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The death toll rises to 156 after the floods in Germany (386)

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Flutkatastrophe, NRW, Aufraumarbeiten in Bad Munstereifel 210717 -- BAD MUENSTEREIFEL GERMANY, July 17, 2021 -- People clear a road damaged in floods in Bad Muenstereifel, western Germany, on July 17, 2021. The death toll of severe floods in western Germany reached 141 by Saturday afternoon, reported the German Press Agency dpa. Photo by /Xinhua GERMANY-BAD MUENSTEREIFEL-FLOODS-AFTERMATH TangxYing PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


Flutkatastrophe, NRW, Aufraumarbeiten in Bad Munstereifel 210717 -- BAD MUENSTEREIFEL GERMANY, July 17, 2021 -- People clear a drain blocked in floods in Bad Muenstereifel, western Germany, on July 17, 2021. The death toll of severe floods in western Germany reached 141 by Saturday afternoon, reported the German Press Agency dpa. Photo by /Xinhua GERMANY-BAD MUENSTEREIFEL-FLOODS-AFTERMATH TangxYing PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


Flutkatastrophe, NRW, Aufraumarbeiten in Bad Munstereifel 210717 -- BAD MUENSTEREIFEL GERMANY, July 17, 2021 -- Photo taken on July 17, 2021 shows a road damaged in floods in Bad Muenstereifel, western Germany. The death toll of severe floods in western Germany reached 141 by Saturday afternoon, reported the German Press Agency dpa. Photo by /Xinhua GERMANY-BAD MUENSTEREIFEL-FLOODS-AFTERMATH TangxYing PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


