Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Дослідження біорізноманіття у високотехн... (12)

New Rada


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PRODUCTION - 21 June 2022, Saxony, Leipzig: In the modern research greenhouse of the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig in the Botanical Garden, master's student in organic biotechnology Marie Himmel examines her controlled aphid experiment on winter wheat. At the iDiv, in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), researchers from 30 nations are currently developing the scientific basis for sustainable management of the Earth's biodiversity. (to dpa "Biodiversity research in the high-tech greenhouse") Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa


PRODUCTION - 21 June 2022, Saxony, Leipzig: In the modern research greenhouse of the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig in the Botanical Garden, master's student in organic biotechnology Marie Himmel inspects her controlled aphid experiment on winter wheat in net cages. At iDiv, in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), researchers from 30 nations are currently working on the scientific basis for sustainable management of the Earth's biodiversity. (to dpa "Biodiversity research in the high-tech greenhouse") Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa


PRODUCTION - 21 June 2022, Saxony, Leipzig: In the modern research greenhouse of the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig in the Botanical Garden, master's student in organic biotechnology Marie Himmel inspects her controlled aphid experiment on winter wheat in net cages. At the iDiv, in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), researchers from 30 nations are currently developing the scientific basis for sustainable management of the Earth's biodiversity. (to dpa "Biodiversity research in the high-tech greenhouse") Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa


PRODUCTION - 21 June 2022, Saxony, Leipzig: In the laboratory of the modern research greenhouse of the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig in the Botanical Garden, master's student in organic biotechnology Marie Himmel takes wheat leaves and soil samples from a freezer chamber, which are stored at minus 80 degrees and belong to a controlled aphid expression with winter wheat. At iDiv, in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), researchers from 30 nations are currently working on the scientific basis for sustainable management of the Earth's biodiversity. (to dpa "Biodiversity research in the high-tech greenhouse") Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa


PRODUCTION - 21 June 2022, Saxony, Leipzig: In the laboratory of the modern research greenhouse of the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig in the Botanical Garden, master's student in organic biotechnology Marie Himmel with doctoral student Axel Touw (r-l) examines leaves with cereal aphids taken from a net cage, which are part of a controlled aphid experiment with winter wheat. At iDiv, in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), researchers from 30 nations are currently working on the scientific basis for sustainable management of the Earth's biodiversity. (to dpa "Biodiversity research in the high-tech greenhouse") Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa


PRODUCTION - 21 June 2022, Saxony, Leipzig: In the laboratory of the modern research greenhouse of the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig in the Botanical Garden, master's student in organic biotechnology Marie Himmel removes cereal leaf lice from a net cage for examination under the microscope. At iDiv, in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), researchers from 30 nations are currently working on the scientific basis for sustainable management of the Earth's biodiversity. (to dpa "Biodiversity research in the high-tech greenhouse") Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa


dpatop - PRODUCTION - 21 June 2022, Saxony, Leipzig: In the modern research greenhouse of the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig in the Botanical Garden, master's student in organic biotechnology Marie Himmel inspects her controlled aphid experiment on winter wheat in net cages. At the iDiv, in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), researchers from 30 nations are currently developing the scientific basis for sustainable management of the Earth's biodiversity. (to dpa "Biodiversity research in the high-tech greenhouse") Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa


PRODUCTION - 21 June 2022, Saxony, Leipzig: In front of the modern research greenhouse of the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig in the Botanical Garden, various plant experiments are laid out in small field plots. At the iDiv, in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), researchers from 30 nations are currently working on the scientific basis for sustainable management of the Earth's biodiversity. (to dpa "Biodiversity research in the high-tech greenhouse") Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa


PRODUCTION - 21 June 2022, Saxony, Leipzig: In the modern research greenhouse of the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig in the Botanical Garden, Nicole M. van Dam, Professor of Molecular Interaction Ecology at the University of Jena, doctoral student Axel Touw and master's student in organic biotechnology Marie Himmel (l-r) examine a controlled aphid experiment on winter wheat. At iDiv, in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), researchers from 30 nations are currently working on the scientific basis for sustainable management of the Earth's biodiversity. (to dpa "Biodiversity research in the high-tech greenhouse") Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa


PRODUCTION - 21 June 2022, Saxony, Leipzig: In the modern research greenhouse of the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig in the Botanical Garden, Nicole M. van Dam, Professor of Molecular Interaction Ecology at the University of Jena, and master's student in organic biotechnology Marie Himmel (l-r) inspect a controlled aphid experiment on winter wheat. At iDiv, in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), researchers from 30 nations are currently working on the scientific basis for sustainable management of the Earth's biodiversity. (to dpa "Biodiversity research in the high-tech greenhouse") Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa


PRODUCTION - 21 June 2022, Saxony, Leipzig: Graphic details are attached to the modern research greenhouse of the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig in the Botanical Garden.are. At the iDiv, in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), researchers from 30 nations are currently developing the scientific basis for sustainable management of the Earth's biodiversity. (to dpa "Biodiversity research in the high-tech greenhouse") Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa


PRODUCTION - 21 June 2022, Saxony, Leipzig: In the modern research greenhouse of the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig in the Botanical Garden, Nicole M. van Dam, Professor of Molecular Interaction Ecology at the University of Jena, doctoral student Axel Touw and master's student in organic biotechnology Marie Himmel (l-r) examine a controlled aphid experiment on winter wheat. At iDiv, in cooperation with the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), researchers from 30 nations are currently working on the scientific basis for sustainable management of the Earth's biodiversity . (to dpa "Biodiversity research in the high-tech greenhouse") Photo: Waltraud Grubitzsch/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa
