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Steinmeier in Denmark (75)

New Rada


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13 June 2021, Denmark, Aabenraa: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Budenbender join Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, and her husband Bo Tengberg at the German High School for Northern Schleswig in Apenrade (Aabenraa). German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Aabenraa: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Budenbender talk to members of the German minority in Denmark during a visit to the German Grammar School for Northern Schleswig in Apenrade (Aabenraa). Federal President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Aabenraa: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Budenbender join Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, and her husband Bo Tengberg at the German High School for Northern Schleswig in Apenrade (Aabenraa). German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Aabenraa: Michelle Muntefering (SPD), Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, and Daniel Gunther (CDU), Minister-President of Schleswig-Holstein, talk to athletes during a visit to the German Gymnasium fur Nordschleswig in Apenrade (Aabenraa). Federal President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, receives a bouquet of flowers at St. Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev). Federal President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, Crown Prince Frederik, and Prince Christian of Denmark arrive at St. Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) together with the Mayor of Hadersleben, Hans Peter Geil. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, Crown Prince Frederik, and Prince Christian of Denmark arrive at St. Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) together with the Mayor of Hadersleben, Hans Peter Geil. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, Crown Prince Frederik, and Prince Christian of Denmark arrive at St. Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) together with the Mayor of Hadersleben, Hans Peter Geil. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Crown Prince Frederik (r), and Prince Christian of Denmark stand at St. Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik (r) stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik (r) stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik (r) stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik (r) stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, stands at St. Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to greet Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Budenbender greet Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, before a ceremony at the Alsion Cultural Centre in S?nderborg (Sonderburg). German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, Crown Prince Frederik, and Prince Christian of Denmark stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to greet Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Budenbender welcome Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, next to Stephan Kleinschmidt (l), Deputy Mayor of Sonderburg, before a ceremony at the Alsion Cultural Centre in S?nderborg (Sonderburg). German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik wait at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to greet Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik wait at St. Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to greet Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Budenbender greet Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, before a ceremony at the Alsion Cultural Centre in S?nderborg (Sonderburg). German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik (r) stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik (r) stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik (r) stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik (r) stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik (r) stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik (r) stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to greet Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, stands at St. Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to greet Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Crown Prince Frederik stands at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to greet Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. Federal President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Crown Prince Frederik stands at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to greet Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. Federal President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


dpatop - 13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Budenbender arrive together with Stephan Kleinschmidt (r), Deputy Mayor of Sonderburg, for a ceremony at the Duppeler Schanze (Kongeskansen Dybb?l Banke) near S?nderborg (Sonderburg). President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


