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New CDU party leader Armin Laschet (363)

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Digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschlands 16.01.2021: Livestream. Wegen der Corona-Beschrankungen findet der 33. Parteitag der CDU virtuell statt. Die Kandidaten fur den CDU Vorsitzenden. Armin Laschet Friedrich Merz Dr.Norbert R?ttgen *** Digital Party Congress of the CDU of Germany 16 01 2021 Livestream Due to Corona restrictions, the 33 Party Congress of the CDU will be held virtually The candidates for CDU Chairman Armin Laschet Friedrich Merz Dr Norbert R?ttgen


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: Sieger Armin Laschet CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo Winner Armin Laschet CDU Party Congress


16.01.2021 xkhx , 33. Parteitag der CDU Deutschland digital / Virtuell Livestream Stichwahl um den CDU Parteivorsitz zwischen den Bewerbern Armin Laschet und Friedrich Merz - Laschet liegt vorn *** 16 01 2021 xkhx , 33 Party Congress of the CDU Germany digital Virtual Livestream run-off election for the CDU party chairmanship between the candidates Armin Laschet and Friedrich Merz Laschet is in front


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: Armin Laschet bei seiner Rede CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo Armin Laschet during his speech CDU Party Congress


Digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschlands 16.01.2021: Livestream. Wegen der Corona-Beschrankungen findet der 33. Parteitag der CDU virtuell statt. Fragerunde an die Kandidaten fur den CDU Vorsitzenden. Armin Laschet *** Digital Party Congress of the CDU of Germany 16 01 2021 Livestream Due to Corona restrictions, the 33 Party Congress of the CDU will be held virtually Question and answer session to the candidates for CDU Chairman Armin Laschet


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: Armin Laschet bei seiner Rede CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo Armin Laschet during his speech CDU Party Congress


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: Armin Laschet CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo Armin Laschet CDU Party Congress


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: Armin Laschet CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo Armin Laschet CDU Party Congress


33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland am 16.01.2021 in Berlin Livestream der Rede von Armin Laschet, er hat die Wahl gewonnen Foto: osnapix 33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland *** 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany on 16 01 2021 in Berlin Livestream of the speech of Armin Laschet, he won the election photo osnapix 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany MH


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: Armin Laschet bei seiner Rede CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo Armin Laschet during his speech CDU Party Congress


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: Armin Laschet bei seiner Rede CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo Armin Laschet during his speech CDU Party Congress


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: Armin Laschet CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo Armin Laschet CDU Party Congress


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: Armin Laschet CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo Armin Laschet CDU Party Congress


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: Armin Laschet bei seiner Rede CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo Armin Laschet during his speech CDU Party Congress


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: Armin Laschet bei seiner Rede CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo Armin Laschet during his speech CDU Party Congress


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet (centre) speaks after his election at the digital federal party conference of the CDU, l-r: Norbert R?ttgen, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Paul Ziemiak, Friedrich Merz. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet (2nd from left) walks through the hall with Norbert R?ttgen (2nd from right), Secretary General Paul Ziemiak ((l) and Friedrich Merz after his election at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: v.l.n.r.: Norbert Roettgen, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Sieger Armin Laschet , GeneralsekretaerPaul Ziemiak und Friedrich Merz CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo f l n r Norbert Roettgen, Annegret Kramp Karrenbauer, winner Armin Laschet , Secretary GeneralPaul Ziemiak and Friedrich Merz CDU Party Congress


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: Sieger Armin Laschet und Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo winner Armin Laschet and Annegret Kramp Karrenbauer CDU Party Congress


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: v.l.n.r.: Norbert Roettgen, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Friedrich Merz, Sieger Armin Laschet und GeneralsekretaerPaul Ziemiak CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo f l n r Norbert Roettgen, Annegret Kramp Karrenbauer, Friedrich Merz, winner Armin Laschet and Secretary GeneralPaul Ziemiak CDU Party Congress


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: v.l.n.r.: Norbert Roettgen, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Friedrich Merz, Sieger Armin Laschet und GeneralsekretaerPaul Ziemiak CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo f l n r Norbert Roettgen, Annegret Kramp Karrenbauer, Friedrich Merz, winner Armin Laschet and Secretary GeneralPaul Ziemiak CDU Party Congress


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: Sieger Armin Laschet CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo Winner Armin Laschet CDU Party Congress


