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Solidarity with the protests in Iran (36)

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Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Solidaritätsdemonstration fŁr die Frauen im Iran Demonstrantin schneidet aus Protest gegen die iranische Regierung einen Teil ihrer Haare mit einer Scheere ab, als Symbol des Protests. Hier: Vor dem Gewerkschaftshaus Flensburg, Große Straße. Aufnahme vom 03.10.2022, Flensburg, Innenstadt *** Flensburg, Schleswig Holstein, solidarity demonstration for the women in Iran Demonstrator cuts off part of her hair with scissors in protest against the Iranian government, as a symbol of protest Here In front of the trade union building Flensburg, Große Straße Photo taken on 03 10 2022, Flensburg, city center.


Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Solidaritätsdemonstration fŁr die Frauen im Iran Demonstrantinnen und Demonstranten schneiden aus Protest gegen die iranische Regierung einen Teil ihrer Haare mit einer Scheere ab, als Symbol des Protests. Die HaarbŁschel werden dann in einen MŁlleimer der Geschichte Aufschrift am Eimer entsorgt. Hier: Vor dem Gewerkschaftshaus Flensburg, Große Straße. Aufnahme vom 03.10.2022, Flensburg, Innenstadt *** Flensburg, Schleswig Holstein, solidarity demonstration for the women in Iran Demonstrators cut off part of their hair with scissors in protest against the Iranian government, as a symbol of protest The tufts of hair are then disposed of in a trash can of history inscription on the bucket Here In fron


KRAKOW, POLAND - OCTOBER 01: A woman with the face painted with Iran's flag colours poses during a solidarity protest for Mahsa Amini, a 22 years old Iranian woman who died under custody by Iran's morality police for not wearing her hijab properly at Krakow's UNESCO listed Main Square on October 01, 2022 in Krakow, Poland. The death of Mahsa Amini, sparked national protests and according to Human RIghts groups the death toll has reached 86. Omar Marques / Anadolu Agency/ABACAPRESS.COM


01 October 2022, Hessen, Frankfurt/Main: Demonstrators stand in front of the Iranian Consulate General in the afternoon. Thousands had shown solidarity with the anti-government protests in Iran. According to police reports, around 2800 people took part in the demonstration march from Opernplatz to the Iranian Consulate General alone. Photo: Frank Rumpenhorst/dpa


01 October 2022, Hessen, Frankfurt/Main: Demonstrators march with placards in the direction of the Iranian Consulate General in the afternoon. Thousands had shown solidarity with the anti-government protests in Iran. According to police reports, around 2800 people took part in the demonstration march from Opernplatz to the Iranian Consulate General alone. Photo: Frank Rumpenhorst/dpa


01 October 2022, Hessen, Frankfurt/Main: Demonstrators stand in front of the Iranian Consulate General in the afternoon. Thousands had shown solidarity with the anti-government protests in Iran. According to police reports, around 2800 people took part in the demonstration march from Opernplatz to the Iranian Consulate General alone. Photo: Frank Rumpenhorst/dpa


01 October 2022, Hessen, Frankfurt/Main: Demonstrators stand in front of the Iranian Consulate General in the afternoon with a placard reading "Islamic Republic we do not want" and one with the name of Mahsa Amini. Thousands had shown solidarity with the anti-government protests in Iran. According to police reports, around 2800 people took part in the demonstration march from Opernplatz to the Iranian Consulate General alone. Photo: Frank Rumpenhorst/dpa


01 October 2022, Hessen, Frankfurt/Main: Demonstrators march with placards in the direction of the Iranian Consulate General in the afternoon. Thousands had shown solidarity with the anti-government protests in Iran. According to police reports, around 2800 people took part in the demonstration march from Opernplatz to the Iranian Consulate General alone. Photo: Frank Rumpenhorst/dpa


01.10.2022, Berlin DEU Solidaritaet mit den Buergerprotesten im Iran. Protestkundgebung auf dem Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte. Mehrere 100 Menschen forderten Freiheit im Iran *** 01 10 2022, Berlin DEU Solidarity with the citizen protests in Iran Protest rally at Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte Several 100 people demanded freedom in Iran


01.10.2022, Berlin DEU Solidaritaet mit den Buergerprotesten im Iran. Protestkundgebung auf dem Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte. Mehrere 100 Menschen forderten Freiheit im Iran *** 01 10 2022, Berlin DEU Solidarity with the citizen protests in Iran Protest rally at Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte Several 100 people demanded freedom in Iran


