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IMAGO 17.02 - 24.02.2021 (2823)

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210224 -- JIUQUAN, Feb. 24, 2021 -- A Long March-4C rocket carrying the third group of China s Yaogan-31 remote sensing satellites blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, Feb. 24, 2021. Photo by /Xinhua EyesonSciCHINA-JIUQUAN-SATELLITE-LAUNCH CN WangxJiangbo PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210224 -- JIUQUAN, Feb. 24, 2021 -- A Long March-4C rocket carrying the third group of China s Yaogan-31 remote sensing satellites blasts off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, Feb. 24, 2021. Photo by /Xinhua EyesonSciCHINA-JIUQUAN-SATELLITE-LAUNCH CN WangxJiangbo PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


Aufkleber und Button der Corona-Querdenker, Impfgegner gegen das Impfen mit den Impfstoffen gegen das Sars-Cov-2-Virus. *** Sticker and button of the Corona Querdenker, vaccination opponents against vaccinating with the vaccines against the Sars Cov 2 Virus


Aufkleber und Button der Corona-Querdenker, Impfgegner gegen das Impfen mit den Impfstoffen gegen das Sars-Cov-2-Virus. *** Sticker and button of the Corona Querdenker, vaccination opponents against vaccinating with the vaccines against the Sars Cov 2 Virus


Aufkleber und Button der Corona-Querdenker, Impfgegner gegen das Impfen mit den Impfstoffen gegen das Sars-Cov-2-Virus. *** Sticker and button of the Corona Querdenker, vaccination opponents against vaccinating with the vaccines against the Sars Cov 2 Virus


Aufkleber und Button der Corona-Querdenker, Impfgegner gegen das Impfen mit den Impfstoffen gegen das Sars-Cov-2-Virus. *** Sticker and button of the Corona Querdenker, vaccination opponents against vaccinating with the vaccines against the Sars Cov 2 Virus


DEU, Deutschland, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Munster, 23.02.2021: Theater Munster, Au?enansicht. Wegen der Corona Pandemie findet derzeit kein Spielbetrieb statt. Plakate Wir sehen uns bald wieder *** DEU, Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Munster, 23 02 2021 Theatre Munster, exterior view Due to the Corona pandemic there is no performance at the moment Posters Well see each other again soon


China, ?l-F?rderung im Golf von Bohai 210223 -- TIANJIN, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Aerial photo taken on Feb. 20, 2021 shows the Bozhong 13-2 field, which is situated in the middle of the Bohai Sea, 140 km away from north China s Tianjin Municipality. The China National Offshore Oil Corporation CNOOC announced Monday that it has discovered a field in the Bohai Sea with estimated reserves of crude oil and natural gas totaling 100 million tonnes of oil equivalent. /Handout via Xinhua CHINA-TIANJIN-BOHAI SEA-OIL AND GAS FIELD-DISCOVERY CN TianjinxbranchxofxChinaxNationalxOffshorexOilxCorporationxCNOOC PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


Bayerns Innenminister Joachim Herrmann informiert sich ueber Einreisekontrollen und Corona-Testungen in Kiefersfelden an der Grenze zu Tirol. Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Bavarias Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann informs himself about entry controls and Corona testing in Kiefersfelden at the border to Tyrol Border controls at the Austrian-German border ,Border crossing Kiefersfelden Entry from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren Autofahrer bei der Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Border controls at the Austrian-German border ,border crossing Kiefersfelden border police officers control motorists entering Bavaria from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Gefarbter Himmel uber dem Filstal, 23.02.2021 Baden-Wurttemberg, G?ppingen-Hohenstaufen: Gelb-r?tlich erscheint der Himmel am Abend uber dem Filstal von einem Aussichtspunkt aus, weil in der Luft Saharastaub sein soll. G?ppingen Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland Hohenstaufen *** Colored sky over the Filstal, 23 02 2021 Baden Wurttemberg, G?ppingen Hohenstaufen Yellow reddish appears the sky in the evening over the Filstal from a vantage point, because in the air should be Sahara dust G?ppingen Baden Wurttemberg Germany Hohenstaufen Copyright: x xonw-imagesx/xMariusxBullingx


Coronavirus in Deutschland - Covid-19-Dashboard des Robert Koch-Institut 23.02.2021: Robert Koch-Institut: 7-Tage-Inzidenz 60,5. 7-Tage-Fallzahl 50.302. COVID-19-Falle 2.394.811. Zugang um 3.883 gegenuber dem Vortag. COVID-19-Todesfalle 68.318. Zugang um 415 gegenuber dem Vortag. *** Coronavirus in Germany Covid 19 Dashboard of the Robert Koch Institute 23 02 2021 Robert Koch Institute 7 days Incidence 60.5 7 days Number of cases 50 302 COVID 19 cases 2 394 811 Addition of 3 883 compared to the previous day COVID 19 deaths 68 318 Addition of 415 compared to the previous day


Coronavirus in Deutschland - Covid-19-Dashboard des Robert Koch-Institut 23.02.2021: Robert Koch-Institut: 7-Tage-Inzidenz 60,5. 7-Tage-Fallzahl 50.302. COVID-19-Falle 2.394.811. Zugang um 3.883 gegenuber dem Vortag. COVID-19-Todesfalle 68.318. Zugang um 415 gegenuber dem Vortag. *** Coronavirus in Germany Covid 19 Dashboard of the Robert Koch Institute 23 02 2021 Robert Koch Institute 7 days Incidence 60.5 7 days Number of cases 50 302 COVID 19 cases 2 394 811 Addition of 3 883 compared to the previous day COVID 19 deaths 68 318 Addition of 415 compared to the previous day


23.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,Feierliche Zeremonie der Kranz- und Blumenniederlegung am sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten Stra?e des 17.Juni anlasslich des Tages des Verteidigers des Vaterlandes.Oberst i.G. Alexey Efimov *** 23 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,Ceremony of laying a wreath and flowers at the Soviet memorial in Tiergarten Stra?e des 17 Juni on the occasion of the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland Colonel i G Alexey Efimov


23.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,Feierliche Zeremonie der Kranz- und Blumenniederlegung am sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten Stra?e des 17.Juni anlasslich des Tages des Verteidigers des Vaterlandes. *** 23 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,Ceremony of laying wreath and flowers at the Soviet memorial in Tiergarten Stra?e des 17 Juni on the occasion of the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland


23.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,Feierliche Zeremonie der Kranz- und Blumenniederlegung am sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten Stra?e des 17.Juni anlasslich des Tages des Verteidigers des Vaterlandes. *** 23 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,Ceremony of laying wreath and flowers at the Soviet memorial in Tiergarten Stra?e des 17 Juni on the occasion of the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland


23.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,Feierliche Zeremonie der Kranz- und Blumenniederlegung am sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten Stra?e des 17.Juni anlasslich des Tages des Verteidigers des Vaterlandes. *** 23 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,Ceremony of laying wreath and flowers at the Soviet memorial in Tiergarten Stra?e des 17 Juni on the occasion of the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland


23.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,Feierliche Zeremonie der Kranz- und Blumenniederlegung am sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten Stra?e des 17.Juni anlasslich des Tages des Verteidigers des Vaterlandes. *** 23 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,Ceremony of laying wreath and flowers at the Soviet memorial in Tiergarten Stra?e des 17 Juni on the occasion of the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland


23.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,Feierliche Zeremonie der Kranz- und Blumenniederlegung am sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten Stra?e des 17.Juni anlasslich des Tages des Verteidigers des Vaterlandes. *** 23 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,Ceremony of laying wreath and flowers at the Soviet memorial in Tiergarten Stra?e des 17 Juni on the occasion of the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland


23.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,Feierliche Zeremonie der Kranz- und Blumenniederlegung am sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten Stra?e des 17.Juni anlasslich des Tages des Verteidigers des Vaterlandes. *** 23 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,Ceremony of laying wreath and flowers at the Soviet memorial in Tiergarten Stra?e des 17 Juni on the occasion of the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland


23.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,Feierliche Zeremonie der Kranz- und Blumenniederlegung am sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten Stra?e des 17.Juni anlasslich des Tages des Verteidigers des Vaterlandes. *** 23 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,Ceremony of laying wreath and flowers at the Soviet memorial in Tiergarten Stra?e des 17 Juni on the occasion of the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland


DEU, Deutschland, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Munster, 23.02.2021: Theater Munster, Leere Stuhle im Theater. Wegen der Corona Pandemie findet derzeit kein Spielbetrieb statt *** DEU, Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Munster, 23 02 2021 Theater Munster, Empty chairs in the theatre Due to the Corona pandemic there is currently no performance


Coronavirus in Deutschland - Covid-19-Dashboard des Robert Koch-Institut 23.02.2021: Robert Koch-Institut: 7-Tage-Inzidenz 60,5. 7-Tage-Fallzahl 50.302. COVID-19-Falle 2.394.811. Zugang um 3.883 gegenuber dem Vortag. COVID-19-Todesfalle 68.318. Zugang um 415 gegenuber dem Vortag. *** Coronavirus in Germany Covid 19 Dashboard of the Robert Koch Institute 23 02 2021 Robert Koch Institute 7 days Incidence 60.5 7 days Number of cases 50 302 COVID 19 cases 2 394 811 Addition of 3 883 compared to the previous day COVID 19 deaths 68 318 Addition of 415 compared to the previous day


Coronavirus in Deutschland - Covid-19-Dashboard des Robert Koch-Institut 23.02.2021: Robert Koch-Institut: COVID-19-Todesfalle 68.318. Zugang um 415 gegenuber dem Vortag. *** Coronavirus in Germany Covid 19 Robert Koch Institute dashboard 23 02 2021 Robert Koch Institute COVID 19 deaths 68 318 increase by 415 compared to previous day


Coronavirus in Deutschland - Covid-19-Dashboard des Robert Koch-Institut 23.02.2021: Robert Koch-Institut: COVID-19-Falle 2.394.811. Zugang um 3.883 gegenuber dem Vortag. *** Coronavirus in Germany Covid 19 Dashboard of the Robert Koch Institute 23 02 2021 Robert Koch Institute COVID 19 cases 2 394 811 Addition of 3 883 compared to previous day


Coronavirus in Deutschland - Covid-19-Dashboard des Robert Koch-Institut 23.02.2021: Robert Koch-Institut: 7-Tage-Inzidenz 60,5. 7-Tage-Fallzahl 50.302. *** Coronavirus in Germany Covid 19 Dashboard of the Robert Koch Institute 23 02 2021 Robert Koch Institute 7 days Incidence 60.5 7 days Number of cases 50 302


Coronavirus in Deutschland - Covid-19-Dashboard des Robert Koch-Institut 23.02.2021: Robert Koch-Institut: 7-Tage-Inzidenz 60,5. 7-Tage-Fallzahl 50.302. *** Coronavirus in Germany Covid 19 Dashboard of the Robert Koch Institute 23 02 2021 Robert Koch Institute 7 days Incidence 60.5 7 days Number of cases 50 302


Coronavirus in Deutschland - Covid-19-Dashboard des Robert Koch-Institut 23.02.2021: Robert Koch-Institut: 7-Tage-Inzidenz 60,5. 7-Tage-Fallzahl 50.302. *** Coronavirus in Germany Covid 19 Dashboard of the Robert Koch Institute 23 02 2021 Robert Koch Institute 7 days Incidence 60.5 7 days Number of cases 50 302


Schreinerei in Brand 23.02.2021, Rheinland-Pfalz, Winningen: Einsatzkrafte der Feuerwehr l?schen in der Nacht zum Dienstag einen brand in einer Schreinerei im Gewerbegebiet von Winningen an der Mosel Landkreis Mayen-Koblenz. Die Brandursache ist noch ungeklart, von einem hohen Sachschaden durfte auszugehen sein. Personen wurden nicht verletzt. *** Carpenters workshop on fire 23 02 2021, Rhineland-Palatinate, Winningen Firefighters extinguish a fire in a carpenters workshop in the industrial area of Winningen on the Mosel district of Mayen Koblenz in the night to Tuesday The cause of the fire is still unknown, a high property damage should be assumed Persons were not injured


Schreinerei in Brand 23.02.2021, Rheinland-Pfalz, Winningen: Einsatzkrafte der Feuerwehr l?schen in der Nacht zum Dienstag einen brand in einer Schreinerei im Gewerbegebiet von Winningen an der Mosel Landkreis Mayen-Koblenz. Die Brandursache ist noch ungeklart, von einem hohen Sachschaden durfte auszugehen sein. Personen wurden nicht verletzt. *** Carpenters workshop on fire 23 02 2021, Rhineland-Palatinate, Winningen Firefighters extinguish a fire in a carpenters workshop in the industrial area of Winningen on the Mosel district of Mayen Koblenz in the night to Tuesday The cause of the fire is still unknown, a high property damage should be assumed Persons were not injured


Schreinerei in Brand 23.02.2021, Rheinland-Pfalz, Winningen: Einsatzkrafte der Feuerwehr l?schen in der Nacht zum Dienstag einen brand in einer Schreinerei im Gewerbegebiet von Winningen an der Mosel Landkreis Mayen-Koblenz. Die Brandursache ist noch ungeklart, von einem hohen Sachschaden durfte auszugehen sein. Personen wurden nicht verletzt. *** Carpenters workshop on fire 23 02 2021, Rhineland-Palatinate, Winningen Firefighters extinguish a fire in a carpenters workshop in the industrial area of Winningen on the Mosel district of Mayen Koblenz in the night to Tuesday The cause of the fire is still unknown, a high property damage should be assumed Persons were not injured