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: v.l.n.r.: Norbert Roettgen, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Sieger Armin Laschet , GeneralsekretaerPaul Ziemiak und Friedrich Merz CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo f l n r Norbert Roettgen, Annegret Kramp Karrenbauer, winner Armin Laschet , Secretary GeneralPaul Ziemiak and Friedrich Merz CDU Party Congress


33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland am 16.01.2021 in Berlin Generalsekretar Paul Ziemiak gratuliert dem Gewinner Armin Laschet, er hat die Wahl gewonnen Foto: osnapix 33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland *** 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany on 16 01 2021 in Berlin Secretary General Paul Ziemiak congratulates the winner Armin Laschet, he won the election Photo osnapix 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany MH


Armin Laschet, neuer Parteivorsitzender der CDU, 33. CDU-Parteitag im Livestream, DEU, Berlin, 16.01.2021 *** Armin Laschet, new chairman of the CDU, 33 CDU party conference in livestream, DEU, Berlin, 16 01 2021


Armin Laschet, neuer Parteivorsitzender der CDU, 33. CDU-Parteitag im Livestream, DEU, Berlin, 16.01.2021 *** Armin Laschet, new chairman of the CDU, 33 CDU party conference in livestream, DEU, Berlin, 16 01 2021


Armin Laschet, Friedrich Merz, in der Stichwahl um den Parteivorsitz der CDU. Armin Laschet siegt gegen Friedrich Merz, 33. CDU-Parteitag im Livestream, DEU, Berlin, 16.01.2021 *** Armin Laschet, Friedrich Merz, in the run-off election for the party chairmanship of the CDU Armin Laschet wins against Friedrich Merz, 33 CDU party conference in livestream, DEU, Berlin, 16 01 2021


Armin Laschet, Friedrich Merz, Norbert Roettgen vor dem ersten Wahlgang fuer den Parteivorsitz der CDU, 33. CDU-Parteitag im Livestream, DEU, Berlin, 16.01.2021 *** Armin Laschet, Friedrich Merz, Norbert Roettgen before the first ballot for the CDU party chairmanship, 33 CDU party conference in livestream, DEU, Berlin, 16 01 2021


16.01.2021 xkhx , 33. Parteitag der CDU Deutschland digital / Virtuell Livestream CDU Parteivorsitz Die CDU hat einen neuen Parteivorsitzenden - NRW-Ministerprasident Armin Laschet *** 16 01 2021 xkhx , 33 Party Congress of the CDU Germany digital Virtual Livestream CDU Party Chair The CDU has a new party chair NRW Minister President Armin Laschet


16.01.2021 xkhx , 33. Parteitag der CDU Deutschland digital / Virtuell Livestream CDU Parteivorsitz Die CDU hat einen neuen Parteivorsitzenden - NRW-Ministerprasident Armin Laschet *** 16 01 2021 xkhx , 33 Party Congress of the CDU Germany digital Virtual Livestream CDU Party Chair The CDU has a new party chair NRW Minister President Armin Laschet


16.01.2021 xkhx , 33. Parteitag der CDU Deutschland digital / Virtuell Livestream Stichwahl um den CDU Parteivorsitz NRW-Ministerprasident Armin Laschet hat die Stichwahl gegen Friedrich Merz gewonnen und die scheidende Parteichefin Kramp-Karrenbauer gratuliert *** 16 01 2021 xkhx , 33 Party Congress of the CDU Germany digital Virtual Livestream Run-off election for the CDU party chair NRW Minister President Armin Laschet has won the run-off against Friedrich Merz and outgoing party leader Kramp Karrenbauer congratulated


33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland am 16.01.2021 in Berlin Armin Laschet hat die Wahl gewonnen Foto: osnapix 33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland *** 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany on 16 01 2021 in Berlin Armin Laschet won the election Photo osnapix 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany MH


16 January 2021, Berlin: The candidates for the party chair, l-r: Friedrich Merz, Norbert R?ttgen and Armin Laschet come on stage for a question and answer session at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The candidates for the party chair, l-r: Friedrich Merz, Norbert R?ttgen and Armin Laschet come on stage for a question and answer session at the CDU's digital federal party conference. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The candidates for the party chair, l-r: Armin Laschet, Norbert R?ttgen and Friedrich Merz stand during a question and answer session at the CDU's digital federal party conference. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The candidates for the party chair, l-r: Armin Laschet, Norbert R?ttgen and Friedrich Merz stand during a question and answer session at the CDU's digital federal party conference. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet (2nd from right) accepts congratulations from the defeated Norbert R?ttgen (l) after his election at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. Behind him is outgoing chair Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, on the right the defeated Friedrich Merz. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


dpatop - 16 January 2021, Berlin: NRW Minister President and candidate for the party chairmanship, Armin Laschet, speaks at the CDU's digital national party conference. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: die Kandidaten: Armin Laschet, Friedrich Merz und Norbert Roettgen CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo the candidates Armin Laschet, Friedrich Merz and Norbert Roettgen CDU Party Congress


