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Corona Virus - Stuttgart (126)

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Corona Virus. Park Killesberg. Viele Leute gehen raus spazieren und geniessen das sonnige Wetter und die Fruhlingstemperatur. Sicherheitsabstand zwischen den Menschen wird eingehalten. Menschenansammlungen von mehr als drei Personen sind an ?ffentlichen Orten in Baden-Wurttemberg vorerst nicht mehr erlaubt. Das erklarte Ministerprasident Winfried Kretschmann. Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona Virus Park Killesberg Many people go out for a walk and enjoy the sunny weather and the spring temperature Safety distance between people is maintained Crowds of more than three people are no longer allowed in public places in Baden Wurttemberg for the time being The declared Minister President Winfried Kretschmann Stuttgart Baden Wuerttemberg Germany Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


Leeres Regal wegen Corona-Virus, Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2, im Rewe Supermarkt, Hinweis: Neue Ware ist schon unterwegs Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland Leeres Nudelregal im Supermarkt, Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland *** Empty shelf due to Corona Virus, Covid 19, SARS CoV 2, in Rewe supermarket, note New goods are already on the way Stuttgart, Baden Wurttemberg, Germany Empty pasta shelf in supermarket, Stuttgart, Baden Wurttemberg, Germany


Corona Virus. Park Killesberg. Viele Leute gehen raus spazieren und geniessen das sonnige Wetter und die Fruhlingstemperatur. Sicherheitsabstand zwischen den Menschen wird eingehalten. Menschenansammlungen von mehr als drei Personen sind an ?ffentlichen Orten in Baden-Wurttemberg vorerst nicht mehr erlaubt. Das erklarte Ministerprasident Winfried Kretschmann. Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona Virus Park Killesberg Many people go out for a walk and enjoy the sunny weather and the spring temperature Safety distance between people is maintained Crowds of more than three people are no longer allowed in public places in Baden Wurttemberg for the time being The declared Minister President Winfried Kretschmann Stuttgart Baden Wuerttemberg Germany Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


Corona Virus. Killesberg. Viele Leute gehen raus spazieren und geniessen das sonnige Wetter und die Fruhlingstemperatur. Hier ein leerer Gastronomiebtrieb. Menschenansammlungen von mehr als drei Personen sind an ?ffentlichen Orten in Baden-Wurttemberg vorerst nicht mehr erlaubt. Das erklarte Ministerprasident Winfried Kretschmann. Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona Virus Killesberg Many people go out for a walk and enjoy the sunny weather and the spring temperature Here an empty restaurant Crowds of more than three people are not allowed in public places in Baden Wurttemberg for the time being The declared Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann Stuttgart Baden Wuerttemberg Germany Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


Corona Virus. Park Killesberg. Viele Leute gehen raus spazieren und geniessen das sonnige Wetter und die Fruhlingstemperatur. Sicherheitsabstand zwischen den Menschen wird eingehalten. Menschenansammlungen von mehr als drei Personen sind an ?ffentlichen Orten in Baden-Wurttemberg vorerst nicht mehr erlaubt. Das erklarte Ministerprasident Winfried Kretschmann. Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona Virus Park Killesberg Many people go out for a walk and enjoy the sunny weather and the spring temperature Safety distance between people is maintained Crowds of more than three people are no longer allowed in public places in Baden Wurttemberg for the time being The declared Minister President Winfried Kretschmann Stuttgart Baden Wuerttemberg Germany Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


Corona Virus. Park Killesberg. Viele Leute gehen raus spazieren und geniessen das sonnige Wetter und die Fruhlingstemperatur. Sicherheitsabstand zwischen den Menschen wird eingehalten. Menschenansammlungen von mehr als drei Personen sind an ?ffentlichen Orten in Baden-Wurttemberg vorerst nicht mehr erlaubt. Das erklarte Ministerprasident Winfried Kretschmann. Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona Virus Park Killesberg Many people go out for a walk and enjoy the sunny weather and the spring temperature Safety distance between people is maintained Crowds of more than three people are no longer allowed in public places in Baden Wurttemberg for the time being The declared Minister President Winfried Kretschmann Stuttgart Baden Wuerttemberg Germany Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


20 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A roll of toilet paper is lying on a crate at 12:26 in the beverage market Kastner. Due to hamster purchases, fewer empties are exchanged in the reusable system. Therefore, Getranke Kastner offers one roll of toilet paper per empty crate. At the same time, he also sells the toilet paper at the purchase price in order to guarantee supply security in the neighbourhood. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


20 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Felix loads empty water crates from a car at 12:55 pm in the Kastner beverage market. Drivers remain seated in the car during the delivery to reduce contact. Due to hamster buying, fewer empties are exchanged in the reusable system. Therefore, for each empty crate of drinks Kastner adds a roll of toilet paper. At the same time, he also sells the toilet paper at the purchase price to ensure security of supply in the district. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


20 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A note says "We need your empties" at 12:26 p.m. in the beverage market Kastner. Due to hamster purchases, less empties are exchanged in the reusable system. Therefore, for each empty crate of Kastner Beverages, a roll of toilet paper is added. At the same time, he also sells the toilet paper at the purchase price, in order to guarantee the supply security in the neighbourhood. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