Schreinerei in Brand 23.02.2021, Rheinland-Pfalz, Winningen: Einsatzkrafte der Feuerwehr l?schen in der Nacht zum Dienstag einen brand in einer Schreinerei im Gewerbegebiet von Winningen an der Mosel Landkreis Mayen-Koblenz. Die Brandursache ist noch ungeklart, von einem hohen Sachschaden durfte auszugehen sein. Personen wurden nicht verletzt. *** Carpenters workshop on fire 23 02 2021, Rhineland-Palatinate, Winningen Firefighters extinguish a fire in a carpenters workshop in the industrial area of Winningen on the Mosel district of Mayen Koblenz in the night to Tuesday The cause of the fire is still unknown, a high property damage should be assumed Persons were not injured


Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren Autofahrer bei der Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Border controls at the Austrian-German border ,border crossing Kiefersfelden border police officers control motorists entering Bavaria from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Schild Abstand halten an der Strandpromenade in Cuxhaven in NiedersachsenSchild Abstand halten an der Strandpromenade in Cuxhaven in Niedersachsen, Hamburg Hamburg Deutschland Cinemaxx Dammtor *** sign keep distance at the beach promenade in Cuxhaven in Lower Saxony sign keep distance at the beach promenade in Cuxhaven in Lower Saxony, Hamburg Hamburg Germany Cinemaxx Dammtor


Schild Abstand halten an der Strandpromenade in Cuxhaven in NiedersachsenSchild Abstand halten an der Strandpromenade in Cuxhaven in Niedersachsen, Hamburg Hamburg Deutschland Cinemaxx Dammtor *** sign keep distance at the beach promenade in Cuxhaven in Lower Saxony sign keep distance at the beach promenade in Cuxhaven in Lower Saxony, Hamburg Hamburg Germany Cinemaxx Dammtor


Schild Abstand halten an der Strandpromenade in Cuxhaven in NiedersachsenSchild Abstand halten an der Strandpromenade in Cuxhaven in Niedersachsen, Hamburg Hamburg Deutschland Cinemaxx Dammtor *** sign keep distance at the beach promenade in Cuxhaven in Lower Saxony sign keep distance at the beach promenade in Cuxhaven in Lower Saxony, Hamburg Hamburg Germany Cinemaxx Dammtor


Bundesaussenminister Heiko Maas, SPD, aufgenommen im Rahmen einer Videokonferenz des VN-Sicherheitsrats. Berlin, 23.02.2021. Berlin Germany *** Federal Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, SPD, recorded during a video conference of the UN Security Council Berlin, 23 02 2021 Berlin Germany Copyright: xJaninexSchmitz/photothek.dex


23.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,Feierliche Zeremonie der Kranz- und Blumenniederlegung am sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten Stra?e des 17.Juni anlasslich des Tages des Verteidigers des Vaterlandes. *** 23 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,Ceremony of laying wreath and flowers at the Soviet memorial in Tiergarten Stra?e des 17 Juni on the occasion of the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland


23.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,Feierliche Zeremonie der Kranz- und Blumenniederlegung am sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten Stra?e des 17.Juni anlasslich des Tages des Verteidigers des Vaterlandes. *** 23 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,Ceremony of laying wreath and flowers at the Soviet memorial in Tiergarten Stra?e des 17 Juni on the occasion of the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland


23.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,Feierliche Zeremonie der Kranz- und Blumenniederlegung am sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten Stra?e des 17.Juni anlasslich des Tages des Verteidigers des Vaterlandes. *** 23 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,Ceremony of laying wreath and flowers at the Soviet memorial in Tiergarten Stra?e des 17 Juni on the occasion of the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland


Foto IPP/Fabio Cimaglia Roma 23/02/2021 Manifestazione davanti al Teatro Argentina degli attori e dei lavoratori del teatro e dello spettacolo Nella foto: un momento della manifestazione *** Photo IPP Fabio Cimaglia Rome 23 02 2021 Demonstration in front of Teatro Argentina of actors and workers in the theater and entertainment In the photo a moment of the demonstration PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxITAxFIN 0


Foto IPP/Fabio Cimaglia Roma 23/02/2021 Manifestazione davanti al Teatro Argentina degli attori e dei lavoratori del teatro e dello spettacolo Nella foto: un momento della manifestazione *** Photo IPP Fabio Cimaglia Rome 23 02 2021 Demonstration in front of Teatro Argentina of actors and workers in the theater and entertainment In the photo a moment of the demonstration PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxITAxFIN 0


Foto IPP/Fabio Cimaglia Roma 23/02/2021 Manifestazione davanti al Teatro Argentina degli attori e dei lavoratori del teatro e dello spettacolo Nella foto: un momento della manifestazione *** Photo IPP Fabio Cimaglia Rome 23 02 2021 Demonstration in front of Teatro Argentina of actors and workers in the theater and entertainment In the photo a moment of the demonstration PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxITAxFIN 0


Foto IPP/Fabio Cimaglia Roma 23/02/2021 Manifestazione davanti al Teatro Argentina degli attori e dei lavoratori del teatro e dello spettacolo Nella foto: un momento della manifestazione *** Photo IPP Fabio Cimaglia Rome 23 02 2021 Demonstration in front of Teatro Argentina of actors and workers in the theater and entertainment In the photo a moment of the demonstration PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxITAxFIN 0


Foto IPP/Fabio Cimaglia Roma 23/02/2021 Manifestazione davanti al Teatro Argentina degli attori e dei lavoratori del teatro e dello spettacolo Nella foto: un momento della manifestazione *** Photo IPP Fabio Cimaglia Rome 23 02 2021 Demonstration in front of Teatro Argentina of actors and workers in the theater and entertainment In the photo a moment of the demonstration PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxITAxFIN 0


Foto IPP/Fabio Cimaglia Roma 23/02/2021 Manifestazione davanti al Teatro Argentina degli attori e dei lavoratori del teatro e dello spettacolo Nella foto: un momento della manifestazione *** Photo IPP Fabio Cimaglia Rome 23 02 2021 Demonstration in front of Teatro Argentina of actors and workers in the theater and entertainment In the photo a moment of the demonstration PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxITAxFIN 0


Foto IPP/Fabio Cimaglia Roma 23/02/2021 Manifestazione davanti al Teatro Argentina degli attori e dei lavoratori del teatro e dello spettacolo Nella foto: un momento della manifestazione *** Photo IPP Fabio Cimaglia Rome 23 02 2021 Demonstration in front of Teatro Argentina of actors and workers in the theater and entertainment In the photo a moment of the demonstration PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxITAxFIN 0


Foto IPP/Fabio Cimaglia Roma 23/02/2021 Manifestazione davanti al Teatro Argentina degli attori e dei lavoratori del teatro e dello spettacolo Nella foto: un momento della manifestazione *** Photo IPP Fabio Cimaglia Rome 23 02 2021 Demonstration in front of Teatro Argentina of actors and workers in the theater and entertainment In the photo a moment of the demonstration PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxITAxFIN 0


Foto IPP/Fabio Cimaglia Roma 23/02/2021 Manifestazione davanti al Teatro Argentina degli attori e dei lavoratori del teatro e dello spettacolo Nella foto: un momento della manifestazione *** Photo IPP Fabio Cimaglia Rome 23 02 2021 Demonstration in front of Teatro Argentina of actors and workers in the theater and entertainment In the photo a moment of the demonstration PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxITAxFIN 0


Issy Les Moulineaux, France February 23, 2021 - The new head office of the French telecom operator Orange. This new head office, called Bridge , is a 56,000 square meter complex, and is about to welcome, by July 2021, nearly 3,000 telecoms giant employees ENTREPRISE ORANGE, TELECOM, ILLUSTRATON, NOUVEAU SIEGE SOCIAL, ILLUSTRATION, GENERIQUE, ARCHITECTURE, TELEPHONIE, FAI, FOUNISSEUR D ACCES INTERNET, TECHNOLOGIE, 5G, BUREAUX, ECONOMIE, BUSINESS, MULTINATIONALE FRANCAISE, CAC40, CAC 40, FIBRE OPTIQUE, COUVERTURE RESEAU, STEPHANE RICHARD, FRANCE TELECOM, TELEPHONIE MOBILE, PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Issy Les Moulineaux, France February 23, 2021 - The new head office of the French telecom operator Orange. This new head office, called Bridge , is a 56,000 square meter complex, and is about to welcome, by July 2021, nearly 3,000 telecoms giant employees ENTREPRISE ORANGE, TELECOM, ILLUSTRATON, NOUVEAU SIEGE SOCIAL, ILLUSTRATION, GENERIQUE, ARCHITECTURE, TELEPHONIE, FAI, FOUNISSEUR D ACCES INTERNET, TECHNOLOGIE, 5G, BUREAUX, ECONOMIE, BUSINESS, MULTINATIONALE FRANCAISE, CAC40, CAC 40, FIBRE OPTIQUE, COUVERTURE RESEAU, STEPHANE RICHARD, FRANCE TELECOM, TELEPHONIE MOBILE, PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Issy Les Moulineaux, France February 23, 2021 - The new head office of the French telecom operator Orange. This new head office, called Bridge , is a 56,000 square meter complex, and is about to welcome, by July 2021, nearly 3,000 telecoms giant employees ENTREPRISE ORANGE, TELECOM, ILLUSTRATON, NOUVEAU SIEGE SOCIAL, ILLUSTRATION, GENERIQUE, ARCHITECTURE, TELEPHONIE, FAI, FOUNISSEUR D ACCES INTERNET, TECHNOLOGIE, 5G, BUREAUX, ECONOMIE, BUSINESS, MULTINATIONALE FRANCAISE, CAC40, CAC 40, FIBRE OPTIQUE, COUVERTURE RESEAU, STEPHANE RICHARD, FRANCE TELECOM, TELEPHONIE MOBILE, PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Issy Les Moulineaux, France February 23, 2021 - The new head office of the French telecom operator Orange. This new head office, called Bridge , is a 56,000 square meter complex, and is about to welcome, by July 2021, nearly 3,000 telecoms giant employees ENTREPRISE ORANGE, TELECOM, ILLUSTRATON, NOUVEAU SIEGE SOCIAL, ILLUSTRATION, GENERIQUE, ARCHITECTURE, TELEPHONIE, FAI, FOUNISSEUR D ACCES INTERNET, TECHNOLOGIE, 5G, BUREAUX, ECONOMIE, BUSINESS, MULTINATIONALE FRANCAISE, CAC40, CAC 40, FIBRE OPTIQUE, COUVERTURE RESEAU, STEPHANE RICHARD, FRANCE TELECOM, TELEPHONIE MOBILE, PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Issy Les Moulineaux, France February 23, 2021 - The new head office of the French telecom operator Orange. This new head office, called Bridge , is a 56,000 square meter complex, and is about to welcome, by July 2021, nearly 3,000 telecoms giant employees ENTREPRISE ORANGE, TELECOM, ILLUSTRATON, NOUVEAU SIEGE SOCIAL, ILLUSTRATION, GENERIQUE, ARCHITECTURE, TELEPHONIE, FAI, FOUNISSEUR D ACCES INTERNET, TECHNOLOGIE, 5G, BUREAUX, ECONOMIE, BUSINESS, MULTINATIONALE FRANCAISE, CAC40, CAC 40, FIBRE OPTIQUE, COUVERTURE RESEAU, STEPHANE RICHARD, FRANCE TELECOM, TELEPHONIE MOBILE, PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Issy Les Moulineaux, France February 23, 2021 - The new head office of the French telecom operator Orange. This new head office, called Bridge , is a 56,000 square meter complex, and is about to welcome, by July 2021, nearly 3,000 telecoms giant employees ENTREPRISE ORANGE, TELECOM, ILLUSTRATON, NOUVEAU SIEGE SOCIAL, ILLUSTRATION, GENERIQUE, ARCHITECTURE, TELEPHONIE, FAI, FOUNISSEUR D ACCES INTERNET, TECHNOLOGIE, 5G, BUREAUX, ECONOMIE, BUSINESS, MULTINATIONALE FRANCAISE, CAC40, CAC 40, FIBRE OPTIQUE, COUVERTURE RESEAU, STEPHANE RICHARD, FRANCE TELECOM, TELEPHONIE MOBILE, PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Issy Les Moulineaux, France February 23, 2021 - The new head office of the French telecom operator Orange. This new head office, called Bridge , is a 56,000 square meter complex, and is about to welcome, by July 2021, nearly 3,000 telecoms giant employees ENTREPRISE ORANGE, TELECOM, ILLUSTRATON, NOUVEAU SIEGE SOCIAL, ILLUSTRATION, GENERIQUE, ARCHITECTURE, TELEPHONIE, FAI, FOUNISSEUR D ACCES INTERNET, TECHNOLOGIE, 5G, BUREAUX, ECONOMIE, BUSINESS, MULTINATIONALE FRANCAISE, CAC40, CAC 40, FIBRE OPTIQUE, COUVERTURE RESEAU, STEPHANE RICHARD, FRANCE TELECOM, TELEPHONIE MOBILE, PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