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: die Bergmannsmarke des Opas von Armin Laschet als Gluecksbringer CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU party congress photo the miners brand of the grandfather of Armin Laschet as luck bringer CDU party congress


33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland am 16.01.2021 in Berlin Armin Laschet hat die Wahl gewonnen Foto: osnapix 33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland *** 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany on 16 01 2021 in Berlin Armin Laschet won the election Photo osnapix 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany MH


33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland am 16.01.2021 in Berlin Armin Laschet hat die Wahl gewonnen Foto: osnapix 33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland *** 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany on 16 01 2021 in Berlin Armin Laschet won the election Photo osnapix 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany MH


Ergebnis des 2. Wahlganges zum CDU-Parteivorsitz im Rahmen des 33. Parteitages der CDU Deutschland in Berlin, 16.01.2021. Demnach erhaelt Friedrich Merz 466 Stimmen und Armin Laschet 521 Stimmen in der Stichwahl. Laschet wird demnach neuer Bundesvorsitzender der CDU. Der Parteitag wird Freitag und Samstag mit 1001 CDU-Delegierten ausschliesslich digital veranstaltet. Berlin Deutschland *** Result of the 2nd ballot for the CDU party chairmanship at the 33rd party congress of the CDU Germany in Berlin, 16 01 2021 According to the results, Friedrich Merz received 466 votes and Armin Laschet 521 votes in the runoff Laschet will therefore be the new federal chairman of the CDU The party congress will be held Friday and Saturday with 1001 CDU d Copyright: xFlorianxGaertner/photothek.dex


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: Armin Laschet bei seiner Rede CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo Armin Laschet during his speech CDU Party Congress


Armin Laschet, CDU, Ministerpraesident von Nordrhein-Westfalen, aufgenommen auf einem Computermonitor bei seiner Bewerbungsrede zum CDU-Parteivorsitz im Rahmen des 33. Parteitages der CDU Deutschland in Berlin, 16.01.2021. Der Parteitag wird Freitag und Samstag mit 1001 CDU-Delegierten ausschliesslich digital veranstaltet. Hoehepunkt des Parteitages ist die Wahl des neuen Bundesvorsitzenden der CDU und damit des Nachfolgers von Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Berlin Deutschland *** Armin Laschet, CDU, State Premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, recorded on a computer monitor during his candidacy speech for the CDU party presidency at the 33rd party congress of the CDU Germany in Berlin, 16 01 2021 The party congress will be held on Friday and Sa Copyright: xFlorianxGaertner/photothek.dex


Armin Laschet, Kandidat fuer den Parteivorsitz der CDU und Ministerpraesident von NRW, 33. CDU-Parteitag im Livestream, DEU, Berlin, 16.01.2021 *** Armin Laschet, candidate for CDU party chair and State Premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, 33 CDU party conference in livestream, DEU, Berlin, 16 01 2021


16 January 2021, Berlin: NRW Minister President and candidate for the party chairmanship, Armin Laschet, speaks at the CDU's digital federal party conference and is broadcast on monitors in a press room. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus au?ert sich zur Wahl von Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion gibt ein Pressestatement anlasslich der Wahl des neuen CDU Parteivorsitzenden Armin Laschet Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerprasident am 16.01.2020 im Bundestag. Armin Laschet wird somit Nachfolger der bisherigen Parteivorsitzenden Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Verteidigungsministerin. Berlin Bundestag Berlin Deutschland *** Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus comments on the election of Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Chairman of the CDU CSU parliamentary group gives a press statement on the occasion of the election of the new CDU party leader Armin Laschet North Rhine-Westphalias Minister President on 16 01 2020 in the Bundest


Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus au?ert sich zur Wahl von Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion gibt ein Pressestatement anlasslich der Wahl des neuen CDU Parteivorsitzenden Armin Laschet Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerprasident am 16.01.2020 im Bundestag. Armin Laschet wird somit Nachfolger der bisherigen Parteivorsitzenden Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Verteidigungsministerin. Berlin Bundestag Berlin Deutschland *** Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus comments on the election of Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Chairman of the CDU CSU parliamentary group gives a press statement on the occasion of the election of the new CDU party leader Armin Laschet North Rhine-Westphalias Minister President on 16 01 2020 in the Bundest


Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus au?ert sich zur Wahl von Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion gibt ein Pressestatement anlasslich der Wahl des neuen CDU Parteivorsitzenden Armin Laschet Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerprasident am 16.01.2020 im Bundestag. Armin Laschet wird somit Nachfolger der bisherigen Parteivorsitzenden Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Verteidigungsministerin. Berlin Bundestag Berlin Deutschland *** Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus comments on the election of Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Chairman of the CDU CSU parliamentary group gives a press statement on the occasion of the election of the new CDU party leader Armin Laschet North Rhine-Westphalias Minister President on 16 01 2020 in the Bundest


Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus au?ert sich zur Wahl von Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion gibt ein Pressestatement anlasslich der Wahl des neuen CDU Parteivorsitzenden Armin Laschet Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerprasident am 16.01.2020 im Bundestag. Armin Laschet wird somit Nachfolger der bisherigen Parteivorsitzenden Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Verteidigungsministerin. Berlin Bundestag Berlin Deutschland *** Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus comments on the election of Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Chairman of the CDU CSU parliamentary group gives a press statement on the occasion of the election of the new CDU party leader Armin Laschet North Rhine-Westphalias Minister President on 16 01 2020 in the Bundestag A


Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus au?ert sich zur Wahl von Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion gibt ein Pressestatement anlasslich der Wahl des neuen CDU Parteivorsitzenden Armin Laschet Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerprasident am 16.01.2020 im Bundestag. Armin Laschet wird somit Nachfolger der bisherigen Parteivorsitzenden Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Verteidigungsministerin. Berlin Bundestag Berlin Deutschland *** Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus comments on the election of Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Chairman of the CDU CSU parliamentary group gives a press statement on the occasion of the election of the new CDU party leader Armin Laschet North Rhine-Westphalias Minister President on 16 01 2020 in the Bundestag A


16 January 2021, Berlin: RECROP - The defeated Friedrich Merz (r) congratulates Armin Laschet on his election as party chairman at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet accepts the congratulations of his predecessor Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet (centre) accepts the congratulations of his predecessor Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. On the right, the defeated candidate Friedrich Merz. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event via livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet (centre) accepts the congratulations of his predecessor Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. On the right, the defeated candidate Friedrich Merz. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet speaks at the digital federal party conference of the CDU after his election. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The candidates for the party chair, l-r: Armin Laschet, Friedrich Merz and Norbert R?ttgen stand during a question and answer session at the CDU's digital federal party conference. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


Armin Laschet, Norbert Roettgen, Friedrich Merz Kandidaten fuer den Parteivorsitz der CDU, 33. CDU-Parteitag im Livestream, DEU, Berlin, 16.01.2021 *** Armin Laschet, Norbert Roettgen, Friedrich Merz candidates for CDU party chair, 33 CDU party conference in livestream, DEU, Berlin, 16 01 2021


L-R Armin Laschet, CDU, Ministerpraesident von Nordrhein-Westfalen, Norbert Roettgen und Friedrich Merz, aufgenommen auf einem Computermonitor bei einer Diskussion im Rahmen des 33. Parteitages der CDU Deutschland in Berlin, 16.01.2021. Der Parteitag wird Freitag und Samstag mit 1001 CDU-Delegierten ausschliesslich digital veranstaltet. Hoehepunkt des Parteitages ist die Wahl des neuen Bundesvorsitzenden der CDU und damit des Nachfolgers von Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Berlin Deutschland *** L R Armin Laschet, CDU, State Premier of North Rhine Westphalia, Norbert Roettgen and Friedrich Merz, recorded on a computer monitor during a discussion at the 33rd party congress of the CDU Germany in Berlin, 16 01 2021 The party congress will be h Copyright: xFlorianxGaertner/photothek.dex