20 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Toilet paper is available at 12:14 at the beverage market Kastner. Due to hamster purchases, fewer empties are exchanged in the reusable system. Therefore, Getranke Kastner offers one roll of toilet paper per empty crate. At the same time, he also sells the toilet paper at the purchase price to ensure supply security in the neighbourhood. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


Stuttgart, 20.03.2020: Kino Anzeigentafel wahrend der Corona-Krise. Statt Spielfilm gute Wunsche: Bleiben Sie gesund und achten Sie aufeinander. // DEU, Deutschland, Baden-Wurttemberg *** Stuttgart, 20 03 2020 Cinema advertising board during the corona crisis Instead of feature film good wishes stay healthy and look after each other DEU, Germany, Baden Wurttemberg


Corona Krise in Stuttgart. COVID-19, Einschrankungen des ?ffentlichen Lebens. Hier Situation am Mailander Platz, still und menschenleer zwischen dem geschlossenen Einkaufszentrum Milaneo und der Stadtbibliothek. Menschenansammlungen von mehr als drei Personen sind an ?ffentlichen Orten in Baden-Wurttemberg vorerst nicht mehr erlaubt. Das erklarte Ministerprasident Winfried Kretschmann. Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona crisis in Stuttgart COVID 19, restrictions on public life Here Situation in Milan Square, quiet and deserted between the closed Milaneo shopping centre and the municipal library Crowds of more than three people are no longer allowed in public places in Baden Wurttemberg for the time being The declared Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann Stuttgart Baden Wuerttemberg Germany Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


Corona Krise in Stuttgart. COVID-19, Einschrankungen des ?ffentlichen Lebens. Hier Situation am Mailander Platz, still und menschenleer zwischen dem geschlossenen Einkaufszentrum Milaneo und der Stadtbibliothek. Menschenansammlungen von mehr als drei Personen sind an ?ffentlichen Orten in Baden-Wurttemberg vorerst nicht mehr erlaubt. Das erklarte Ministerprasident Winfried Kretschmann. Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona crisis in Stuttgart COVID 19, restrictions on public life Here Situation in Milan Square, quiet and deserted between the closed Milaneo shopping centre and the municipal library Crowds of more than three people are no longer allowed in public places in Baden Wurttemberg for the time being The declared Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann Stuttgart Baden Wuerttemberg Germany Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


Corona Virus. Killesberg. Viele Leute gehen raus spazieren und geniessen das sonnige Wetter und die Fruhlingstemperatur. Sicherheitsabstand zwischen den Menschen wird eingehalten. Menschenansammlungen von mehr als drei Personen sind an ?ffentlichen Orten in Baden-Wurttemberg vorerst nicht mehr erlaubt. Das erklarte Ministerprasident Winfried Kretschmann. Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona Virus Killesberg Many people go out for a walk and enjoy the sunny weather and the spring temperature Safety distance between people is maintained Crowds of more than three people are no longer allowed in public places in Baden Wurttemberg for the time being The declared Minister President Winfried Kretschmann Stuttgart Baden Wuerttemberg Germany Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


20 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An S-Bahn train arrives at the Schwabstra?e S-Bahn station around 7 am in the morning. Significantly fewer passengers were at the stop at a time when many commuters normally use public transport. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


20 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A display shows the words "Drive only if it is unavoidable" at the Schwabstra?e S-Bahn station at around 7 am. Significantly fewer passengers were found at the stop at a time when many commuters normally use public transport. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


20 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A notice in a passageway points to a "shopping aid Coronavirus". Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


20 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A display shows the words "Drive only if it is unavoidable" at the Schwabstra?e S-Bahn station at around 7 am. Significantly fewer passengers were found at the stop at a time when many commuters normally use public transport. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


20 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An S-Bahn train arrives at the Schwabstra?e S-Bahn station around 7 am in the morning. Significantly fewer passengers were at the stop at a time when many commuters normally use public transport. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


20 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A notice in a passageway points to a "shopping aid Coronavirus". Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


20 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Toilet paper is lying on a crate at 12:26 in the beverage market Kastner. Due to hamster purchases, fewer empties are exchanged in the reusable system. Therefore, Getranke Kastner offers one roll of toilet paper per empty crate. At the same time, he also sells the toilet paper at the purchase price in order to guarantee supply security in the neighbourhood. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


Corona Virus. Park Killesberg. Viele Leute gehen raus spazieren und geniessen das sonnige Wetter und die Fruhlingstemperatur. Sicherheitsabstand zwischen den Menschen wird eingehalten. Menschenansammlungen von mehr als drei Personen sind an ?ffentlichen Orten in Baden-Wurttemberg vorerst nicht mehr erlaubt. Das erklarte Ministerprasident Winfried Kretschmann. Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona Virus Park Killesberg Many people go out for a walk and enjoy the sunny weather and the spring temperature Safety distance between people is maintained Crowds of more than three people are no longer allowed in public places in Baden Wurttemberg for the time being The declared Minister President Winfried Kretschmann Stuttgart Baden Wuerttemberg Germany Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


