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Oleksii Makeiev in Hamburg (13)

New Rada


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25 January 2023, Hamburg: Oleksii Makeiev, Ambassador of Ukraine, answers the questions of media representatives after a media appointment of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce in the Europa Passage. In light of the expected delivery of Leorpard-2 main battle tanks to Ukraine, Ambassador Makeiev expressed his delight at the formation of a "large tank coalition." "These tanks will help us repel the Russian offensive and liberate our Russian-occupied territories and people," he said during a visit to Hamburg. Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa


25 January 2023, Hamburg: Oleksii Makeiev, Ambassador of Ukraine, stands in front of the Europa Passage after a media appointment at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce. In view of the expected delivery of Leorpard-2 battle tanks to Ukraine, Ambassador Makeiev expressed his delight at the formation of a "large tank coalition". Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa


25 January 2023, Hamburg: Oleksii Makeiev, Ambassador of Ukraine, answers the questions of media representatives after a media appointment of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce in the Europa Passage. In view of the expected delivery of Leorpard-2 battle tanks to Ukraine, Ambassador Makeiev expressed his delight at the formation of a "large tank coalition." "These tanks will help us repel the Russian offensive and liberate our Russian-occupied territories and people," he said during a visit to Hamburg. Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa


25 January 2023, Hamburg: Oleksii Makeiev, Ambassador of Ukraine, answers the questions of media representatives after a media appointment of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce in the Europa Passage. In view of the expected delivery of Leorpard-2 battle tanks to Ukraine, Ambassador Makeiev expressed his delight at the formation of a "large tank coalition". Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa


25 January 2023, Hamburg: Oleksii Makeiev, Ambassador of Ukraine, and Iryna Tybinka, Consul General of Ukraine, ride an escalator after a media event at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce in the Europa Passage. In light of the expected delivery of Leorpard-2 battle tanks to Ukraine, Ambassador Makeiev expressed his delight at the formation of a "large tank coalition." "These tanks will help us repel the Russian offensive and liberate our Russian-occupied territories and people," he said during a visit to Hamburg. Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa


25 January 2023, Hamburg: Oleksii Makeiev, Ambassador of Ukraine, answers the questions of media representatives after a media appointment of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce in the Europa Passage. In view of the expected delivery of Leorpard-2 battle tanks to Ukraine, Ambassador Makeiev expressed his delight at the formation of a "large tank coalition." "These tanks will help us repel the Russian offensive and liberate our Russian-occupied territories and people," he said during a visit to Hamburg. Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa


25 January 2023, Hamburg: Oleksii Makeiev, Ambassador of Ukraine, answers the questions of media representatives after a media appointment of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce in the Europa Passage. In view of the expected delivery of Leorpard-2 battle tanks to Ukraine, Ambassador Makeiev expressed his delight at the formation of a "large tank coalition". Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa


25 January 2023, Hamburg: Oleksii Makeiev, Ambassador of Ukraine, stands in the Europa Passage in the city center after a visit to the Chamber of Commerce's "Hamburg tritt an" action day. As part of "Hamburg tritt an", a bicycle ergometer will be used to shine a light in the Europa Passage for an entire year. Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa


25 January 2023, Hamburg: Oleksii Makeiev (front M), Ambassador of Ukraine, sits on an ergometer during the Chamber of Commerce action day "Hamburg tritt an" in the Europa Passage in the city center. Also in the picture are Martin BlŁthmann (l-r), initiator of "Hamburg tritt an", Jörg Harengerd, center manager of the Europa Passage, Malte Heyne, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, and Wilfried Baur, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce. As part of "Hamburg tritt an", a bicycle ergometer will be used to shine a light in the Europa Passage for an entire year. Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa


25 January 2023, Hamburg: Oleksii Makeiev, Ambassador of Ukraine, sits on an ergometer during the Chamber of Commerce action day "Hamburg tritt an" in the Europa Passage in the city center. In the background are Iryna Tybinka (r), Consul General of Ukraine, and Jörg Harengerd, center manager of the Europa Passage. As part of "Hamburg tritt an", a bicycle ergometer will be used to shine a light in the Europa Passage for an entire year. Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa


25 January 2023, Hamburg: Oleksii Makeiev, Ambassador of Ukraine, sits on an ergometer during the Chamber of Commerce action day "Hamburg tritt an" in the Europa Passage in the city center. Malte Heyne, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, is on the right. As part of "Hamburg tritt an", a bicycle ergometer will be used to shine a light in the Europa Passage for an entire year. Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa


25 January 2023, Hamburg: Oleksii Makeiev (front M), ambassador of Ukraine, sits on an ergometer during the Chamber of Commerce action day "Hamburg tritt an" in the Europa Passage in the city center. Also in the picture are Martin BlŁthmann (l), initiator of "Hamburg tritt an", Jörg Harengerd (2nd from left), center manager of the Europa Passage, as well as Malte Heyne (4th from left), CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, and Wilfried Baur (5th from right), Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce. As part of "Hamburg tritt an", a bicycle ergometer will be used to shine a light in the Europa Passage for an entire year. Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa


25 January 2023, Hamburg: Oleksii Makeiev (front M), Ambassador of Ukraine, sits on an ergometer during the Chamber of Commerce action day "Hamburg tritt an" in the Europa Passage in the city center. Also in the picture are Martin BlŁthmann (l-r), initiator of "Hamburg tritt an", Jörg Harengerd, center manager of the Europa Passage, Iryna Tybinka, Consul General of Ukraine, Malte Heyne, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, and Wilfried Baur, Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce. As part of "Hamburg tritt an", a bicycle ergometer will be used to shine a light in the Europa Passage for an entire year. Photo: Marcus Brandt/dpa