Flutkatastrophe, NRW, Aufraumarbeiten in Bad Munstereifel 210717 -- BAD MUENSTEREIFEL GERMANY, July 17, 2021 -- People clear a road damaged in floods in Bad Muenstereifel, western Germany, on July 17, 2021. The death toll of severe floods in western Germany reached 141 by Saturday afternoon, reported the German Press Agency dpa. Photo by /Xinhua GERMANY-BAD MUENSTEREIFEL-FLOODS-AFTERMATH TangxYing PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. der historische Balkhauser Kotten eine Messer und Werkzeug Schleiferei und Museum: Das Gebaeude besteht aus altem Fachwerk und der Lehm wurde teils herausgespuelt *** Effects of the weather catastrophe in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather catastrophe in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up works after the high water after heavy rain the historical Balkhauser Kotten a knife and tool grinding shop and museum the building con nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Die Strecke nach Widdert, Oelmuehle, Haasenmuehle, Wipperkotten, ist vollkommen verschlammt und gesperrt. die Stadt raeumt den Schlamm weg *** Effects of the weather catastrophe in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather catastrophe in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up works after the high water after heavy rain The distance to Widdert, Oelmuehle, Haasenmuehle, Wipperkotten, is completely silted up and closed the city clear nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Die Strecke nach Widdert, Oelmuehle, Haasenmuehle, Wipperkotten, ist vollkommen verschlammt und gesperrt. die Stadt raeumt den Schlamm weg *** Effects of the weather catastrophe in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather catastrophe in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up works after the high water after heavy rain The distance to Widdert, Oelmuehle, Haasenmuehle, Wipperkotten, is completely silted up and closed the city clear nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. der historische Balkhauser Kotten eine Messer und Werkzeug Schleiferei und Museum: uber 70 Helfer reinigen alles, tragen es raus, lassen es in der Sonne trockenen und spuelen die kleinen Werkzeuge *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destruction of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damage and cleanup after the flood after heavy rain the historical Balkhauser Kotten a knife and tool grinding shop and museum ove nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. der historische Balkhauser Kotten eine Messer und Werkzeug Schleiferei und Museum: uber 70 Helfer reinigen alles, tragen es raus, lassen es in der Sonne trockenen und spuelen die kleinen Werkzeuge *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destruction of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damage and cleanup after the flood after heavy rain the historical Balkhauser Kotten a knife and tool grinding shop and museum ove nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. der historische Balkhauser Kotten eine Messer und Werkzeug Schleiferei und Museum: uber 70 Helfer reinigen alles, tragen es raus, lassen es in der Sonne trockenen und spuelen die kleinen Werkzeuge *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destruction of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damage and cleanup after the flood after heavy rain the historical Balkhauser Kotten a knife and tool grinding shop and museum ove nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. der historische Balkhauser Kotten eine Messer und Werkzeug Schleiferei und Museum: uber 70 Helfer reinigen alles, tragen es raus, lassen es in der Sonne trockenen und spuelen die kleinen Werkzeuge *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destruction of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damage and cleanup after the flood after heavy rain the historical Balkhauser Kotten a knife and tool grinding shop and museum ove nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. der historische Balkhauser Kotten eine Messer und Werkzeug Schleiferei und Museum: die Uferboeschung zum Fluss Wupper wurde um ca. 4 Meter abgetragen, das Land ist vollkommen weg. 200 Lindenbaeume wurden mitgerissen *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen, effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up work after the high water after heavy rain the historical Balkhauser Kotten a knife and t nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. der historische Balkhauser Kotten eine Messer und Werkzeug Schleiferei und Museum: die Uferboeschung zum Fluss Wupper wurde um ca. 4 Meter abgetragen, das Land ist vollkommen weg. 200 Lindenbaeume wurden mitgerissen *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen, effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up work after the high water after heavy rain the historical Balkhauser Kotten a knife and t nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. der historische Balkhauser Kotten eine Messer und Werkzeug Schleiferei und Museum: ueberall Container fuer den nassen Muell *** Effects of the weather catastrophe in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen, effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather catastrophe in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up works after the high water after heavy rain the historical Balkhauser Kotten a knife and tool grinding shop and museum everywhere containers for the wet garbage nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Campingplatz Solingen Glueder Aufraeumarbeiten *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , effects, destruction of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture campsite Solingen Glueder Aufraeumarbeiten nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , effects, destruction of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damage and cleanup after the flood after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: helfer tragen die durchnaessten und verschlammten Moebel heraus und die Stadtwerke entsorgen sie direkt auf LKW s *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up work after the high water after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg helpers carry the durchnaessten and verschlammten furniture out and the public utilities dispose them dire nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: helfer tragen die durchnaessten und verschlammten Moebel heraus und die Stadtwerke entsorgen sie direkt auf LKW s *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up work after the high water after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg helpers carry the durchnaessten and verschlammten furniture out and the public utilities dispose them dire nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: helfer tragen die durchnaessten und verschlammten Moebel heraus und die Stadtwerke entsorgen sie direkt auf LKW s *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up work after the high water after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg helpers carry the durchnaessten and verschlammten furniture out and the public utilities dispose them dire nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: helfer tragen die durchnaessten und verschlammten Moebel heraus und die Stadtwerke entsorgen sie direkt auf LKW s *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up work after the high water after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg helpers carry the durchnaessten and verschlammten furniture out and the public utilities dispose them dire nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: Helfer kippen den Schlamm aus den Wohnungen direkt auf die Strasse *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , effects, destruction of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damage and cleanup after the flood after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg helpers dump the mud from the apartments directly on the street nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: helfer tragen die durchnaessten und verschlammten Moebel heraus und die Stadtwerke entsorgen sie direkt auf LKW s *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up work after the high water after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg helpers carry the durchnaessten and verschlammten furniture out and the public utilities dispose them dire nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: helfer tragen die durchnaessten und verschlammten Moebel heraus und die Stadtwerke entsorgen sie direkt auf LKW s *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up work after the high water after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg helpers carry the durchnaessten and verschlammten furniture out and the public utilities dispose them dire nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: Helfer kippen den Schlamm aus den Wohnungen direkt auf die Strasse *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , effects, destruction of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damage and cleanup after the flood after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg helpers dump the mud from the apartments directly on the street nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: helfer tragen die durchnaessten und verschlammten Moebel heraus und die Stadtwerke entsorgen sie direkt auf LKW s *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up work after the high water after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg helpers carry the durchnaessten and verschlammten furniture out and the public utilities dispose them dire nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: Gastwirte bringen ihre Vorraete zum trocknen nach draussen. *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , effects, destruction of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damage and cleanup after the flood after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg innkeepers bring their supplies to dry outdoors nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. der historische Balkhauser Kotten eine Messer und Werkzeug Schleiferei und Museum: die Uferboeschung zum Fluss Wupper wurde um ca. 4 Meter abgetragen, das Land ist vollkommen weg. 200 Lindenbaeume wurden mitgerissen *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen, effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up work after the high water after heavy rain the historical Balkhauser Kotten a knife and t nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: helfer tragen die durchnaessten und verschlammten Moebel heraus und die Stadtwerke entsorgen sie direkt auf LKW s *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up work after the high water after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg helpers carry the durchnaessten and verschlammten furniture out and the public utilities dispose them dire nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: die Seitenbefestigung des Fluss Eschbach wurden in einer 3 Jahresaktion erst letztes Jahr beendet. Hier wurden die schweren Grauwackesteine einfach durch die Fluten weggerissen, das Land hinten abgespuelt und das Haus unterspuelt. Das haus droht einzustuerzen und ist nicht mehr bewohnbar. *** Effects of the weather catastrophe in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather catastrophe in NRW, in the picture damages and nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Flutkatastrophe, NRW, Aufraumarbeiten in Bad Munstereifel 210717 -- BAD MUENSTEREIFEL GERMANY, July 17, 2021 -- People clear a road damaged in floods in Bad Muenstereifel, western Germany, on July 17, 2021. The death toll of severe floods in western Germany reached 141 by Saturday afternoon, reported the German Press Agency dpa. Photo by /Xinhua GERMANY-BAD MUENSTEREIFEL-FLOODS-AFTERMATH TangxYing PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


Flutkatastrophe, NRW, Aufraumarbeiten in Bad Munstereifel 210717 -- BAD MUENSTEREIFEL GERMANY, July 17, 2021 -- Photo taken on July 17, 2021 shows a vehicle damaged in floods in Bad Muenstereifel, western Germany. The death toll of severe floods in western Germany reached 141 by Saturday afternoon, reported the German Press Agency dpa. Photo by /Xinhua GERMANY-BAD MUENSTEREIFEL-FLOODS-AFTERMATH TangxYing PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


Flutkatastrophe, NRW, Aufraumarbeiten in Bad Munstereifel 210717 -- BAD MUENSTEREIFEL GERMANY, July 17, 2021 -- People clear a road damaged in floods in Bad Muenstereifel, western Germany, on July 17, 2021. The death toll of severe floods in western Germany reached 141 by Saturday afternoon, reported the German Press Agency dpa. Photo by /Xinhua GERMANY-BAD MUENSTEREIFEL-FLOODS-AFTERMATH TangxYing PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


Flutkatastrophe, NRW, Aufraumarbeiten in Bad Munstereifel 210717 -- BAD MUENSTEREIFEL GERMANY, July 17, 2021 -- A woman cleans a painting in Bad Muenstereifel, western Germany, on July 17, 2021. The death toll of severe floods in western Germany reached 141 by Saturday afternoon, reported the German Press Agency dpa. Photo by /Xinhua GERMANY-BAD MUENSTEREIFEL-FLOODS-AFTERMATH TangxYing PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN


17 July 2021, Rhineland-Palatinate, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler: Washed away vineyards as well as washed up debris can be seen next to the Ahr river. Massive rainfalls have caused devastating floods in Rhineland-Palatinate. Photo: Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa


Da kennt die Erft kein Halten mehr - die Wassermassen bahnen sich ihren Weg Erftfluten die Elemente sind entfesselt *** There is no stopping the Erft the water masses make their way Erft floods the elements are unleashed


Nur sehr gute Fundamente einer Bruecke halten solchen Gewalten stand. Erftfluss im Rhein-Kreis Neuss - braune Fluten druecken gegen Brueckenpfeiler *** Only very good foundations of a bridge withstand such forces Erft river in the Rhine district Neuss brown floods press against bridge piers


Die Erft laesst ihre Muskeln spielen und die Bruecke erzittern Erftfluten setzen der Bruecke maechtig zu *** The Erft is flexing its muscles and the bridge is trembling The Erft floods are putting a lot of strain on the bridge


17 July 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bad Munstereifel: A helper removes the debris. In the night of 15.07.2021, the Erft floods totally devastated the historic core of the city. Streets and shops were flooded. Gas, electricity and telephone lines were exposed. Photo: Roberto Pfeil/dpa


Foto Manuel Geisser 16.07.2021 Lauffohr AG : Blick von Untersiggenthal auf das Wasserschloss wo Aare , Reuss und Limmat zusammenfliessen . Hochwasser *** Photo Manuel Geisser 16 07 2021 Lauffohr AG View from Untersiggenthal to the moated castle where Aare , Reuss and Limmat flow together Floods