Corona Virus. Park Killesberg. Viele Leute gehen raus spazieren und geniessen das sonnige Wetter und die Fruhlingstemperatur. Sicherheitsabstand zwischen den Menschen wird eingehalten. Menschenansammlungen von mehr als drei Personen sind an ?ffentlichen Orten in Baden-Wurttemberg vorerst nicht mehr erlaubt. Das erklarte Ministerprasident Winfried Kretschmann. Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona Virus Park Killesberg Many people go out for a walk and enjoy the sunny weather and the spring temperature Safety distance between people is maintained Crowds of more than three people are no longer allowed in public places in Baden Wurttemberg for the time being The declared Minister President Winfried Kretschmann Stuttgart Baden Wuerttemberg Germany Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


Vermeidung von Sozialkontakten an Fischtheke, Kasetheke, Wursttheke im Supermarkt mittels mehrerer Packungen Grillkohle und Absperrband wegen Corona-Virus, Covid-19, SARS-CoV-2, Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland Leeres Nudelregal im Supermarkt, Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland *** Avoidance of social contacts at the fish counter, cheese counter, sausage counter in the supermarket by means of several packs of barbecue charcoal and barrier tape due to corona virus, Covid 19, SARS CoV 2, Stuttgart, Baden Wurttemberg, Germany Empty pasta shelf in the supermarket, Stuttgart, Baden Wurttemberg, Germany


20 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An employee of a beverage market gives a deposit receipt to a car driver at 12:55 pm in the Kastner beverage market. The car driver remains in the car during the handover to reduce contact. Due to hamster purchases, fewer empties are exchanged in the returnable system. Therefore, at Getranke Kastner there is one roll of toilet paper per empty crate. At the same time, he also sells the toilet paper at the purchase price to ensure security of supply in the district. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


20 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Toilet paper is lying on a crate at 12:26 in the beverage market Kastner. Due to hamster purchases, fewer empties are exchanged in the reusable system. Therefore, Getranke Kastner offers one roll of toilet paper per empty crate. At the same time, he also sells the toilet paper at the purchase price in order to guarantee supply security in the neighbourhood. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


dpatop - 19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Cops approach a man in a park at 4:23 p.m. In order to contain the spread of the coronavirus, parks are restricted. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


dpatop - 19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Only a few people can be seen on the shopping mile K?nigstra?e in the early afternoon of a working day. Numerous shops in downtown Stuttgart are closed due to measures against the corona virus. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Cops approach a group in a park at 4:24 in the afternoon. In order to contain the spread of the coronavirus, there are restrictions on staying in parks. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Cops approach a man in a park at 4:23 p.m. In order to contain the spread of the coronavirus, parks are restricted. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Policemen walking in a park behind a bicycle towards a group at 4:27 pm. In order to contain the spread of the coronavirus, the stay in parks is restricted. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Cops approach a man in a park at 4:23 p.m. In order to contain the spread of the coronavirus, parks are restricted. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Nanno Smeets (l) and Kersten Kn?del, owners of the bar "Immer Bier Herzen" are standing in their closed bar behind the counter. (to dpa "Gastro between leisure, fear and sheer misery") Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Nanno Smeets (l) and Kersten Kn?del, owners of the bar "Immer Bier Herzen" are standing in their closed bar behind the counter. (to dpa "Gastro between leisure, fear and sheer misery") Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


Bauern bestellen Felder, hier Schutzfolie fur Spargelfeld, trotz Coronavirus, Sars-CoV-2, Covid-19, Schmidener Feld, Schmiden bei Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland *** Farmers cultivate fields, here protection film for asparagus field, despite coronavirus, Sars CoV 2, Covid 19, Schmidener Feld, Schmiden near Stuttgart, Baden Wurttemberg, Germany


Corona Virus. Verkehr. Autobahn A8 Stuttgart-Ulm bei Laichingen. Die Verkehrsdichte ist sehr gering, wenig private Personen mit dem PKW unterwegs, auch die Anzahl der LKWs halt sich in Grenzen. Verkehrslage in der Zeit der weltweiten Corona Krise und still stehender Produktion der Wirtschaftsriesen wie Daimler, Bosch, VW, Porsche... Zur gleichen Zeit kilometerweiter LKW-Stau an der Grenze zu Polen Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona Virus Traffic Motorway A8 Stuttgart Ulm near Laichingen Traffic density is very low, few private persons are on the road with their cars, also the number of trucks is limited Traffic situation in the time of the worldwide corona crisis and standing still production of the economic giants like Daimler, Bosch, VW, Porsche At the same time kilometer wide truck traffic jam at the border to Poland Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


Bauern bestellen Felder, hier Schutzfolie fur Spargelfeld, trotz Coronavirus, Sars-CoV-2, Covid-19, Schmidener Feld, Schmiden bei Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland *** Farmers cultivate fields, here protection film for asparagus field, despite coronavirus, Sars CoV 2, Covid 19, Schmidener Feld, Schmiden near Stuttgart, Baden Wurttemberg, Germany


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A police officer approaches a woman in a park at 4:28 p.m. To contain the spread of the coronavirus, parks are restricted. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


Bauern bestellen Felder, hier Schutzfolie fur Spargelfeld, trotz Coronavirus, Sars-CoV-2, Covid-19, Schmidener Feld, Schmiden bei Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland *** Farmers cultivate fields, here protection film for asparagus field, despite coronavirus, Sars CoV 2, Covid 19, Schmidener Feld, Schmiden near Stuttgart, Baden Wurttemberg, Germany