Repetition des Victoires de la Musique Classique NEWS : Lyon accueille les Victoires de la Musique Classique 2021 - Repetition a l Auditorium de Lyon - 23/02/2021 SandrineThesillat/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL


Manifestant NEWS : Lyon accueille les Victoires de la Musique Classique 2021 - Repetition a l Auditorium de Lyon - 23/02/2021 SandrineThesillat/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL


Manifestants NEWS : Lyon accueille les Victoires de la Musique Classique 2021 - Repetition a l Auditorium de Lyon - 23/02/2021 SandrineThesillat/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL


Manifestants NEWS : Lyon accueille les Victoires de la Musique Classique 2021 - Repetition a l Auditorium de Lyon - 23/02/2021 SandrineThesillat/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL


Lyon accueille les Victoires de la Musique Classique 2021 - Repetition NEWS : Lyon accueille les Victoires de la Musique Classique 2021 - Repetition a l Auditorium de Lyon - 23/02/2021 SandrineThesillat/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL


Lyon accueille les Victoires de la Musique Classique 2021 - Repetition NEWS : Lyon accueille les Victoires de la Musique Classique 2021 - Repetition a l Auditorium de Lyon - 23/02/2021 SandrineThesillat/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL


Lyon accueille les Victoires de la Musique Classique 2021 - Repetition NEWS : Lyon accueille les Victoires de la Musique Classique 2021 - Repetition a l Auditorium de Lyon - 23/02/2021 SandrineThesillat/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL


Nikolaj Szeps Znaider NEWS : Lyon accueille les Victoires de la Musique Classique 2021 - Repetition a l Auditorium de Lyon - 23/02/2021 SandrineThesillat/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL


Nikolaj Szeps Znaider NEWS : Lyon accueille les Victoires de la Musique Classique 2021 - Repetition a l Auditorium de Lyon - 23/02/2021 SandrineThesillat/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL


Repetition des Victoires de la Musique Classique NEWS : Lyon accueille les Victoires de la Musique Classique 2021 - Repetition a l Auditorium de Lyon - 23/02/2021 SandrineThesillat/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL


Repetition des Victoires de la Musique Classique NEWS : Lyon accueille les Victoires de la Musique Classique 2021 - Repetition a l Auditorium de Lyon - 23/02/2021 SandrineThesillat/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL


Nikolaj Szeps Znaider NEWS : Lyon accueille les Victoires de la Musique Classique 2021 - Repetition a l Auditorium de Lyon - 23/02/2021 SandrineThesillat/Panoramic PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxITAxBEL


210223 -- KABUL, Feb. 23, 2021 -- An Afghan security force member receives the COVID-19 vaccine during the inauguration ceremony in Kabul, Afghanistan, Feb. 23, 2021. /Handout via Xinhua AFGHANISTAN-KABUL-COVID-19-VACCINATION AfghanxPresidentxPalace PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- KABUL, Feb. 23, 2021 -- An Afghan security force member receives the COVID-19 vaccine during the inauguration ceremony in Kabul, Afghanistan, Feb. 23, 2021. /Handout via Xinhua AFGHANISTAN-KABUL-COVID-19-VACCINATION AfghanxPresidentxPalace PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- KABUL, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani 3rd R attends the inauguration ceremony of COVID-19 vaccination in Kabul, Afghanistan, Feb. 23, 2021. /Handout via Xinhua AFGHANISTAN-KABUL-COVID-19-VACCINATION AfghanxPresidentxPalace PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- KABUL, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Afghan President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani speaks during the inauguration ceremony of COVID-19 vaccination in Kabul, Afghanistan, Feb. 23, 2021. /Handout via Xinhua AFGHANISTAN-KABUL-COVID-19-VACCINATION AfghanxPresidentxPalace PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- CAIRO, Feb. 23, 2021 -- A batch of China s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines are seen in Cairo International Airport, Egypt, Feb. 23, 2021. The shipment of COVID-19 vaccines from Chinese company Sinopharm arrived in Egyptian capital Cairo on Tuesday. EGYPT-CAIRO-CHINA-VACCINE-ARRIVAL WuxHuiwo PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- CAIRO, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Workers transport a batch of China s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines in Cairo International Airport, Egypt, Feb. 23, 2021. The shipment of COVID-19 vaccines from Chinese company Sinopharm arrived in Egyptian capital Cairo on Tuesday. EGYPT-CAIRO-CHINA-VACCINE-ARRIVAL WuxHuiwo PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- CAIRO, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Workers upload a batch of China s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines onto a truck in Cairo International Airport, Egypt, Feb. 23, 2021. The shipment of COVID-19 vaccines from Chinese company Sinopharm arrived in Egyptian capital Cairo on Tuesday. EGYPT-CAIRO-CHINA-VACCINE-ARRIVAL WuxHuiwo PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- CAIRO, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Workers upload a batch of China s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines onto a truck in Cairo International Airport, Egypt, Feb. 23, 2021. The shipment of COVID-19 vaccines from Chinese company Sinopharm arrived in Egyptian capital Cairo on Tuesday. EGYPT-CAIRO-CHINA-VACCINE-ARRIVAL WuxHuiwo PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- CAIRO, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Workers upload a batch of China s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines onto a truck in Cairo International Airport, Egypt, Feb. 23, 2021. The shipment of COVID-19 vaccines from Chinese company Sinopharm arrived in Egyptian capital Cairo on Tuesday. EGYPT-CAIRO-CHINA-VACCINE-ARRIVAL WuxHuiwo PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- CAIRO, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Workers upload a batch of China s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines onto a truck in Cairo International Airport, Egypt, Feb. 23, 2021. The shipment of COVID-19 vaccines from Chinese company Sinopharm arrived in Egyptian capital Cairo on Tuesday. EGYPT-CAIRO-CHINA-VACCINE-ARRIVAL WuxHuiwo PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- CAIRO, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Workers upload a batch of China s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines onto a truck in Cairo International Airport, Egypt, Feb. 23, 2021. The shipment of COVID-19 vaccines from Chinese company Sinopharm arrived in Egyptian capital Cairo on Tuesday. EGYPT-CAIRO-CHINA-VACCINE-ARRIVAL WuxHuiwo PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- CAIRO, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Workers upload a batch of China s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccines onto a truck in Cairo International Airport, Egypt, Feb. 23, 2021. The shipment of COVID-19 vaccines from Chinese company Sinopharm arrived in Egyptian capital Cairo on Tuesday. EGYPT-CAIRO-CHINA-VACCINE-ARRIVAL WuxHuiwo PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- HONG KONG, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Carrie Lam, chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, speaks at a press conference in south China s Hong Kong, Feb. 23, 2021. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region HKSAR government has launched a free COVID-19 vaccination program and as of 4 p.m. Tuesday local time, about 70,000 people have signed up for it. Chief Executive of the HKSAR Carrie Lam told the media on Tuesday morning that the public responded to the program enthusiastically. CHINA-HONG KONG-CARRIE LAM-COVID-19-VACCINATION-PRESS CN LuixSiuxWai PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- HONG KONG, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Carrie Lam, chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, speaks at a press conference in south China s Hong Kong, Feb. 23, 2021. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region HKSAR government has launched a free COVID-19 vaccination program and as of 4 p.m. Tuesday local time, about 70,000 people have signed up for it. Chief Executive of the HKSAR Carrie Lam told the media on Tuesday morning that the public responded to the program enthusiastically. CHINA-HONG KONG-CARRIE LAM-COVID-19-VACCINATION-PRESS CN LuixSiuxWai PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


23.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,Feierliche Zeremonie der Kranz- und Blumenniederlegung am sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten Stra?e des 17.Juni anlasslich des Tages des Verteidigers des Vaterlandes. *** 23 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,Ceremony of laying wreath and flowers at the Soviet memorial in Tiergarten Stra?e des 17 Juni on the occasion of the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland


210223 -- ULAN BATOR, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Representatives from China and Mongolia sign handover certificates of COVID-19 vaccines donated by China during a handover ceremony at the Chinggis Khaan International Airport in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, Feb. 23, 2021. Mongolia on Monday night received 300,000 doses of Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine donated by China. MONGOLIA-ULAN BATOR-CHINA DONATED-COVID-19 VACCINES Asigang PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- ULAN BATOR, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Photo taken on Feb. 23, 2021 shows a plane carrying COVID-19 vaccines donated by China at the Chinggis Khaan International Airport in Ulan Bator, Mongolia. Mongolia on Monday night received 300,000 doses of Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine donated by China. MONGOLIA-ULAN BATOR-CHINA DONATED-COVID-19 VACCINES Asigang PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- ULAN BATOR, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Chinese Ambassador to Mongolia Chai Wenrui L delivers samples of COVID-19 vaccines donated by China to Mongolian Deputy Prime Minister Sainbuyan Amarsaikhan during a handover ceremony at the Chinggis Khaan International Airport in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, Feb. 23, 2021. Mongolia on Monday night received 300,000 doses of Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine donated by China. MONGOLIA-ULAN BATOR-CHINA DONATED-COVID-19 VACCINES Asigang PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- ULAN BATOR, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Staff members prepare to unload COVID-19 vaccines donated by China at the Chinggis Khaan International Airport in Ulan Bator, Mongolia, Feb. 23, 2021. Mongolia on Monday night received 300,000 doses of Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine donated by China. MONGOLIA-ULAN BATOR-CHINA DONATED-COVID-19 VACCINES Asigang PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


Issy Les Moulineaux, France February 23, 2021 - The new head office of the French telecom operator Orange. This new head office, called Bridge , is a 56,000 square meter complex, and is about to welcome, by July 2021, nearly 3,000 telecoms giant employees ENTREPRISE ORANGE, TELECOM, ILLUSTRATON, NOUVEAU SIEGE SOCIAL, ILLUSTRATION, GENERIQUE, ARCHITECTURE, TELEPHONIE, FAI, FOUNISSEUR D ACCES INTERNET, TECHNOLOGIE, 5G, BUREAUX, ECONOMIE, BUSINESS, MULTINATIONALE FRANCAISE, CAC40, CAC 40, FIBRE OPTIQUE, COUVERTURE RESEAU, STEPHANE RICHARD, FRANCE TELECOM, TELEPHONIE MOBILE, PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRA Copyright: xVincentxIsorex


23.02.2021,Berlin,Deutschland,GER,Feierliche Zeremonie der Kranz- und Blumenniederlegung am sowjetischen Ehrenmal im Tiergarten Stra?e des 17.Juni anlasslich des Tages des Verteidigers des Vaterlandes. *** 23 02 2021,Berlin,Germany,GER,Ceremony of laying wreath and flowers at the Soviet memorial in Tiergarten Stra?e des 17 Juni on the occasion of the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland


210223 -- SRINAGAR, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Passengers wearing face masks wait for a train at a train station in Srinagar city, the summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir, Feb. 23, 2021. Train service was resumed partially in Indian-controlled Kashmir after a gap of 11 months, officials said Tuesday. The service was suspended on March 19 last year owing to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. KASHMIR-TRAIN SERVICE-RESUMPTION JavedxDar PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


210223 -- SRINAGAR, Feb. 23, 2021 -- Passengers wearing face masks walk on a railway platform in Srinagar city, the summer capital of Indian-controlled Kashmir, Feb. 23, 2021. Train service was resumed partially in Indian-controlled Kashmir after a gap of 11 months, officials said Tuesday. The service was suspended on March 19 last year owing to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. KASHMIR-TRAIN SERVICE-RESUMPTION JavedxDar PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


Athen, Griechenland - Studenten protestieren am Dienstag, 23. Februar 2021 vor der Nationale und Kapodistrias Universitat in Athen gegen das neue Bildungsgesetz der Regierung und die Universitatspolizei, sowie gegen Polizeigewalt und die Festnahmen von 32 Personen bei der Besetzung der Aristoteles Universitat in Thessaloniki am Montag. Studentenproteste Athen *** Athens, Greece Students protest Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021 in front of the National and Kapodistrias University in Athens against the governments new education law and university police, as well as police violence and the arrests of 32 people during the occupation of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki on Monday Student Protests Athens PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE5250633


Copenhagen, Denmark. 23 February 2021, Danes proetesting againest coronavirus pandemic new debate in danish parliamenet about quick corona virus pandemic law in danish parliament with all political parties and stage anti pandemic law debates in front of danish parliament and danish police stand peaceful proteact danish parliament in front christiansborg danish parliament in Copenhagen. Photo..Francis Dean/Deanpictures


Copenhagen, Denmark. 23 February 2021, Danes proetesting againest coronavirus pandemic new debate in danish parliamenet about quick corona virus pandemic law in danish parliament with all political parties and stage anti pandemic law debates in front of danish parliament and danish police stand peaceful proteact danish parliament in front christiansborg danish parliament in Copenhagen. Photo..Francis Dean/Deanpictures


Copenhagen, Denmark. 23 February 2021, Danes proetesting againest coronavirus pandemic new debate in danish parliamenet about quick corona virus pandemic law in danish parliament with all political parties and stage anti pandemic law debates in front of danish parliament and danish police stand peaceful proteact danish parliament in front christiansborg danish parliament in Copenhagen. Photo..Francis Dean/Deanpictures


Copenhagen, Denmark. 23 February 2021, Danes proetesting againest coronavirus pandemic new debate in danish parliamenet about quick corona virus pandemic law in danish parliament with all political parties and stage anti pandemic law debates in front of danish parliament and danish police stand peaceful proteact danish parliament in front christiansborg danish parliament in Copenhagen. Photo..Francis Dean/Deanpictures


Copenhagen, Denmark. 23 February 2021, Danes proetesting againest coronavirus pandemic new debate in danish parliamenet about quick corona virus pandemic law in danish parliament with all political parties and stage anti pandemic law debates in front of danish parliament and danish police stand peaceful proteact danish parliament in front christiansborg danish parliament in Copenhagen. Photo..Francis Dean/Deanpictures


Copenhagen, Denmark. 23 February 2021, Danes proetesting againest coronavirus pandemic new debate in danish parliamenet about quick corona virus pandemic law in danish parliament with all political parties and stage anti pandemic law debates in front of danish parliament and danish police stand peaceful proteact danish parliament in front christiansborg danish parliament in Copenhagen. Photo..Francis Dean/Deanpictures


Copenhagen, Denmark. 23 February 2021, Danes proetesting againest coronavirus pandemic new debate in danish parliamenet about quick corona virus pandemic law in danish parliament with all political parties and stage anti pandemic law debates in front of danish parliament and danish police stand peaceful proteact danish parliament in front christiansborg danish parliament in Copenhagen. Photo..Francis Dean/Deanpictures


Copenhagen, Denmark. 23 February 2021, Danes proetesting againest coronavirus pandemic new debate in danish parliamenet about quick corona virus pandemic law in danish parliament with all political parties and stage anti pandemic law debates in front of danish parliament and danish police stand peaceful proteact danish parliament in front christiansborg danish parliament in Copenhagen. Photo..Francis Dean/Deanpictures


Copenhagen, Denmark. 23 February 2021, Danes proetesting againest coronavirus pandemic new debate in danish parliamenet about quick corona virus pandemic law in danish parliament with all political parties and stage anti pandemic law debates in front of danish parliament and danish police stand peaceful proteact danish parliament in front christiansborg danish parliament in Copenhagen. Photo..Francis Dean/Deanpictures


Athen, Griechenland - Studenten protestieren am Dienstag, 23. Februar 2021 vor der Nationale und Kapodistrias Universitat in Athen gegen das neue Bildungsgesetz der Regierung und die Universitatspolizei, sowie gegen Polizeigewalt und die Festnahmen von 32 Personen bei der Besetzung der Aristoteles Universitat in Thessaloniki am Montag. Studentenproteste Athen *** Athens, Greece Students protest Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021 in front of the National and Kapodistrias University in Athens against the governments new education law and university police, as well as police violence and the arrests of 32 people during the occupation of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki on Monday Student Protests Athens PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE5250632


Athen, Griechenland - Studenten protestieren am Dienstag, 23. Februar 2021 vor der Nationale und Kapodistrias Universitat in Athen gegen das neue Bildungsgesetz der Regierung und die Universitatspolizei, sowie gegen Polizeigewalt und die Festnahmen von 32 Personen bei der Besetzung der Aristoteles Universitat in Thessaloniki am Montag. Studentenproteste Athen *** Athens, Greece Students protest Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021 in front of the National and Kapodistrias University in Athens against the governments new education law and university police, as well as police violence and the arrests of 32 people during the occupation of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki on Monday Student Protests Athens PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE5250639


Athen, Griechenland - Studenten protestieren am Dienstag, 23. Februar 2021 vor der Nationale und Kapodistrias Universitat in Athen gegen das neue Bildungsgesetz der Regierung und die Universitatspolizei, sowie gegen Polizeigewalt und die Festnahmen von 32 Personen bei der Besetzung der Aristoteles Universitat in Thessaloniki am Montag. Studentenproteste Athen *** Athens, Greece Students protest Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021 in front of the National and Kapodistrias University in Athens against the governments new education law and university police, as well as police violence and the arrests of 32 people during the occupation of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki on Monday Student Protests Athens PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE5250594


Athen, Griechenland - Studenten protestieren am Dienstag, 23. Februar 2021 vor der Nationale und Kapodistrias Universitat in Athen gegen das neue Bildungsgesetz der Regierung und die Universitatspolizei, sowie gegen Polizeigewalt und die Festnahmen von 32 Personen bei der Besetzung der Aristoteles Universitat in Thessaloniki am Montag. Studentenproteste Athen *** Athens, Greece Students protest Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021 in front of the National and Kapodistrias University in Athens against the governments new education law and university police, as well as police violence and the arrests of 32 people during the occupation of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki on Monday Student Protests Athens PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE5250598


Athen, Griechenland - Studenten protestieren am Dienstag, 23. Februar 2021 vor der Nationale und Kapodistrias Universitat in Athen gegen das neue Bildungsgesetz der Regierung und die Universitatspolizei, sowie gegen Polizeigewalt und die Festnahmen von 32 Personen bei der Besetzung der Aristoteles Universitat in Thessaloniki am Montag. Studentenproteste Athen *** Athens, Greece Students protest Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021 in front of the National and Kapodistrias University in Athens against the governments new education law and university police, as well as police violence and the arrests of 32 people during the occupation of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki on Monday Student Protests Athens PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE5250614


Athen, Griechenland - Studenten protestieren am Dienstag, 23. Februar 2021 vor der Nationale und Kapodistrias Universitat in Athen gegen das neue Bildungsgesetz der Regierung und die Universitatspolizei, sowie gegen Polizeigewalt und die Festnahmen von 32 Personen bei der Besetzung der Aristoteles Universitat in Thessaloniki am Montag. Studentenproteste Athen *** Athens, Greece Students protest Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021 in front of the National and Kapodistrias University in Athens against the governments new education law and university police, as well as police violence and the arrests of 32 people during the occupation of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki on Monday Student Protests Athens PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE5250631


Athen, Griechenland - Studenten protestieren am Dienstag, 23. Februar 2021 vor der Nationale und Kapodistrias Universitat in Athen gegen das neue Bildungsgesetz der Regierung und die Universitatspolizei, sowie gegen Polizeigewalt und die Festnahmen von 32 Personen bei der Besetzung der Aristoteles Universitat in Thessaloniki am Montag. Studentenproteste Athen *** Athens, Greece Students protest Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021 in front of the National and Kapodistrias University in Athens against the governments new education law and university police, as well as police violence and the arrests of 32 people during the occupation of Aristotle University in Thessaloniki on Monday Student Protests Athens PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxGRE ANE5250640


Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren Autofahrer,PKW,LKW.Lastkraftwagen,Gueterverker,Lieferkette bei der Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Border controls at the Austrian-German border ,border crossing Kiefersfelden border police officers control motorists,cars,trucks lorries,goods carriers,supply chain entering Bavaria from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Themenbild Wehrpflicht,Soldaten,Dienstgrad.Rang,Rangabzeichen,Dienstgradabzeichen. Soldaten der Bundeswehr helfen bei der Testung von Einreisenden. Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren Autofahrer bei der Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Topic image conscription,soldiers,rank rank,rank insignia,rank insignia soldiers of the german armed forces help to test entry border controls at the austrian german border ,border crossing Kiefersfelden border police officers control motorists entering from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Themenbild Deutsches Rotes Kreuz. AbzeichenWappen. Sanitaeter helfen bei der Testung von Einreisenden, Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren Autofahrer bei der Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Theme Picture German Red Cross BadgeWappen Sanitaeter helfen bei der Testung von Einreiseenden, Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren Autofahrer bei der Einreise von Tirol Oesterreich nach Bayern Deutschland


Themenbild Wehrpflicht,Soldaten,Dienstgrad.Rang,Rangabzeichen,Dienstgradabzeichen. Soldaten der Bundeswehr helfen bei der Testung von Einreisenden. Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren Autofahrer bei der Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Topic image conscription,soldiers,rank rank,rank insignia,rank insignia soldiers of the german armed forces help to test entry border controls at the austrian german border ,border crossing Kiefersfelden border police officers control motorists entering from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Themenbild Polizei. Abzeichen,Wappen am Oberarm,Polizeiabzeichen. Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren Autofahrer bei der Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Police badge, coat of arms, police badge, border control at the Austrian-German border, border crossing Kiefersfelden, border police control motorists entering from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Bayerns Innenminister Joachim Herrmann informiert sich ueber Einreisekontrollen und Corona-Testungen in Kiefersfelden an der Grenze zu Tirol. Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Bavarias Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann informs himself about entry controls and Corona testing in Kiefersfelden at the border to Tyrol Border controls at the Austrian-German border ,Border crossing Kiefersfelden Entry from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Bayerns Innenminister Joachim Herrmann informiert sich ueber Einreisekontrollen und Corona-Testungen in Kiefersfelden an der Grenze zu Tirol. Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Bavarias Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann informs himself about entry controls and Corona testing in Kiefersfelden at the border to Tyrol Border controls at the Austrian-German border ,Border crossing Kiefersfelden Entry from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren Autofahrer bei der Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Border controls at the Austrian-German border ,border crossing Kiefersfelden border police officers control motorists entering Bavaria from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren Autofahrer bei der Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Border controls at the Austrian-German border ,border crossing Kiefersfelden border police officers control motorists entering Bavaria from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren Autofahrer bei der Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Border controls at the Austrian-German border ,border crossing Kiefersfelden border police officers control motorists entering Bavaria from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Bayerns Innenminister Joachim Herrmann informiert sich ueber Einreisekontrollen und Corona-Testungen in Kiefersfelden an der Grenze zu Tirol. Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Bavarias Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann informs himself about entry controls and Corona testing in Kiefersfelden at the border to Tyrol Border controls at the Austrian-German border ,Border crossing Kiefersfelden Entry from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren Autofahrer bei der Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Border controls at the Austrian-German border ,border crossing Kiefersfelden border police officers control motorists entering Bavaria from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Themenbild Polizei. Abzeichen,Wappen Uniform,Polizeiuniform,Polizeiabzeichen. Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren Autofahrer bei der Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Theme Picture Police Badge,Coat of Arms Uniform,Police Uniform,Police Badge Border Controls at the Austrian-German Border ,Border Crossing Kiefersfelden Border Police Officers Control Motorists Entering from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Bayerns Innenminister Joachim Herrmann informiert sich ueber Einreisekontrollen und Corona-Testungen in Kiefersfelden an der Grenze zu Tirol. Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Bavarias Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann informs himself about entry controls and Corona testing in Kiefersfelden at the border to Tyrol Border controls at the Austrian-German border ,Border crossing Kiefersfelden Entry from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren Autofahrer bei der Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. Ein Polizeiauto,Streifenwagen leitet abgewiesene Einreisende bis zur naechsten Autobahnausfahrt. Einreise verweigert,abgewiesen, *** Border controls at the Austrian-German border ,border crossing Kiefersfelden Border police officers control motorists entering Bavaria from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany A police car,patrol car guides rejected entrants to the next highway exit Entry refused,rejected,


Schild Abstand halten an der Strandpromenade in Cuxhaven in NiedersachsenSchild Abstand halten an der Strandpromenade in Cuxhaven in Niedersachsen, Hamburg Hamburg Deutschland Cinemaxx Dammtor *** sign keep distance at the beach promenade in Cuxhaven in Lower Saxony sign keep distance at the beach promenade in Cuxhaven in Lower Saxony, Hamburg Hamburg Germany Cinemaxx Dammtor


Themenbild Polizei. Abzeichen,Wappen am Oberarm,Polizeiabzeichen. Grenzkontrollen an der oesterreichisch deutschen Grenze ,Grenzuebergang Kiefersfelden Grenzpolizisten kontrollieren Autofahrer bei der Einreise von Tirol / Oesterreich nach Bayern / Deutschland. *** Police badge, coat of arms, police badge, border control at the Austrian-German border, border crossing Kiefersfelden, border police control motorists entering from Tyrol Austria to Bavaria Germany


Gefarbter Himmel uber dem Filstal, 23.02.2021 Baden-Wurttemberg, G?ppingen-Hohenstaufen: Gelb-r?tlich erscheint der Himmel am Abend uber dem Filstal von einem Aussichtspunkt aus, weil in der Luft Saharastaub sein soll. G?ppingen Baden-Wurttemberg Deutschland Hohenstaufen *** Colored sky over the Filstal, 23 02 2021 Baden Wurttemberg, G?ppingen Hohenstaufen Yellow reddish appears the sky in the evening over the Filstal from a vantage point, because in the air should be Sahara dust G?ppingen Baden Wurttemberg Germany Hohenstaufen Copyright: x xonw-imagesx/xMariusxBullingx


DEU, Deutschland, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Munster, 23.02.2021: Theater Munster, Leere Stuhle im Theater. Wegen der Corona Pandemie findet derzeit kein Spielbetrieb statt *** DEU, Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Munster, 23 02 2021 Theater Munster, Empty chairs in the theatre Due to the Corona pandemic there is currently no performance


DEU, Deutschland, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Munster, 23.02.2021: Theater Munster, Au?enansicht. Wegen der Corona Pandemie findet derzeit kein Spielbetrieb statt. Plakate Wir sehen uns bald wieder *** DEU, Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, Munster, 23 02 2021 Theatre Munster, exterior view Due to the Corona pandemic there is no performance at the moment Posters Well see each other again soon


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