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Afghan labourers load sacks of coal onto a truck bound for Pakistan, at a coal yard on the outskirts of Kabul on January 6, 2025. (Photo by Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
Afghan labourers load sacks of coal onto a truck bound for Pakistan, at a coal yard on the outskirts of Kabul on January 6, 2025. (Photo by Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
Afghan labourers shovel coal onto a truck bound for Pakistan, at a coal yard on the outskirts of Kabul on January 6, 2025. (Photo by Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
Afghan labourers load lumps of coal onto a mini truck, at a coal yard on the outskirts of Kabul on January 6, 2025. (Photo by Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
Afghan labourers load sacks of coal onto a truck bound for Pakistan, at a coal yard on the outskirts of Kabul on January 6, 2025. (Photo by Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
Afghan labourers shovel coal onto a truck bound for Pakistan, at a coal yard on the outskirts of Kabul on January 6, 2025. (Photo by Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
Afghan labourers load sacks of coal onto a truck bound for Pakistan, at a coal yard on the outskirts of Kabul on January 6, 2025. (Photo by Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)
Afghan labourers load sacks of coal onto a truck bound for Pakistan, at a coal yard on the outskirts of Kabul on January 6, 2025. (Photo by Wakil KOHSAR / AFP)