dpatop - 13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to greet Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Budenbender arrive together with Stephan Kleinschmidt (r), Deputy Mayor of Sonderburg, for a ceremony at the Duppeler Schanze (Kongeskansen Dybb?l Banke) near S?nderborg (Sonderburg). President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Budenbender arrive together with Stephan Kleinschmidt (r), Deputy Mayor of Sonderburg, for a ceremony at the Duppeler Schanze (Kongeskansen Dybb?l Banke) near S?nderborg (Sonderburg). President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, accompanied by Erik Lauritzen (l), Mayor of Sonderburg, walks to a ceremony at the Duppeler Schanze (Kongeskansen Dybb?l Banke) near S?nderborg (Sonderburg). President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: A Danish Air Force fighter aircraft flies over the ceremony at the Duppeler Schanze (Kongeskansen Dybb?l Banke) near S?nderborg (Sonderburg). German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, symbolically plant a German oak tree in front of the German Museum North Schleswig in S?nderborg (Sonderburg). German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, symbolically plant a German oak tree in front of the German Museum of Northern Schleswig in S?nderborg (Sonderburg); next to it stands Hinrich Jurgensen, Chairman of the Association of German Northern Schleswig (2nd from left). Federal President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Budenbender (l) arrive at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) together with Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, and her husband Bo Tengberg (r). German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (l) and his wife Elke Budenbender (r) are greeted at St. Mary's Cathedral in Haderslev by Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, Crown Prince Frederik, and Prince Christian of Denmark, together with Mette Frederiksen (3rd from left), Prime Minister of Denmark, and her husband Bo Tengberg (2nd from right). President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: A Danish Air Force fighter aircraft flies over the ceremony at the Duppeler Schanze (Kongeskansen Dybb?l Banke) near S?nderborg (Sonderburg). German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Danish veterans attend a ceremony at the Duppeler Schanze (Kongeskansen Dybb?l Banke) near S?nderborg (Sonderburg). German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, arrives on a sloop from her yacht for the ceremony at the Alsion Cultural Centre in S?nderborg (Sonderburg). Federal President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Budenbender sit together with Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, in front of the German Museum of Northern Schleswig in S?nderborg (Sonderburg), while Hinrich Jurgensen, Chief Chairman of the Association of German Northern Schleswig, gives a speech. Federal President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, is presented with a bouquet of flowers by a girl before a ceremony at the Alsion Cultural Centre in S?nderborg (Sonderburg). President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (centre), his wife Elke Budenbender and Hinrich Jurgensen, Chief Chairman of the Association of German North Schleswig, bid farewell to Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark (obscured), and her companion sitting in a limousine in front of the German Museum of North Schleswig in S?nderborg (Sonderburg). President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, Crown Prince Frederik, and Prince Christian of Denmark stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to greet Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (3rd from right) arrives together with Margrethe II. (l-r), Queen of Denmark, Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik after a German-Danish festive service from St. Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev). German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Crown Prince Frederik (r) and Prince Christian of Denmark stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, wave together with Hinrich Jurgensen, Chief Chairman of the Association of German North Schleswig (M) in front of the German Museum North Schleswig in S?nderborg (Sonderburg), after symbolically planting a German oak and a Danish beech. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier arrives with Crown Prince Frederik (r) and Prince Christian of Denmark from St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) after a German-Danish festive service. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (l) and his wife Elke Budenbender (r) are greeted at St. Mary's Cathedral in Haderslev by Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, Crown Prince Frederik, and Prince Christian of Denmark, together with Mette Frederiksen (3rd from left), Prime Minister of Denmark, and her husband Bo Tengberg (2nd from right). President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (3rd from right) and his wife Elke Budenbender arrive together with Margrethe II. (l-r), Queen of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, Prince Christian of Denmark and Crown Prince Frederik after a German-Danish festive service from St. Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev). German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Crown Prince Frederik (l) and Prince Christian of Denmark stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Crown Prince Frederik (l) and Prince Christian of Denmark stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, sits at St. Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to greet Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, sits at St. Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to greet Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, Haderslev: Crown Prince Frederik (l) and Prince Christian of Denmark stand at St Mary's Cathedral in Hadersleben (Haderslev) to welcome Federal President Steinmeier and his wife. German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, symbolically plant a German oak tree in front of the German Museum of Northern Schleswig in S?nderborg (Sonderburg); on the right is Hinrich Jurgensen, Chief Chairman of the Association of German Northern Schleswig. Federal President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 due to Corona and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark, arrives on a sloop from her yacht for the ceremony at the Alsion Cultural Centre in S?nderborg (Sonderburg). Federal President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Claus Ruhe Madsen, Lord Mayor of Rostock, stands in front of the German Museum of Northern Schleswig in S?nderborg (Sonderburg). A native of Denmark, he is a guest of the Federal President on his trip to Denmark. Federal President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Claus Ruhe Madsen, Lord Mayor of Rostock, stands in front of the German Museum of Northern Schleswig in S?nderborg (Sonderburg). A native of Denmark, he is a guest of the Federal President on his trip to Denmark. Federal President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Danish veterans hold Danish national flags as they take part in a ceremony at the Duppeler Schanze (Kongeskansen Dybb?l Banke) near S?nderborg (Sonderburg). German President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


13 June 2021, Denmark, S?nderborg: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (3rd from right) and his wife Elke Budenbender (2nd from left) attend a ceremony at the Duppeler Schanze (Kongeskansen Dybb?l Banke) near S?nderborg (Sonderburg) together with Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark (r), Daniel Gunther (CDU), Prime Minister of Schleswig-Holstein (3rd from left), and Claus Ruhe Madsen, Lord Mayor of Rostock (l). President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the Danish-German border demarcation in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


12 June 2021, Denmark, Kolding: Claus Ruhe Madsen (M), Lord Mayor of Rostock and guest of the Federal President on this trip, talks to the accompanying representatives of the Federal Government, Bernd Fabritius (l, CSU), Federal Government Commissioner for Aussiedler Affairs and National Minorities, and Michelle Muntefering (SPD), Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office, before a dinner. Federal President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


12 June 2021, Denmark, Kolding: Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, and her husband Bo Tengberg stand outside the restaurant to welcome the German President and his wife for dinner. President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


12 June 2021, Denmark, Kolding: Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, and her husband Bo Tengberg (r) talk with Susanne Hyldelund (l), Ambassador of Denmark to Germany. President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


12 June 2021, Denmark, Kolding: Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, and her husband Bo Tengberg stand outside the restaurant to welcome the German President and his wife for dinner. President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


12 June 2021, Denmark, Kolding: Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, and her husband Bo Tengberg stand outside the restaurant to welcome the German President and his wife for dinner. President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


12 June 2021, Denmark, Kolding: Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, and her husband Bo Tengberg stand outside the restaurant to welcome the German President and his wife for dinner. President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


12 June 2021, Denmark, Kolding: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (2nd from left) and his wife Elke Budenbender (l) are welcomed to dinner by Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, and her husband Bo Tengberg (r). President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


12 June 2021, Denmark, Kolding: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (2nd from left) and his wife Elke Budenbender (l) are welcomed to dinner by Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, and her husband Bo Tengberg (r). President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


12 June 2021, Denmark, Kolding: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (2nd from right) and his wife Elke Budenbender (right) are welcomed to dinner by Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, and her husband Bo Tengberg (left). President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa


12 June 2021, Denmark, Kolding: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (2nd from left) and his wife Elke Budenbender (l) are welcomed to dinner by Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Denmark, and her husband Bo Tengberg (r). President Steinmeier and his wife are on a two-day visit to Denmark to mark the 100th anniversary of the drawing of the Danish-German border in 1920. The celebrations had to be postponed in 2020 for corona reasons and will now be made up for. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa
