dem Motto Kommt Zsammen Fuer Gleichen Lohn in Berlin. V.l.n.r.: Andrea Nahles, SPD-Vorsitzende, Katarina Barley, Bundesjustizministerin SPD, Malu Dreyer, Ministerpraesidentin von Rheinland-Pfalz, Olaf Scholz, Bundesfinanzminister, und Franziska Giffey, Bundesfamilienministerin SPD. Die Demostration fordert die selbe Bezahlung von Frauen und Maenner, Gleicher Lohn fuer gleiche Arbeit, Gleichberechtigung und mehr Rechte von Frauen. Der EqualPayDay ist der Tag des Jahres, der symbolisch die Grenze markiert, bis zu der Frauen hierzulande umsonst arbeiten. Member of the SPD and the government at the rally of the E


18 March 2019, Berlin: Mona Kuppers (l-r), Chairman of the German Women's Council, stands together with the members of the SPD party leadership, Franziska Giffey (SPD), Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Hubertus Heil (SPD), Federal Minister for Labour and Social Affairs, Svenja Schulze (SPD), Federal Minister for the Environment, Katarina Barley (SPD), Federal Minister of Justice, Olaf Scholz (SPD), Federal Minister of Finance, and Andrea Nahles, Chairwoman of the SPD, at a rally of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" at Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Reiner Hoffmann, Chairman of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), speaks at a rally of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" at Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Franziska Giffey (l, SPD), Federal Minister for Family Affairs, and Mona Kuppers, Chairman of the German Women's Council, are standing on Pariser Platz at a rally of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day". According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Franziska Giffey (SPD), Federal Minister for Family Affairs, stands at a rally of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" on Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Mona Kuppers (l-r), Chairman of the German Women's Council, stands together with the members of the SPD party leadership, Franziska Giffey (SPD), Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Hubertus Heil (SPD), Federal Minister for Labour and Social Affairs, Svenja Schulze (SPD), Federal Minister for the Environment, Katarina Barley (SPD), Federal Minister of Justice, Olaf Scholz (SPD), Federal Minister of Finance, and Andrea Nahles, Chairwoman of the SPD, at a rally of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" at Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Professional couples show the wage differences at a photo action on the occasion of a rally of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" on Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Participants of a rally of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" are standing on Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Numerous dark limousines stand next to a rally of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" on Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Reiner Hoffmann, Chairman of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), speaks at a rally of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" at Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


Equal Pay Day DEU, Deutschland, Germany, Berlin, 18.03.2019 Mitglieder der SPD und der Regierung auf der Kundgebung Equal Pay Day vom Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbund DGB, Deutscher Frauenrat, Sozialverband Deutschland und der SPD unter dem Motto Kommt Zsammen Fuer Gleichen Lohn in Berlin. V.l.n.r.: Andrea Nahles, SPD-Vorsitzende, Katarina Barley, Bundesjustizministerin SPD, Malu Dreyer, Ministerpraesidentin von Rheinland-Pfalz, and Olaf Scholz, Bundesfinanzminister. Die Demostration fordert die selbe Bezahlung von Frauen und Maenner, Gleicher Lohn fuer gleiche Arbeit, Gleichberechtigung und mehr Rechte von Frauen. Der EqualPayDay ist der Tag des Jahres, der symbolisch die Grenze markiert, bis zu der Frauen hierzulande umsonst arbeiten. Member of the SPD and the government at the rally of the Equal Pay Day by the German Federation of Trade U


Equal Pay Day DEU, Deutschland, Germany, Berlin, 18.03.2019 Demonstrantin mit Fahne und Ballon Equal Pay Day auf der Kundgebung Equal Pay Day vom Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbund DGB, Deutscher Frauenrat, Sozialverband Deutschland und der SPD unter dem Motto Kommt Zsammen Fuer Gleichen Lohn in Berlin. Die Demostration fordert die selbe Bezahlung von Frauen und Maenner, Gleicher Lohn fuer gleiche Arbeit, Gleichberechtigung und mehr Rechte von Frauen. Der EqualPayDay ist der Tag des Jahres, der symbolisch die Grenze markiert, bis zu der Frauen hierzulande umsonst arbeiten. Participants at the rally of the Equal Pay Day by the German Federation of Trade Unions DGB, the German Social Association and the German Women s Council in Berlin, Germany. The annual event recognizes the wage gap between the sexes in the country, where women s salaries stil


Equal Pay Day DEU, Deutschland, Germany, Berlin, 18.03.2019 Lehrer Ballon Equal Pay Day auf der Kundgebung Equal Pay Day vom Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbund DGB, Deutscher Frauenrat, Sozialverband Deutschland und der SPD unter dem Motto Kommt Zsammen Fuer Gleichen Lohn in Berlin. Die Demostration fordert die selbe Bezahlung von Frauen und Maenner, Gleicher Lohn fuer gleiche Arbeit, Gleichberechtigung und mehr Rechte von Frauen. Der EqualPayDay ist der Tag des Jahres, der symbolisch die Grenze markiert, bis zu der Frauen hierzulande umsonst arbeiten. Empty ballon at the rally of the Equal Pay Day by the German Federation of Trade Unions DGB, the German Social Association and the German Women s Council in Berlin, Germany. The annual event recognizes the wage gap between the sexes in the country, where women s salaries still lag behind that of


18 March 2019, Berlin: Members of the SPD party leadership, including (l-r) Svenja Schulze (SPD), Federal Environment Minister, Lars Klingbeil, SPD Secretary General, Andrea Nahles, Chairwoman of the SPD, Michael Muller (SPD), Governing Mayor of Berlin, Katarina Barley (SPD), Federal Minister of Justice, Olaf Scholz (SPD), Federal Minister of Finance, Malu Dreyer (SPD), Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, and Franziska Giffey (SPD), Federal Minister of Family Affairs, are standing behind a poster with the inscription "Come together for equal pay" at a rally of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" on Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Members of the SPD party leadership, including (l-r) Svenja Schulze (SPD), Federal Environment Minister, Lars Klingbeil, SPD Secretary General, Andrea Nahles, Chairwoman of the SPD, Michael Muller (SPD), Governing Mayor of Berlin, Katarina Barley (SPD), Federal Minister of Justice, Olaf Scholz (SPD), Federal Minister of Finance, Malu Dreyer (SPD), Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, and Franziska Giffey (SPD), Federal Minister of Family Affairs, are standing behind a poster with the inscription "Come together for equal pay" at a rally of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" on Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Members of the SPD party leadership, including Svenja Schulze (SPD, l-r), Federal Environment Minister, Lars Klingbeil, SPD Secretary General, Andrea Nahles, Chairwoman of the SPD, Michael Muller (SPD), Governing Mayor of Berlin, Katarina Barley (SPD), Federal Minister of Justice, Olaf Scholz (SPD), Federal Minister of Finance, Malu Dreyer (SPD), Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, and Franziska Giffey (SPD), Federal Minister of Family Affairs, are standing behind a poster with the inscription "Come together for equal pay" at a rally of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" on Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Franziska Giffey (SPD), Federal Minister for Family Affairs, speaks at a rally of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" at Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Franziska Giffey (SPD), Federal Minister for Family Affairs, speaks at a rally of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" at Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Franziska Giffey (SPD), Federal Minister for Family Affairs, speaks at a rally of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" at Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Franziska Giffey (SPD), Federal Minister for Family Affairs, speaks at a rally of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" at Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Franziska Giffey (SPD), Federal Minister for Family Affairs, speaks at a rally of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" at Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Franziska Giffey (SPD), Federal Minister for Family Affairs, speaks at a rally of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" at Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Franziska Giffey (SPD), Federal Minister for Family Affairs, speaks at a rally of the German Federation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" at Pariser Platz. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


18 March 2019, Berlin: Professional couples show the wage differences at a photo action on the occasion of a rally of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), the German Social Association and the German Women's Council on "Equal Pay Day" on Pariser Platz. In the middle are Edda Schliepack (l), spokeswoman for women in the German Social Association, Reiner Hoffmann (M, chairman of the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB), and Mona Kuppers (r), chairman of the German Women's Council. According to calculations by the Federal Statistical Office, women in Germany earn on average 21 percent less than men. The "Equal Pay Day" symbolically marks the gender pay gap, i.e. the day until which women have worked without pay compared to men in the current year. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : A Brazilian protester hold a placard during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


Internationaler Frauentag, Demo in Berlin Deutschland, Berlin - 08/03/2019: Mehr als 10.000 Menschen demonstrieren am 8. Marz fur mehr Gleichberechtigung von Frauen und mehr Feminismus anlasslich des Internationalen Frauentags in Berlin. Im Bild halt eine Teilnehmerin ein Schild in die Luft mit der Aufschrift Thanks for the day now how bout equal pay? Berlin Berlin Deutschland *** International Womens Day Demo in Berlin Germany Berlin 08 03 2019 More than 10 000 people demonstrate on 8 March for more equal rights for women and more feminism on the occasion of International Womens Day in Berlin In the picture, a participant holds a sign in the air with the inscription Thanks for the day now how bout equal pay Berlin Berlin Germany


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : Protestors hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA - MARCH 08 : A group of Sudanese women hold placards during a rally on International Women's Day Rally in the City of Melbourne, Australia on March 08, 2019. Demonstrators marched demanding a number of issues including women's rights, violence against women and equal pay. Asanka Brendon Ratnayake / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM