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Nanno Smeets (l) and Kersten Kn?del, owners of the bar "Immer Bier Herzen" are standing in their closed bar behind the counter. (to dpa "Gastro between leisure, fear and sheer misery") Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Only a few people can be seen on the shopping mile K?nigstra?e in the early afternoon of a working day. Numerous shops in downtown Stuttgart are closed due to measures against the corona virus. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Only a few people can be seen on the shopping mile K?nigstra?e in the early afternoon of a working day. Numerous shops in downtown Stuttgart are closed due to measures against the corona virus. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A man walks past a closed shop in the shopping mile K?nigstra?e in the early afternoon of a working day. Numerous shops in downtown Stuttgart are closed due to measures against the corona virus. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Only a few people can be seen on the shopping mile K?nigstra?e in the early afternoon of a working day. Numerous shops in downtown Stuttgart are closed due to measures against the corona virus. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Two men are reading a notice on a closed shop in the shopping mile K?nigstra?e in the early afternoon of a working day. Numerous shops in downtown Stuttgart are closed due to measures against the coronavirus. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


Bauern bestellen Felder, hier Schutzfolie fur Spargelfeld, trotz Coronavirus, Sars-CoV-2, Covid-19, Schmidener Feld, Schmiden bei Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland *** Farmers cultivate fields, here protection film for asparagus field, despite coronavirus, Sars CoV 2, Covid 19, Schmidener Feld, Schmiden near Stuttgart, Baden Wurttemberg, Germany


Corona Virus. Verkehr. Autobahn A8 Stuttgart-Ulm bei Laichingen. Die Verkehrsdichte ist sehr gering, wenig private Personen mit dem PKW unterwegs, auch die Anzahl der LKWs halt sich in Grenzen. Verkehrslage in der Zeit der weltweiten Corona Krise und still stehender Produktion der Wirtschaftsriesen wie Daimler, Bosch, VW, Porsche... Zur gleichen Zeit kilometerweiter LKW-Stau an der Grenze zu Polen Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona Virus Traffic Motorway A8 Stuttgart Ulm near Laichingen Traffic density is very low, few private persons are on the road with their cars, also the number of trucks is limited Traffic situation in the time of the worldwide corona crisis and standing still production of the economic giants like Daimler, Bosch, VW, Porsche At the same time kilometer wide truck traffic jam at the border to Poland Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


Corona Virus. Verkehr. Autobahn A8 Stuttgart-Ulm bei Laichingen. Die Verkehrsdichte ist sehr gering, wenig private Personen mit dem PKW unterwegs, auch die Anzahl der LKWs halt sich in Grenzen. Verkehrslage in der Zeit der weltweiten Corona Krise und still stehender Produktion der Wirtschaftsriesen wie Daimler, Bosch, VW, Porsche... Zur gleichen Zeit kilometerweiter LKW-Stau an der Grenze zu Polen Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona Virus Traffic Motorway A8 Stuttgart Ulm near Laichingen Traffic density is very low, few private persons are on the road with their cars, also the number of trucks is limited Traffic situation in the time of the worldwide corona crisis and standing still production of the economic giants like Daimler, Bosch, VW, Porsche At the same time kilometer wide truck traffic jam at the border to Poland Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A participant of a plenary session of the Landtag of Baden-Wurttemberg disinfects his hands in front of the plenary hall. The state parliament met for a special session to set the course for the fight against coronavirus. During the session, the members of parliament should keep the recommended distance of 1.5 to 2 metres so that they do not infect each other in case a politician should be infected with the virus. Some Members should therefore take their seats in the public gallery of the Chamber. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A participant of a plenary session of the Landtag of Baden-Wurttemberg disinfects his hands in front of the plenary hall. The state parliament met for a special session to set the course for the fight against coronavirus. During the session, the members of parliament should keep the recommended distance of 1.5 to 2 metres so that they do not infect each other in case a politician should be infected with the virus. Some Members should therefore take their seats in the public gallery of the Chamber. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Leaves depicting a red circle with a white bar are lying on benches in the plenary hall of the Baden-Wurttemberg state parliament during a plenary session. The state parliament held a special session to set the course for the fight against coronavirus. During the session, the members of parliament should keep the recommended distance of 1.5 to 2 metres so that they do not infect each other in case a politician should be infected with the virus. Some Members should therefore take their seats in the public gallery of the Chamber. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Leaves showing a red circle with a white bar are placed on the benches of members of parliament in the plenary hall of the state parliament of Baden-Wurttemberg before the start of a plenary session. The state parliament held a special session to set the course for the fight against coronavirus. During the session, Members of Parliament should keep the recommended distance of 1.5 to 2 metres so that they do not infect each other in case a politician should be infected with the virus. Some Members should therefore take their seats in the public gallery of the Chamber. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Sheets showing a red circle with a white bar are lying on the benches of members of parliament in the plenary hall of the state parliament of Baden-Wurttemberg before a plenary session. The state parliament held a special session to set the course for the fight against coronavirus. During the session, the members of parliament should keep the recommended distance of 1.5 to 2 metres so that they do not infect each other in case a politician should be infected with the virus. Some Members should therefore take their seats in the public gallery of the Chamber. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Leaves showing a red circle with a white bar are placed on the benches of members of parliament in the plenary hall of the state parliament of Baden-Wurttemberg before the start of a plenary session. The state parliament held a special session to set the course for the fight against coronavirus. During the session, Members of Parliament should keep the recommended distance of 1.5 to 2 metres so that they do not infect each other in case a politician should be infected with the virus. Some Members should therefore take their seats in the public gallery of the Chamber. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


19 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Leaves showing a red circle with a white bar are lying on CDU benches in the plenary hall of the Baden-Wurttemberg state parliament during a plenary session. The state parliament held a special session to set the course for the fight against coronavirus. During the session, the members of parliament should keep the recommended distance of 1.5 to 2 metres so that they do not infect each other in case a politician should be infected with the virus. Some Members should therefore take their seats in the public gallery of the Chamber. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An employee unpacks a pallet of goods in a drugstore of the chain dm-drogerie markt. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, customers are currently buying more. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Few passers-by are reflected in a pedestrian zone sign on K?nigstra?e, the city's central pedestrian zone, at around 15.37 hrs. Shops in the city centre are closed until further notice to stem the spread of the coronavirus. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An S-Bahn (suburban railway) stops at the main station around half past seven in the morning. Significantly fewer passengers were at the stop at a time when many commuters normally use public transport. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Travellers of the S-Bahn go up a staircase of the stop at the main station around half past seven in the morning. Significantly fewer passengers were found at the stop at a time when many commuters normally use public transport. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Female employees are stocking toilet paper in a drugstore of the chain dm-drogerie markt. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, customers are currently buying more. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An employee admits toilet paper in a drugstore of the chain dm-drogerie markt. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, customers are currently buying more. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An employee admits toilet paper in a drugstore of the chain dm-drogerie markt. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, customers are currently buying more. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A sign indicates the temporary closure of a shop. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, many shops are closed for the time being. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A driver brings a pallet of toilet paper to a drugstore of the chain dm-drogerie markt. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, customers are currently buying more. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An employee admits toilet paper in a drugstore of the chain dm-drogerie markt. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, customers are currently buying more. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Passengers on a return flight from Hurghada (Egypt) are standing with their luggage at the airport. Because of the coronavirus, more and more countries are closing their borders and airlines are cancelling more and more flights abroad. Photo: Tom Weller/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A driver brings a pallet of toilet paper to a drugstore of the chain dm-drogerie markt. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, customers are currently buying more. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An employee admits toilet paper in a drugstore of the chain dm-drogerie markt. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, customers are currently buying more. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Eindrucke aus einer leeren Stadt. Es ist traurig. Die Stadt Stuttgart an einem Mittwoch Vormittag, die Geschafte haben geschlossen, Restaurants, Kneipen und Cafes sind geschlossen. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Impressions from an empty Stadt Its sad The city of Stuttgart on a Wednesday morning, the shops are closed, restaurants, pubs and cafes are closed Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Eindrucke aus einer leeren Stadt. Es ist traurig. Die Stadt Stuttgart an einem Mittwoch Vormittag, die Geschafte haben geschlossen, Restaurants, Kneipen und Cafes sind geschlossen. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Impressions from an empty Stadt Its sad The city of Stuttgart on a Wednesday morning, the shops are closed, restaurants, pubs and cafes are closed Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Eindrucke aus einer leeren Stadt. Es ist traurig. Die Stadt Stuttgart an einem Mittwoch Vormittag, die Geschafte haben geschlossen, Restaurants, Kneipen und Cafes sind geschlossen. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Impressions from an empty Stadt Its sad The city of Stuttgart on a Wednesday morning, the shops are closed, restaurants, pubs and cafes are closed Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Eindrucke aus einer leeren Stadt. Es ist traurig. Die Stadt Stuttgart an einem Mittwoch Vormittag, die Geschafte haben geschlossen, Restaurants, Kneipen und Cafes sind geschlossen. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Impressions from an empty Stadt Its sad The city of Stuttgart on a Wednesday morning, the shops are closed, restaurants, pubs and cafes are closed Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Eindrucke aus einer leeren Stadt. Es ist traurig. Die Stadt Stuttgart an einem Mittwoch Vormittag, die Geschafte haben geschlossen, Restaurants, Kneipen und Cafes sind geschlossen. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Impressions from an empty Stadt Its sad The city of Stuttgart on a Wednesday morning, the shops are closed, restaurants, pubs and cafes are closed Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Eindrucke aus einer leeren Stadt. Es ist traurig. Die Stadt Stuttgart an einem Mittwoch Vormittag, die Geschafte haben geschlossen, Restaurants, Kneipen und Cafes sind geschlossen. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Impressions from an empty Stadt Its sad The city of Stuttgart on a Wednesday morning, the shops are closed, restaurants, pubs and cafes are closed Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Eindrucke aus einer leeren Stadt. Es ist traurig. Die Stadt Stuttgart an einem Mittwoch Vormittag, die Geschafte haben geschlossen, Restaurants, Kneipen und Cafes sind geschlossen. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Impressions from an empty Stadt Its sad The city of Stuttgart on a Wednesday morning, the shops are closed, restaurants, pubs and cafes are closed Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Eindrucke aus einer leeren Stadt. Es ist traurig. Die Stadt Stuttgart an einem Mittwoch Vormittag, die Geschafte haben geschlossen, Restaurants, Kneipen und Cafes sind geschlossen. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Impressions from an empty Stadt Its sad The city of Stuttgart on a Wednesday morning, the shops are closed, restaurants, pubs and cafes are closed Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Eindrucke aus einer leeren Stadt. Es ist traurig. Die Stadt Stuttgart an einem Mittwoch Vormittag, die Geschafte haben geschlossen, Restaurants, Kneipen und Cafes sind geschlossen. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Impressions from an empty Stadt Its sad The city of Stuttgart on a Wednesday morning, the shops are closed, restaurants, pubs and cafes are closed Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Eindrucke aus einer leeren Stadt. Es ist traurig. Die Stadt Stuttgart an einem Mittwoch Vormittag, die Geschafte haben geschlossen, Restaurants, Kneipen und Cafes sind geschlossen. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Impressions from an empty Stadt Its sad The city of Stuttgart on a Wednesday morning, the shops are closed, restaurants, pubs and cafes are closed Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Eindrucke aus einer leeren Stadt. Es ist traurig. Die Stadt Stuttgart an einem Mittwoch Vormittag, die Geschafte haben geschlossen, Restaurants, Kneipen und Cafes sind geschlossen. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Impressions from an empty Stadt Its sad The city of Stuttgart on a Wednesday morning, the shops are closed, restaurants, pubs and cafes are closed Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Eindrucke aus einer leeren Stadt. Es ist traurig. Die Stadt Stuttgart an einem Mittwoch Vormittag, die Geschafte haben geschlossen, Restaurants, Kneipen und Cafes sind geschlossen. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Impressions from an empty Stadt Its sad The city of Stuttgart on a Wednesday morning, the shops are closed, restaurants, pubs and cafes are closed Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Eindrucke aus einer leeren Stadt. Es ist traurig. Die Stadt Stuttgart an einem Mittwoch Vormittag, die Geschafte haben geschlossen, Restaurants, Kneipen und Cafes sind geschlossen. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Impressions from an empty Stadt Its sad The city of Stuttgart on a Wednesday morning, the shops are closed, restaurants, pubs and cafes are closed Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Eindrucke aus einer leeren Stadt. Es ist traurig. Die Stadt Stuttgart an einem Mittwoch Vormittag, die Geschafte haben geschlossen, Restaurants, Kneipen und Cafes sind geschlossen. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Impressions from an empty Stadt Its sad The city of Stuttgart on a Wednesday morning, the shops are closed, restaurants, pubs and cafes are closed Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An employee admits muesli in a drugstore of the chain dm-drogerie markt. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, customers are currently buying more. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A man stands at a tram stop in the city centre at seven o'clock in the morning. Significantly fewer passengers were at the stop at a time when many commuters normally use public transport. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An S-Bahn (suburban railway) stops at the main station around half past seven in the morning. Significantly fewer passengers were at the stop at a time when many commuters normally use public transport. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


18 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An employee puts nuts on a shelf in a drugstore of the chain dm-drogerie markt. Due to the spread of the coronavirus, customers are currently buying more. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


17 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A woman works from home due to the spread of the coronavirus. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


DEU, Deutschland, Baden-Wurttemberg, Stuttgart, 17.03.2020: Auswirkungen der Pandemie in Deutschland. Das Corona-Virus sorgt fur leere Regale in den Supermarkten. Grund sind Hamsterkaufe verunsicherter Burger. Gefragt im Supermarkt sind Nudeln, Reis und Klopapier. *** DEU, Germany, Baden Wurttemberg, Stuttgart, 17 03 2020 Effects of the pandemic in Germany The corona virus is causing empty shelves in supermarkets The reason is hamster shopping by insecure citizens In demand in supermarkets are noodles, rice and toilet paper


17 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A woman works from home due to the spread of the coronavirus. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


17 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A woman works from home due to the spread of the coronavirus. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


17 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A woman works from home due to the spread of the coronavirus. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


17 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A woman works from home due to the spread of the coronavirus. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


17 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A woman works from home due to the spread of the coronavirus. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


17 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: People walk across the market in the city centre. Usually the market is more crowded during lunchtime. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


DEU, Deutschland, Baden-Wurttemberg, Stuttgart, 17.03.2020: Auswirkungen der Pandemie in Deutschland. Das Corona-Virus sorgt fur leere Regale in den Supermarkten. Grund sind Hamsterkaufe verunsicherter Burger. Gefragt im Supermarkt sind Nudeln, Reis und Klopapier. *** DEU, Germany, Baden Wurttemberg, Stuttgart, 17 03 2020 Effects of the pandemic in Germany The corona virus is causing empty shelves in supermarkets The reason is hamster shopping by insecure citizens In demand in supermarkets are noodles, rice and toilet paper


dpatop - 17 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A man is standing in front of an incoming subway, which is underutilized for the time of day. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


16 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Pupils in a primary school leave the classroom at the end of the last lesson. As of Tuesday, due to the spread of the coronavirus, all schools and daycare centers in Baden-Wurttemberg will be closed until April 19 inclusive. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


16 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Chairs are placed on the tables in a primary school after the end of the last lesson. As of Tuesday, due to the spread of the coronavirus, all schools and daycare centers in Baden-Wurttemberg will be closed until April 19 inclusive. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


16 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Aircraft are parked on the apron of Stuttgart Airport. The Baden-Wuerttemberg state government wants to stop operations at all airports in the state because of the corona virus. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


16 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A red sign with a white bar in the middle can be seen on the ground in Terminal 1 of the airport after an escalator has left the terminal. The Baden-Wuerttemberg state government wants to stop operations at all airports in the state because of the corona virus. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


16 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A sign points to Terminal 1 of the airport. The state government of Baden-Wuerttemberg wants to stop operations at all airports in the state because of the corona virus. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


16 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A display panel at a counter in Terminal 1 shows the logo of Stuttgart Airport. The Baden-Wuerttemberg state government wants to stop operations at all airports in the state because of the corona virus. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


Corona Virus. Das ?ffentliche Leben in Stuttgart. Die Corona Krise bringt das ganze stuttgarter ?ffentliche und Kulturleben zum Erliegen. Schulen, KiTas, Museen, Bader, Clubs, Bars, Kino, Gastronomiebetriebe wurden geschlossen um die Anzahl der Menschen in der Stadt zu verringern, die sich gegenseitig anstecken k?nnen. Hier: Menschenleere Kindestagestatte Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona virus Public life in Stuttgart The corona crisis is bringing Stuttgarts entire public and cultural life to a standstill Schools, day-care centres, museums, baths, clubs, bars, cinemas, restaurants and cafs have been closed to reduce the number of people in the city who can infect each other. Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


DEU, Deutschland, Baden-Wurttemberg, Stuttgart, 15.03.2020: Shut down in Stuttgart. Das Corona-Virus legt die Landeshauptstadt lahm. Sonntag vormittag waren Stra?en und Platze menschenleer. *** DEU, Germany, Baden Wurttemberg, Stuttgart, 15 03 2020 Shut down in Stuttgart The corona virus paralyses the state capital Sunday morning streets and squares were deserted


Corona Virus. Das ?ffentliche Leben in Stuttgart. Die Corona Krise bringt das ganze stuttgarter ?ffentliche und Kulturleben zum Erliegen. Schulen, KiTas, Museen, Bader, Clubs, Bars, Kino, Gastronomiebetriebe wurden geschlossen um die Anzahl der Menschen in der Stadt zu verringern, die sich gegenseitig anstecken k?nnen. Hier Gastronomie in der Stadtmitte. Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona Virus Public life in Stuttgart The corona crisis is bringing Stuttgarts entire public and cultural life to a standstill Schools, KiTas, museums, baths, clubs, bars, cinemas, restaurants have been closed to reduce the number of people in the city who can infect each other Here Gastronomy in the centre of Stuttgart Baden Wuerttemberg Germany Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


Corona Virus. Das ?ffentliche Leben in Stuttgart. Die Corona Krise bringt das ganze stuttgarter ?ffentliche und Kulturleben zum Erliegen. Schulen, KiTas, Museen, Bader, Clubs, Bars, Kino, Gastronomiebetriebe wurden geschlossen um die Anzahl der Menschen in der Stadt zu verringern, die sich gegenseitig anstecken k?nnen. Hier Gastronomie in der Stadtmitte. Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona Virus Public life in Stuttgart The corona crisis is bringing Stuttgarts entire public and cultural life to a standstill Schools, KiTas, museums, baths, clubs, bars, cinemas, restaurants have been closed to reduce the number of people in the city who can infect each other Here Gastronomy in the centre of Stuttgart Baden Wuerttemberg Germany Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


14 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: A man walks along the side of an ICE train in the main station. Only a few passengers are on the move on Saturday afternoon. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


14 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Passengers walk through the main station. Only a few people are on the move on Saturday afternoon. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


Stuttgart Deutschland, Stuttgart, 14.03.2020, Stuttgart: Canstatter Wasen Aufbauarbeiten Fruhlingsfest die unterbrochen werden mussten. *** Stuttgart Germany, Stuttgart, 14 03 2020, Stuttgart Canstatter Wasen Construction work Spring festival that had to be interrupted


Stuttgart Deutschland, Stuttgart, 14.03.2020, Stuttgart: Canstatter Wasen Aufbauarbeiten Fruhlingsfest die unterbrochen werden mussten. *** Stuttgart Germany, Stuttgart, 14 03 2020, Stuttgart Canstatter Wasen Construction work Spring festival that had to be interrupted


Leeres Brotregal im Supermarkt, Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland Leeres Brotregal im Supermarkt, Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland *** Empty bread shelf in supermarket, Stuttgart, Baden Wurttemberg, Germany Empty bread shelf in supermarket, Stuttgart, Baden Wurttemberg, Germany


Leeres Nudelregal im Supermarkt, Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland Leeres Nudelregal im Supermarkt, Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland *** Empty pasta shelf in the supermarket, Stuttgart, Baden Wurttemberg, Germany Empty pasta shelf in the supermarket, Stuttgart, Baden Wurttemberg, Germany


13 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: Chairs are placed on the tables in the classroom of a fourth grade primary school after school. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Baden-Wurttemberg will also be closing all schools and day care centres from Tuesday until the end of the Easter holidays. Photo: Marijan Murat/dpa


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Corona Ambulanz mit Laboruntersuchungen im Klinikum Stuttgart. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Corona outpatient clinic with laboratory tests at the Klinikum Stuttgart Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