01.10.2022, Berlin DEU Solidaritaet mit den Buergerprotesten im Iran. Protestkundgebung auf dem Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte. Mehrere 100 Menschen forderten Freiheit im Iran *** 01 10 2022, Berlin DEU Solidarity with the citizen protests in Iran Protest rally at Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte Several 100 people demanded freedom in Iran


01.10.2022, Berlin DEU Solidaritaet mit den Buergerprotesten im Iran. Protestkundgebung auf dem Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte. Mehrere 100 Menschen forderten Freiheit im Iran *** 01 10 2022, Berlin DEU Solidarity with the citizen protests in Iran Protest rally at Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte Several 100 people demanded freedom in Iran


01.10.2022, Berlin DEU Solidaritaet mit den Buergerprotesten im Iran. Protestkundgebung auf dem Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte. Mehrere 100 Menschen forderten Freiheit im Iran *** 01 10 2022, Berlin DEU Solidarity with the citizen protests in Iran Protest rally at Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte Several 100 people demanded freedom in Iran


01.10.2022, Berlin DEU Solidaritaet mit den Buergerprotesten im Iran. Protestkundgebung auf dem Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte. Mehrere 100 Menschen forderten Freiheit im Iran und gedachten der getoeteten Demonstranten *** 01 10 2022, Berlin DEU Solidarity with the civil protests in Iran Protest rally on Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte Several 100 people demanded freedom in Iran and commemorated the killed demonstrators


01.10.2022, Berlin DEU Solidaritaet mit den Buergerprotesten im Iran. Protestkundgebung auf dem Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte. Mehrere 100 Menschen forderten Freiheit im Iran und gedachten der getoeteten Demonstranten *** 01 10 2022, Berlin DEU Solidarity with the civil protests in Iran Protest rally on Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte Several 100 people demanded freedom in Iran and commemorated the killed demonstrators


01.10.2022, Berlin DEU Solidaritaet mit den Buergerprotesten im Iran. Protestkundgebung auf dem Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte. Mehrere 100 Menschen forderten Freiheit im Iran . *** 01 10 2022, Berlin DEU Solidarity with the citizen protests in Iran Protest rally at Bebelplatz in Berlin Mitte Several 100 people demanded freedom in Iran


2022-09-29 20:30:30 AMSTERDAM - Participants in a demonstration on Dam Square express their solidarity with Iranian women in Iran. Worldwide protests have been going on for days after the death of Mahsa Amini. This 22-year-old woman died earlier this month after being arrested for violating the country's strict dress code. ANP EVERT ELZINGA netherlands out - belgium out


2022-09-29 20:15:27 AMSTERDAM - Participants in a demonstration on Dam Square express their solidarity with Iranian women in Iran. Worldwide protests have been going on for days after the death of Mahsa Amini. This 22-year-old woman died earlier this month after being arrested for violating the country's strict dress code. ANP EVERT ELZINGA netherlands out - belgium out


2022-09-29 20:31:26 AMSTERDAM - Participants in a demonstration on Dam Square express their solidarity with Iranian women in Iran. Worldwide protests have been going on for days after the death of Mahsa Amini. This 22-year-old woman died earlier this month after being arrested for violating the country's strict dress code. ANP EVERT ELZINGA netherlands out - belgium out


2022-09-29 20:36:47 AMSTERDAM - Participants in a demonstration on Dam Square express their solidarity with Iranian women in Iran. Worldwide protests have been going on for days after the death of Mahsa Amini. This 22-year-old woman died earlier this month after being arrested for violating the country's strict dress code. ANP EVERT ELZINGA netherlands out - belgium out


2022-09-29 20:45:13 AMSTERDAM - Participants in a demonstration on Dam Square express their solidarity with Iranian women in Iran. Worldwide protests have been going on for days after the death of Mahsa Amini. This 22-year-old woman died earlier this month after being arrested for violating the country's strict dress code. ANP EVERT ELZINGA netherlands out - belgium out


2022-09-29 20:04:57 AMSTERDAM - Participants in a demonstration on Dam Square express their solidarity with Iranian women in Iran. Worldwide protests have been going on for days after the death of Mahsa Amini. This 22-year-old woman died earlier this month after being arrested for violating the country's strict dress code. ANP EVERT ELZINGA netherlands out - belgium out


2022-09-29 20:04:46 AMSTERDAM - Participants in a demonstration on Dam Square express their solidarity with Iranian women in Iran. Worldwide protests have been going on for days after the death of Mahsa Amini. This 22-year-old woman died earlier this month after being arrested for violating the country's strict dress code. ANP EVERT ELZINGA netherlands out - belgium out