16 January 2021, Berlin: The candidates for the party chair, l-r: Armin Laschet, Norbert R?ttgen and Friedrich Merz arrive on stage at the digital federal party conference of the CDU for the announcement of the election results. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The candidates for the party chair, l-r: Armin Laschet, Norbert R?ttgen and Friedrich Merz stand on stage at the digital federal party conference of the CDU for the announcement of the election results. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The candidates for the party chair, l-r: Armin Laschet, Norbert R?ttgen and Friedrich Merz stand on stage at the digital federal party conference of the CDU for the announcement of the election results. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: L-r: Yvonne Magwas, the new CDU chairman Armin Laschet, secretary general Paul Ziemiak and Silvia Breher sit on the podium at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: L-r: Yvonne Magwas, the new CDU chairman Armin Laschet, secretary general Paul Ziemiak and Silvia Breher sit on the podium at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


Armin Laschet, CDU, Ministerpraesident von Nordrhein-Westfalen, aufgenommen auf einem Computermonitor bei seiner Bewerbungsrede zum CDU-Parteivorsitz im Rahmen des 33. Parteitages der CDU Deutschland in Berlin, 16.01.2021. Der Parteitag wird Freitag und Samstag mit 1001 CDU-Delegierten ausschliesslich digital veranstaltet. Hoehepunkt des Parteitages ist die Wahl des neuen Bundesvorsitzenden der CDU und damit des Nachfolgers von Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Berlin Deutschland *** Armin Laschet, CDU, State Premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, recorded on a computer monitor during his candidacy speech for the CDU party presidency at the 33rd party congress of the CDU Germany in Berlin, 16 01 2021 The party congress will be held on Friday and Sa Copyright: xFlorianxGaertner/photothek.dex


Armin Laschet, Kandidat fuer den Parteivorsitz der CDU und Ministerpraesident von NRW, 33. CDU-Parteitag im Livestream, DEU, Berlin, 16.01.2021 *** Armin Laschet, candidate for CDU party chair and State Premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, 33 CDU party conference in livestream, DEU, Berlin, 16 01 2021


Ergebnis des 1. Wahlganges zum CDU-Parteivorsitz im Rahmen des 33. Parteitages der CDU Deutschland in Berlin, 16.01.2021. Demnach erhaelt Friedrich Merz 385 Stimmen, Armin Laschet 380 Stimmen und Norbert Roettgen 224 Stimmen. Laschet und Merz gehen damit in eine Stichwahl. Der Parteitag wird Freitag und Samstag mit 1001 CDU-Delegierten ausschliesslich digital veranstaltet. Berlin Deutschland *** Result of the first ballot for the CDU party chairmanship at the 33rd party congress of the CDU Germany in Berlin, 16 01 2021 According to the results, Friedrich Merz received 385 votes, Armin Laschet 380 votes and Norbert Roettgen 224 votes Laschet and Merz will go into a runoff The party congress will be held Friday and Saturday with 1001 CDU de Copyright: xFlorianxGaertner/photothek.dex


16 January 2021, Berlin: RECROP - NRW Minister President and candidate for the party presidency, Armin Laschet, is speaking at the CDU's digital federal party conference, holding his father's miner's token. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: NRW Minister President and candidate for the party chairmanship, Armin Laschet, speaks at the CDU's digital national party conference, holding his father's miner's token. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


Digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschlands 16.01.2021: Livestream. Wegen der Corona-Beschrankungen findet der 33. Parteitag der CDU virtuell statt. Bewerbungsrede der Kandidaten fur den CDU Vorsitzenden. Armin Laschet *** Digital Party Congress of the CDU of Germany 16 01 2021 Livestream Due to Corona restrictions, the 33 Party Congress of the CDU will take place virtually Candidates speech for CDU Chairman Armin Laschet


Digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschlands 16.01.2021: Livestream. Wegen der Corona-Beschrankungen findet der 33. Parteitag der CDU virtuell statt. Bewerbungsrede der Kandidaten fur den CDU Vorsitzenden. Armin Laschet *** Digital Party Congress of the CDU of Germany 16 01 2021 Livestream Due to Corona restrictions, the 33 Party Congress of the CDU will take place virtually Candidates speech for CDU Chairman Armin Laschet


Digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschlands 16.01.2021: Livestream. Wegen der Corona-Beschrankungen findet der 33. Parteitag der CDU virtuell statt. Bewerbungsrede der Kandidaten fur den CDU Vorsitzenden. Armin Laschet *** Digital Party Congress of the CDU of Germany 16 01 2021 Livestream Due to Corona restrictions, the 33 Party Congress of the CDU will take place virtually Candidates speech for CDU Chairman Armin Laschet