Coronavirus-COVID-19 Corona Ambulanz mit Laboruntersuchungen im Klinikum Stuttgart. Stuttgart Mitte Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland *** Coronavirus COVID 19 Corona outpatient clinic with laboratory tests at the Klinikum Stuttgart Stuttgart Mitte Baden Wurttemberg Germany Copyright: xLeif-HendrikxPiechowskix


Corona-Verdachtsfall bei den Grunen im Landtag von Baden Wurttemberg - Sitze im Plenum der Grunen bleiben leer Corona-Verdachtsfall bei den Grunen im Landtag von Baden Wurttemberg - Sitze im Plenum der Grunen bleiben leer, 70173 Stuttgart, Deutschland *** Corona Verdachtsfall bei den Grunen im Landtag von Baden Wurttemberg Seats in the plenum of the Greens remain empty Corona Verdachtsfall bei den Grunen im Landtag von Baden Wurttemberg Seats in the plenum of the Greens remain empty, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


Wegen Coronavirus: Buseinstieg nur noch hinten, In einem Bus bei Schwabisch Hall ist der Bereich des Fahrers am 12.03.2020 abgesperrt. So bittet der Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart alle Busunternehmen im Verbundgebiet, ihre Fahrgaste nur noch an den hinteren Turen ein- und aussteigen zu lassen. Die Vorsichtsma?nahme soll laut VVS-Mitteilung vom Donnerstag dazu dienen, die Ansteckungsgefahr fur die Busfahrer und fur die Fahrgaste zu reduzieren. In den Bussen sollen auch bis auf Weiteres keine Tickets mehr verkauft werden. Schwabisch Hall Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland Schwabisch Hall *** Due to Coronavirus, bus boarding only at the rear, In a bus near Schwabisch Hall, the drivers area is closed off on 12 03 2020 The Stuttgart Transport and Tariff Association is asking all bus companies in the area to let passengers board and Copyright: xonw-images.dex


Wegen Coronavirus: Buseinstieg nur noch hinten, In einem Bus bei Schwabisch Hall ist der Bereich des Fahrers am 12.03.2020 abgesperrt. So bittet der Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund Stuttgart alle Busunternehmen im Verbundgebiet, ihre Fahrgaste nur noch an den hinteren Turen ein- und aussteigen zu lassen. Die Vorsichtsma?nahme soll laut VVS-Mitteilung vom Donnerstag dazu dienen, die Ansteckungsgefahr fur die Busfahrer und fur die Fahrgaste zu reduzieren. In den Bussen sollen auch bis auf Weiteres keine Tickets mehr verkauft werden. Schwabisch Hall Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland Schwabisch Hall *** Due to Coronavirus, bus boarding only at the rear, In a bus near Schwabisch Hall, the drivers area is closed off on 12 03 2020 The Stuttgart Transport and Tariff Association is asking all bus companies in the area to let passengers board and Copyright: xonw-images.dex


12 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An employee takes a smear test in a corona smear centre at the Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


12 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An employee takes a smear test in a corona smear centre at the Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


12 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An employee takes a smear test in a corona smear centre at the Stuttgart Trade Fair Centre. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


Corona-Verdachtsfall bei den Grunen im Landtag von Baden Wurttemberg - Sitze im Plenum der Grunen bleiben leer Corona-Verdachtsfall bei den Grunen im Landtag von Baden Wurttemberg - Sitze im Plenum der Grunen bleiben leer, 70173 Stuttgart, Deutschland *** Corona Verdachtsfall bei den Grunen im Landtag von Baden Wurttemberg Seats in the plenum of the Greens remain empty Corona Verdachtsfall bei den Grunen im Landtag von Baden Wurttemberg Seats in the plenum of the Greens remain empty, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


Corona-Verdachtsfall bei den Grunen im Landtag von Baden Wurttemberg - Sitze im Plenum der Grunen bleiben leer Corona-Verdachtsfall bei den Grunen im Landtag von Baden Wurttemberg - Sitze im Plenum der Grunen bleiben leer, 70173 Stuttgart, Deutschland *** Corona Verdachtsfall bei den Grunen im Landtag von Baden Wurttemberg Seats in the plenum of the Greens remain empty Corona Verdachtsfall bei den Grunen im Landtag von Baden Wurttemberg Seats in the plenum of the Greens remain empty, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany Copyright: 7aktuell.dex xMarcxGruber


Corona Virus. Cannstatter Wasen und Fruhlingsfest wurde abgesagt. Auf Grund der steigenden Zahlen der Infizierten werden grosse Veranstaltungen auch in Stuttgart abgesagt. Hier Gelande auf dem Cannstatter Wasen mit noch nicht aufgebauten Zelten. Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Deutschland *** Corona Virus Cannstatter Wasen and Spring Festival has been cancelled Due to the increasing number of infected people, major events are also being cancelled in Stuttgart Here Copyright: xMaxxKovalenkox


11 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An employee of the state parliament of Baden-Wurttemberg washes his hands next to a bottle of disinfectant. Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa


11 March 2020, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Stuttgart: An employee of the state parliament of Baden-Wurttemberg washes his hands next to a bottle of disinfectant. On the bottle it says "Landtag von Baden-Wurttemberg Bitte nicht mitnehmen". Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/dpa