Foto Manuel Geisser 16.07.2021 Lauffohr AG : Blick von Untersiggenthal auf das Wasserschloss wo Aare , Reuss und Limmat zusammenfliessen . Hochwasser *** Photo Manuel Geisser 16 07 2021 Lauffohr AG View from Untersiggenthal to the moated castle where Aare , Reuss and Limmat flow together Floods


17 July 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bad Munstereifel: A helper carries rubbish and debris along the Erft. In the night of 15.07.2021, the Erft floods totally devastated the historic core of the city. Streets and shops were flooded. Gas, electricity and telephone lines were exposed. Photo: Roberto Pfeil/dpa


17 July 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bad Munstereifel: With a human chain, helpers transport sandbags into a crumbling bank of the Erft. In the night of 15.07.2021, the Erft floods completely devastated the historic core of the city. Streets and shops were flooded. Gas, electricity and telephone lines were exposed. Photo: Roberto Pfeil/dpa


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: helfer tragen die durchnaessten und verschlammten Moebel heraus und die Stadtwerke entsorgen sie direkt auf LKW s *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up work after the high water after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg helpers carry the durchnaessten and verschlammten furniture out and the public utilities dispose them dire nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: helfer tragen die durchnaessten und verschlammten Moebel heraus und die Stadtwerke entsorgen sie direkt auf LKW s *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up work after the high water after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg helpers carry the durchnaessten and verschlammten furniture out and the public utilities dispose them dire nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: helfer tragen die durchnaessten und verschlammten Moebel heraus und die Stadtwerke entsorgen sie direkt auf LKW s *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , Effects, destructions of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damages and clearing up work after the high water after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg helpers carry the durchnaessten and verschlammten furniture out and the public utilities dispose them dire nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


Auswirkungen der Wetterkatastrophe in NRW hier Solingen / 17.07.2021, Solingen , Auswirkungen, Zerstoerungen des Starkregen Ueberschwemmungen durch Wetterkatastrophe in NRW, im Bild: Schaeden und Aufraeumarbeiten nach dem Hochwasser nach Starkregen. Solingen Unterburg: Hausbesitzer kehren den Schlamm aus ihren Haeusern. *** Effects of the weather disaster in NRW here Solingen 17 07 2021, Solingen , effects, destruction of the heavy rain floods by weather disaster in NRW, in the picture damage and cleanup after the flood after heavy rain Solingen Unterburg house owners sweep the mud from their houses nordphoto GmBHxMeuter nph00351


17 July 2021, Rhineland-Palatinate, Marienthal: A house destroyed by the river Ahr stands on the bank of the river while in the background a destroyed railway track and in the foreground vines can be seen. Massive rainfalls have caused devastating floods in Rhineland-Palatinate. Photo: Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa


17 July 2021, Rhineland-Palatinate, Marienthal: The river Ahr flows through the Ahr valley past the destroyed village of Marienthal and the vineyards. Massive rainfalls have caused devastating floods in Rhineland-Palatinate. Photo: Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa


17 July 2021, Erftstadt: The German President visited the region affected by the floods in the west of the country in recent days. German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier (left), accompanied by North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet, talks with DLRG rescue workers at a fire station in Erfstadt. Photo: Marius Becker/dpa-Pool/dpa


17 July 2021, Austria, Hallein: A car was swept away by the floods and is now lying upside down on the road. Photo: TNN/dpa


17 July 2021, Austria, Hallein: A car was swept away by the floods and is now lying upside down on the road. After torrential rains in Austria, parts of the old town of Hallein near Salzburg have been flooded. (to dpa: "Raging flood rolls through Hallein in Austria") Photo: TNN/dpa


dpatop - 17 July 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Bad Munstereifel: A helper carries rubbish and debris along the Erft. In the night of 15.07.2021, the Erft floods totally devastated the historic core of the city. Streets and shops were flooded. Gas, electricity and telephone lines were exposed. Photo: Roberto Pfeil/dpa


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: German fire fighters are seen in devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


RHINELAND PALATINATE, GERMANY - JULY 16: A view of devastated area after a severe rainstorm and flash floods hit western states of Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia, on July 16, 2021, in Ahrweiler and Sinzig districts of Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The death toll from Germany's worst floods in more than 200 years rose to 103. Search and rescue works continue in the area. Abdulhamid Hosbas / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


Hochwasser in NRW, Steinbachtalsperre im Kreis Euskirchen, der Damm drohte zu brechen, THW und Feuerwehr im Einssatz, pumpen den Stausee ab um den Druck auf die Staumauer zu mindern, NRW, Deutschland, Hochwasser Eifel *** Flood in NRW, Steinbach dam in the district of Euskirchen, the dam threatened to burst, THW and fire brigade in action, pumping out the reservoir to relieve the pressure on the dam wall, NRW, Germany, Eifel floods


Hochwasser in NRW, der Ort Iversheim an der Erft, wurde fast komplett uberspult Schaden an fast allen Gebauden und den Strasse, Aufraumarbeiten, Feuerwehr pumpt Keller leer, Iversheim, Stadtteil von Bad Munstereifel, NRW, Deutschland, Hochwasser Eifel *** Flood in NRW, the village of Iversheim on the Erft was almost completely flooded Damage to almost all buildings and the street, clean-up work, fire brigade pumps cellars empty, Iversheim, district of Bad Munstereifel, NRW, Germany, Eifel floods


Hochwasser in NRW, Steinbachtalsperre im Kreis Euskirchen, der Damm drohte zu brechen, THW und Feuerwehr im Einssatz, pumpen den Stausee ab um den Druck auf die Staumauer zu mindern, NRW, Deutschland, Hochwasser Eifel *** Flood in NRW, Steinbach dam in the district of Euskirchen, the dam threatened to burst, THW and fire brigade in action, pumping out the reservoir to relieve the pressure on the dam wall, NRW, Germany, Eifel floods


Hochwasser in NRW, Steinbachtalsperre im Kreis Euskirchen, der Damm drohte zu brechen, THW und Feuerwehr im Einssatz, pumpen den Stausee ab um den Druck auf die Staumauer zu mindern, NRW, Deutschland, Hochwasser Eifel *** Flood in NRW, Steinbach dam in the district of Euskirchen, the dam threatened to burst, THW and fire brigade in action, pumping out the reservoir to relieve the pressure on the dam wall, NRW, Germany, Eifel floods


16 July 2021, Rhineland-Palatinate, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler: A general view of the destruction caused by deadly floods due to heavy rainfall in Rhineland-Palatinate. Photo: Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa


News Bilder des Tages Hochwasser in NRW, Steinbachtalsperre im Kreis Euskirchen, der Damm drohte zu brechen, THW und Feuerwehr im Einssatz, pumpen den Stausee ab um den Druck auf die Staumauer zu mindern, NRW, Deutschland, Hochwasser Eifel *** Flood in NRW, Steinbach dam in the district of Euskirchen, the dam threatened to burst, THW and fire brigade in action, pumping out the reservoir to relieve the pressure on the dam wall, NRW, Germany, Eifel floods


News Bilder des Tages Hochwasser in NRW, Steinbachtalsperre im Kreis Euskirchen, der Damm drohte zu brechen, Schaden am Sperrdamm, THW und Feuerwehr im Einssatz, pumpen den Stausee ab um den Druck auf die Staumauer zu mindern, NRW, Deutschland, Hochwasser Eifel *** Flood in NRW, Steinbach dam in the district of Euskirchen, the dam threatened to burst, damage to the dam, THW and fire brigade in action, pumping out the reservoir to relieve the pressure on the dam wall, NRW, Germany, Eifel floods


Hochwasser in NRW, Steinbachtalsperre im Kreis Euskirchen, der Damm drohte zu brechen, THW und Feuerwehr im Einssatz, pumpen den Stausee ab um den Druck auf die Staumauer zu mindern, NRW, Deutschland, Hochwasser Eifel *** Flood in NRW, Steinbach dam in the district of Euskirchen, the dam threatened to burst, THW and fire brigade in action, pumping out the reservoir to relieve the pressure on the dam wall, NRW, Germany, Eifel floods


Hochwasser in NRW, Steinbachtalsperre im Kreis Euskirchen, der Damm drohte zu brechen, THW und Feuerwehr im Einssatz, pumpen den Stausee ab um den Druck auf die Staumauer zu mindern, NRW, Deutschland, Hochwasser Eifel *** Flood in NRW, Steinbach dam in the district of Euskirchen, the dam threatened to burst, THW and fire brigade in action, pumping out the reservoir to relieve the pressure on the dam wall, NRW, Germany, Eifel floods