2022-09-29 20:25:48 AMSTERDAM - Participants in a demonstration on Dam Square express their solidarity with Iranian women in Iran. Worldwide protests have been going on for days after the death of Mahsa Amini. This 22-year-old woman died earlier this month after being arrested for violating the country's strict dress code. ANP EVERT ELZINGA netherlands out - belgium out


2022-09-29 20:18:51 AMSTERDAM - Participants in a demonstration on Dam Square express their solidarity with Iranian women in Iran. Worldwide protests have been going on for days after the death of Mahsa Amini. This 22-year-old woman died earlier this month after being arrested for violating the country's strict dress code. Left Mina Saadadi, right journalist Naeeda Aurangzeb.ANP EVERT ELZINGA netherlands out - belgium out


2022-09-29 20:15:02 AMSTERDAM - Participants in a demonstration on Dam Square express their solidarity with Iranian women in Iran. Worldwide protests have been going on for days after the death of Mahsa Amini. This 22-year-old woman died earlier this month after being arrested for violating the country's strict dress code. ANP EVERT ELZINGA netherlands out - belgium out


2022-09-29 20:13:21 AMSTERDAM - Participants in a demonstration on Dam Square express their solidarity with Iranian women in Iran. Worldwide protests have been going on for days after the death of Mahsa Amini. This 22-year-old woman died earlier this month after being arrested for violating the country's strict dress code. ANP EVERT ELZINGA netherlands out - belgium out


2022-09-29 20:03:34 AMSTERDAM - Participants in a demonstration on Dam Square express their solidarity with Iranian women in Iran. Worldwide protests have been going on for days after the death of Mahsa Amini. This 22-year-old woman died earlier this month after being arrested for violating the country's strict dress code. ANP EVERT ELZINGA netherlands out - belgium out


28 September 2022, Berlin: Actress Pegah Ferydoni speaks to participants in front of Dorothee Bär (3rd from right, CSU) at the Brandenburg Gate during an event for solidarity with the protests in Iran. Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa


28 September 2022, Berlin: Actress Pegah Ferydoni speaks alongside Ricarda Lang (6th from right), federal leader of BŁndnis 90/Die GrŁnen, and Dorothee Bär (3rd from right, CSU) at the Brandenburg Gate at an event for solidarity with the protests in Iran. Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa


28 September 2022, Berlin: A participant holds up a placard reading "Women, Life, Freedom" next to Dorothee Bär (l, CSU) at the Brandenburg Gate during an event in solidarity with the protests in Iran. Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa


28 September 2022, Berlin: Ricarda Lang (4th from left), federal chairwoman of BŁndnis 90/Die GrŁnen, and Dorothee Bär (r), CSU member of parliament, take part in an event for solidarity with the protests in Iran at the Brandenburg Gate. Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa


28 September 2022, Berlin: Omid Nouripour (M), federal chairman of BŁndnis 90/Die GrŁnen, and Ricarda Lang (2nd from right), federal chairwoman of BŁndnis 90/Die GrŁnen, take part in an event at the Brandenburg Gate in support of solidarity with the protests in Iran. Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa


28 September 2022, Berlin: Omid Nouripour (M), federal chairman of BŁndnis 90/Die GrŁnen, and Ricarda Lang (front r), federal chairwoman of BŁndnis 90/Die GrŁnen, take part in an event at the Brandenburg Gate in support of solidarity with the protests in Iran. Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa


28.09.2022, Berlin, Deutschland, Europa - Eine Frau protestiert zusammen mit anderen Aktivisten, vor allem Frauen, waehrend einer Solidaritaetskundgebung auf dem Pariser Platz anlaesslich der Ausschreitungen im Iran nach dem Tod von Mahsa Amini. Es soll auf die Situation von Frauen und Kindern in Konflikten hingewiesen werden mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die aktuelle Situation von Frauen im Iran aber auch auf die Lage von Frauen weltweit. Unter den Teilnehmern der Kundgebung vor dem Brandenburger Tor waren auch einige deutsche Politiker und Prominente, wie die CSU-Politikerin und Bundestagsabgeordnete und ehemalige Staatsministerin Dorothee Baer, hier links im Bild. *** 28 09 2022, Berlin, Germany, Europe A woman protests together with othe


28 September 2022, Berlin: A poster reading "My body my choice" is seen at an event for solidarity with the protests in Iran. Photo: Kay Nietfeld/dpa