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet sits on the podium at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet sits on the podium at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The candidates for the party chair, l-r: Norbert R?ttgen, Friedrich Merz and Armin Laschet stand with mouth and nose protection at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


dpatop - 16 January 2021, Berlin: The candidates for the party chair, l-r: Norbert R?ttgen, Friedrich Merz and Armin Laschet stand with mouth and nose protection at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The candidates for the party chair, l-r: Armin Laschet, Norbert R?ttgen and Friedrich Merz leave the stage at the digital federal party conference of the CDU after the announcement of the election results. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The defeated Friedrich Merz (r) congratulates Armin Laschet on his election as party leader at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The defeated Friedrich Merz (r) congratulates Armin Laschet on his election as party leader at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: NRW Minister President and candidate for the party chairmanship, Armin Laschet, speaks at the CDU's digital national party conference. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The candidates for the party chair, l-r: Armin Laschet, Norbert R?ttgen and Friedrich Merz stand during a question and answer session at the CDU's digital federal party conference. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland am 16.01.2021 in Berlin Armin Laschet hat die Wahl gewonnen Foto: osnapix 33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland *** 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany on 16 01 2021 in Berlin Armin Laschet won the election Photo osnapix 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany MH


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet sits on the podium at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet (l) sits on the podium next to Secretary General Paul Ziemiak at the CDU's digital federal party conference. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet sits on the podium at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: NRW Minister President and candidate for the party chairmanship, Armin Laschet, speaks at the CDU's digital national party conference. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus au?ert sich zur Wahl von Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion gibt ein Pressestatement anlasslich der Wahl des neuen CDU Parteivorsitzenden Armin Laschet Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerprasident am 16.01.2020 im Bundestag. Armin Laschet wird somit Nachfolger der bisherigen Parteivorsitzenden Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Verteidigungsministerin. Berlin Bundestag Berlin Deutschland *** Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus comments on the election of Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Chairman of the CDU CSU parliamentary group gives a press statement on the occasion of the election of the new CDU party leader Armin Laschet North Rhine-Westphalias Minister President on 16 01 2020 in the Bundestag A


Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus au?ert sich zur Wahl von Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion gibt ein Pressestatement anlasslich der Wahl des neuen CDU Parteivorsitzenden Armin Laschet Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerprasident am 16.01.2020 im Bundestag. Armin Laschet wird somit Nachfolger der bisherigen Parteivorsitzenden Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Verteidigungsministerin. Berlin Bundestag Berlin Deutschland *** Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus comments on the election of Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Chairman of the CDU CSU parliamentary group gives a press statement on the occasion of the election of the new CDU party leader Armin Laschet North Rhine-Westphalias Minister President on 16 01 2020 in the Bundest


Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus au?ert sich zur Wahl von Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion gibt ein Pressestatement anlasslich der Wahl des neuen CDU Parteivorsitzenden Armin Laschet Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerprasident am 16.01.2020 im Bundestag. Armin Laschet wird somit Nachfolger der bisherigen Parteivorsitzenden Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Verteidigungsministerin. Berlin Bundestag Berlin Deutschland *** Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus comments on the election of Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Chairman of the CDU CSU parliamentary group gives a press statement on the occasion of the election of the new CDU party leader Armin Laschet North Rhine-Westphalias Minister President on 16 01 2020 in the Bundestag A


Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus au?ert sich zur Wahl von Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion gibt ein Pressestatement anlasslich der Wahl des neuen CDU Parteivorsitzenden Armin Laschet Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerprasident am 16.01.2020 im Bundestag. Armin Laschet wird somit Nachfolger der bisherigen Parteivorsitzenden Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Verteidigungsministerin. Berlin Bundestag Berlin Deutschland *** Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus comments on the election of Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Chairman of the CDU CSU parliamentary group gives a press statement on the occasion of the election of the new CDU party leader Armin Laschet North Rhine-Westphalias Minister President on 16 01 2020 in the Bundest


Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus au?ert sich zur Wahl von Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion gibt ein Pressestatement anlasslich der Wahl des neuen CDU Parteivorsitzenden Armin Laschet Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerprasident am 16.01.2020 im Bundestag. Armin Laschet wird somit Nachfolger der bisherigen Parteivorsitzenden Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Verteidigungsministerin. Berlin Bundestag Berlin Deutschland *** Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus comments on the election of Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Chairman of the CDU CSU parliamentary group gives a press statement on the occasion of the election of the new CDU party leader Armin Laschet North Rhine-Westphalias Minister President on 16 01 2020 in the Bundestag A


Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus au?ert sich zur Wahl von Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion gibt ein Pressestatement anlasslich der Wahl des neuen CDU Parteivorsitzenden Armin Laschet Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerprasident am 16.01.2020 im Bundestag. Armin Laschet wird somit Nachfolger der bisherigen Parteivorsitzenden Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Verteidigungsministerin. Berlin Bundestag Berlin Deutschland *** Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus comments on the election of Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Chairman of the CDU CSU parliamentary group gives a press statement on the occasion of the election of the new CDU party leader Armin Laschet North Rhine-Westphalias Minister President on 16 01 2020 in the Bundestag A


Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus au?ert sich zur Wahl von Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion gibt ein Pressestatement anlasslich der Wahl des neuen CDU Parteivorsitzenden Armin Laschet Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerprasident am 16.01.2020 im Bundestag. Armin Laschet wird somit Nachfolger der bisherigen Parteivorsitzenden Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Verteidigungsministerin. Berlin Bundestag Berlin Deutschland *** Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus comments on the election of Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Chairman of the CDU CSU parliamentary group gives a press statement on the occasion of the election of the new CDU party leader Armin Laschet North Rhine-Westphalias Minister President on 16 01 2020 in the Bundestag A


Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus au?ert sich zur Wahl von Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion gibt ein Pressestatement anlasslich der Wahl des neuen CDU Parteivorsitzenden Armin Laschet Nordrhein-Westfalens Ministerprasident am 16.01.2020 im Bundestag. Armin Laschet wird somit Nachfolger der bisherigen Parteivorsitzenden Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer Verteidigungsministerin. Berlin Bundestag Berlin Deutschland *** Berlin, Ralph Brinkhaus comments on the election of Armin Laschet Ralph Brinkhaus Chairman of the CDU CSU parliamentary group gives a press statement on the occasion of the election of the new CDU party leader Armin Laschet North Rhine-Westphalias Minister President on 16 01 2020 in the Bundest


16 January 2021, Berlin: NRW Minister President and candidate for the party chairmanship, Armin Laschet, speaks at the CDU's digital national party conference. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


Digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschlands 16.01.2021: Livestream. Wegen der Corona-Beschrankungen findet der 33. Parteitag der CDU virtuell statt. Ergebnis im ersten Wahlgang der Kandidaten fur den CDU Vorsitzenden. Armin Laschet - 380 Friedrich Merz - 385 Dr.Norbert R?ttgen - 224 *** Digital Party Congress of the CDU of Germany 16 01 2021 Livestream Due to Corona restrictions, the 33 Party Congress of the CDU will take place virtually Result in the first round of voting of candidates for CDU Chairman Armin Laschet 380 Friedrich Merz 385 Dr Norbert R?ttgen 224


16 January 2021, Berlin: The candidates for the party chairmanship, l-r: Norbert R?ttgen, Friedrich Merz and Armin Laschet stand with mouth and nose protection at the digital federal party conference of the CDU and wait for the result of the vote. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: die Bergmannsmarke des Opas von Armin Laschet als Gluecksbringer CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU party congress photo the miners brand of the grandfather of Armin Laschet as luck bringer CDU party congress


Armin Laschet, CDU, Ministerpraesident von Nordrhein-Westfalen, aufgenommen auf einem Computermonitor bei seiner Bewerbungsrede zum CDU-Parteivorsitz im Rahmen des 33. Parteitages der CDU Deutschland in Berlin, 16.01.2021. Der Parteitag wird Freitag und Samstag mit 1001 CDU-Delegierten ausschliesslich digital veranstaltet. Hoehepunkt des Parteitages ist die Wahl des neuen Bundesvorsitzenden der CDU und damit des Nachfolgers von Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. Berlin Deutschland *** Armin Laschet, CDU, State Premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, recorded on a computer monitor during his candidacy speech for the CDU party presidency at the 33rd party congress of the CDU Germany in Berlin, 16 01 2021 The party congress will be held on Friday and Sa Copyright: xFlorianxGaertner/photothek.dex


33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland am 16.01.2021 in Berlin Livestream der Rede von Armin Laschet, er hat die Wahl gewonnen Foto: osnapix 33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland *** 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany on 16 01 2021 in Berlin Livestream of the speech of Armin Laschet, he won the election photo osnapix 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany MH