Hochwasser in NRW, Steinbachtalsperre im Kreis Euskirchen, der Damm drohte zu brechen, Schaden am Sperrdamm, THW und Feuerwehr im Einssatz, pumpen den Stausee ab um den Druck auf die Staumauer zu mindern, NRW, Deutschland, Hochwasser Eifel *** Flood in NRW, Steinbach dam in the district of Euskirchen, the dam threatened to burst, damage to the dam, THW and fire brigade in action, pumping out the reservoir to relieve the pressure on the dam wall, NRW, Germany, Eifel floods


Hochwasser in NRW, der Ort Iversheim an der Erft, wurde fast komplett uberspult Schaden an fast allen Gebauden und den Strasse, Aufraumarbeiten, Feuerwehr pumpt Keller leer, Iversheim, Stadtteil von Bad Munstereifel, NRW, Deutschland, Hochwasser Eifel *** Flood in NRW, the village of Iversheim on the Erft was almost completely flooded Damage to almost all buildings and the street, clean-up work, fire brigade pumps cellars empty, Iversheim, district of Bad Munstereifel, NRW, Germany, Eifel floods


16 July 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Cologne: A barrier with a sign Achtung Hochwasser stands on the Rhine. Photo: Horst Galuschka/dpa


16 July 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Cologne: A barrier with a sign Achtung Hochwasser stands on the Rhine. Photo: Horst Galuschka/dpa


16 July 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Cologne: A barrier with a sign Achtung Hochwasser stands on the Rhine. Photo: Horst Galuschka/dpa


16 July 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Cologne: A barrier with a sign Achtung Hochwasser stands on the Rhine. Photo: Horst Galuschka/dpa


16 July 2021, Rhineland-Palatinate, Bad Neuenahr: A woman walks with her dog along the river Ahr and the devastation caused by floods while in the background the river Ahr and the remains of a bridge can be seen. Massive rainfall has caused flooding in Bad Neuenahr in Rhineland-Palatinate as well as in the whole district of Ahrweiler. Photo: Philipp von Ditfurth/dpa


16 July 2021, Saxony, Dresden: German Red Cross trucks leave the DRK premises towards the motorway. Saxony sends equipment for emergency shelters to the disaster region of Rhineland-Palatinate and solicits donations for those affected by the devastating floods there and in North Rhine-Westphalia. Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa


16 July 2021, Saxony, Dresden: Trucks of the DRK (German Red Cross) and a police car are ready to leave on the grounds of the DRK and are reflected in a puddle. Saxony sends equipment for emergency shelters to the disaster region of Rhineland-Palatinate and solicits donations for those affected by the devastating floods there and in North Rhine-Westphalia. Photo: Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa


16 July 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Cologne: A barrier with a sign Achtung Hochwasser stands on the Rhine. Photo: Horst Galuschka/dpa


16 July 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Euskirchen: The dam of the Steinbach dam is in danger of bursting due to the floods caused by low pressure "Bernd". The Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) and the fire brigade are fighting tooth and nail to prevent this. Photo: Markus Klumper/dpa


16 July 2021, Netherlands, Venlo: Helpers fill sandbags in Venlo. In the south of the Netherlands, the Meuse is overflowing its banks after the storms of the last few days. The sandbags are to strengthen and raise the dam. According to the authorities, the water is expected to subside in Venlo on Sunday evening. Photo: Arnulf Stoffel/dpa


16 July 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Erftstadt: Shovels stand against a wall with which helpers have filled sandbags. They are needed to secure dams that have been softened by the floods. Photo: David Young/dpa


16 July 2021, Rhineland-Palatinate, Kordel: A woman hangs the school bags hanging from the ceiling in the Kordel kindergarten. Numerous houses in the village were affected by the floods, residents had to be evacuated. Photo: Harald Tittel/dpa


16 July 2021, Rhineland-Palatinate, Kordel: A THW helper pushes a damaged pram out of the kindergarten in Kordel. Numerous houses in the town were affected by the floods and residents had to be evacuated. Photo: Harald Tittel/dpa


16 July 2021, Rhineland-Palatinate, Kordel: Members of the Kordel volunteer fire brigade take a short rest from the exertions of the past few days. Numerous houses in the town were affected by the floods and residents had to be evacuated. Photo: Harald Tittel/dpa


16 July 2021, Rhineland-Palatinate, Kordel: Members of the Kordel volunteer fire brigade take a short rest from the exertions of the past few days. Numerous houses in the town were affected by the floods and residents had to be evacuated. Photo: Harald Tittel/dpa


16 July 2021, Rhineland-Palatinate, Kordel: The boots of members of the Kordel fire brigade look very worn after the stresses and strains of the past few days. Numerous houses in the town were affected by the floods and residents had to be evacuated. Photo: Harald Tittel/dpa


16 July 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Erftstadt: Karl Berger stands in the water near his birthplace in Erftstadt-Blessem. The village, a few kilometres from Cologne, has been particularly devastated by the floods. Some of the village was simply washed away. Residents are struggling to keep their composure - and the full extent of the catastrophe is not yet clear. (to dpa ""This giant hole": Erftstadt and the anxious hours of the flood") Photo: Jonas-Erik Schmidt/dpa


14 July 2021, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Karlsruhe: The Rhine gauge Maxau shows a height of 8.10 meters. Due to high water, navigation was suspended near Karlsruhe. Photo: Uli Deck/dpa


Starkregen flutet Keller Ein Starkregenereignis lies in der Nacht zahlreiche Keller in Solingen volllaufen. Krafte der Feuerwehr pumpten die Wassermassen wieder heraus. Solingen *** Heavy rain floods cellars A heavy rain event let in the night numerous cellars in Solingen full run forces of the fire brigade pumped the water masses out again Solingen


Starkregen flutet Keller Ein Starkregenereignis lies in der Nacht zahlreiche Keller in Solingen volllaufen. Krafte der Feuerwehr pumpten die Wassermassen wieder heraus. Solingen *** Heavy rain floods cellars A heavy rain event let in the night numerous cellars in Solingen full run forces of the fire brigade pumped the water masses out again Solingen


Starkregen flutet Keller Ein Starkregenereignis lies in der Nacht zahlreiche Keller in Solingen volllaufen. Krafte der Feuerwehr pumpten die Wassermassen wieder heraus. Solingen *** Heavy rain floods cellars A heavy rain event let in the night numerous cellars in Solingen full run forces of the fire brigade pumped the water masses out again Solingen


Starkregen flutet Keller Ein Starkregenereignis lies in der Nacht zahlreiche Keller in Solingen volllaufen. Krafte der Feuerwehr pumpten die Wassermassen wieder heraus. Solingen *** Heavy rain floods cellars A heavy rain event let in the night numerous cellars in Solingen full run forces of the fire brigade pumped the water masses out again Solingen


Starkregen flutet Keller Ein Starkregenereignis lies in der Nacht zahlreiche Keller in Solingen volllaufen. Krafte der Feuerwehr pumpten die Wassermassen wieder heraus. Solingen *** Heavy rain floods cellars A heavy rain event let in the night numerous cellars in Solingen full run forces of the fire brigade pumped the water masses out again Solingen


14 July 2021, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Karlsruhe: Near the Rhine gauge Maxau is a barrier on which a sign with the inscription high water is attached. Because of high water the navigation was stopped near Karlsruhe. Photo: Uli Deck/dpa


Starkregen flutet Keller Ein Starkregenereignis lies in der Nacht zahlreiche Keller in Solingen volllaufen. Krafte der Feuerwehr pumpten die Wassermassen wieder heraus. Solingen *** Heavy rain floods cellars A heavy rain event let in the night numerous cellars in Solingen full run forces of the fire brigade pumped the water masses out again Solingen


13 July 2021, Bavaria, Seblitz: Water runs through the community after heavy rains, some of which flooded. Photo: Bernd Marz/dpa


Hochwasser an der Oder Protestkundgebung der Buergerinitiative Rettet das Oderbruch von Bewohnern des Oderbruchs gegen die schleppende Reparatur der Deiche und gegen einen Besiedlungsstop des Oderbruchs nach dem Hochwasser, auf einem ehem. Sandabfuell - und Hubschrauberlandeplatz, DEU, Hohenwutzen, 14.09.1997, Deutschland, ? Floods to the Or Protest rally the Citizens initiative saves the Or breakthrough from Residents the Oderbruchs against the slow Repair the Dikes and against a the Oderbruchs after the Floods on a Tech and Heliport DEU Hohenwutzen 14 09 1997 Germany ?


Hochwasser an der Oder Hochwasser an der Oder, geflutetes Kraftwerk, DEU, Finkenheerd, 30.07.1997; , Deutschland, ? Floods to the Or Floods to the Or geflutetes Power plant DEU Finkenheerd 30 07 1997 Germany ?


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