33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland am 16.01.2021 in Berlin Livestream der Rede von Armin Laschet, er hat die Wahl gewonnen Foto: osnapix 33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland *** 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany on 16 01 2021 in Berlin Livestream of the speech of Armin Laschet, he won the election photo osnapix 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany MH


33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland am 16.01.2021 in Berlin Livestream der Rede von Armin Laschet, er hat die Wahl gewonnen Foto: osnapix 33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland *** 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany on 16 01 2021 in Berlin Livestream of the speech of Armin Laschet, he won the election photo osnapix 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany MH


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet sits on the podium at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


dpatop - 16 January 2021, Berlin: RECROP - The defeated Friedrich Merz (r) congratulates Armin Laschet on his election as party chairman at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet sits on the podium at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet sits on the podium at the digital federal party conference of the CDU and talks to Yvonne Magwas. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet sits on the podium at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet sits on the podium at the digital federal party conference of the CDU and laughs. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet sits on the podium at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: The new party leader Armin Laschet sits on the podium at the digital federal party conference of the CDU. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: NRW Minister President and candidate for the party chairmanship, Armin Laschet, speaks at the CDU's digital national party conference. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: NRW Minister President and candidate for the party chairmanship, Armin Laschet, speaks at the CDU's digital national party conference. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: NRW Minister President and candidate for the party chairmanship, Armin Laschet, speaks at the CDU's digital national party conference. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: NRW Minister President and candidate for the party chairmanship, Armin Laschet, speaks at the CDU's digital national party conference. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


16 January 2021, Berlin: NRW Minister President and candidate for the party chairmanship, Armin Laschet, speaks at the CDU's digital national party conference. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


Deutschland, Berlin , 16.01.2021 CDU-Parteitag Foto: Armin Laschet bei seiner Rede CDU-Parteitag *** Germany, Berlin , 16 01 2021 CDU Party Congress Photo Armin Laschet during his speech CDU Party Congress


33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland am 16.01.2021 in Berlin Livestream der Rede von Armin Laschet, er hat die Wahl gewonnen, hier zeigt er die Erkennungssmarke seines Opas als Glucksbringer Foto: osnapix 33. digitaler Parteitag der CDU Deutschland *** 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany on 16 01 2021 in Berlin Livestream of the speech of Armin Laschet, he won the election, here he shows his grandfathers dog tag as a lucky charm Photo osnapix 33 digital party conference of the CDU Germany MH


16 January 2021, Berlin: The candidates for the party chair,r-l: Norbert R?ttgen, Armin Laschet and Friedrich Merz stand during a question and answer session at the CDU's digital federal party conference. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. In the studio, the candidates for the party presidency give their candidacy speeches, while the delegates at home follow the event in the livestream. Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa


12 January 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Duesseldorf: Armin Laschet (CDU), Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, speaks in the plenary session of the state parliament. In the special session, the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament debates the measures of the new corona lockdown. Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa


12 January 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Duesseldorf: Armin Laschet (CDU), Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, speaks in the plenary session of the state parliament. In the special session, the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament debates the measures of the new corona lockdown. Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa


12 January 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Duesseldorf: Armin Laschet (CDU), Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, walks to the lectern in the plenary session of the state parliament. In the special session, the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament debates the measures of the new corona lockdown. Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa


12 January 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Duesseldorf: Armin Laschet (CDU), Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, speaks in the plenary session of the state parliament. In special session, the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament debates the measures of the new Corona lockdown. Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa


12 January 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Duesseldorf: Armin Laschet (CDU), Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, greets his deputy, Joachim Stamp (FDP), in the plenary session of the state parliament. In the special session, the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament debates the measures of the new corona lockdown. Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa


12 January 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Duesseldorf: Armin Laschet (CDU), Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, comes to the plenary session of the state parliament. In the special session, the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament debates the measures of the new corona lockdown. Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa


12 January 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Duesseldorf: Armin Laschet (CDU), Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, speaks in the plenary session of the state parliament. In special session, the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament debates the measures of the new Corona lockdown. Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa


12 January 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Duesseldorf: Armin Laschet (CDU), Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, speaks in the plenary session of the state parliament. In special session, the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament debates the measures of the new Corona lockdown. Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa


12 January 2021, North Rhine-Westphalia, Duesseldorf: Armin Laschet (CDU), Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, speaks in the plenary session of the state parliament. In special session, the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament debates the measures of the new Corona lockdown. Photo: Federico Gambarini/dpa


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